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Hot Mom Defends Herself Against Facebook Haters, gives a non-apology

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Why do you assume this woman has a full time nanny? She's not a personal trainer either.

The idea that 1 hour a week, every day is too much for normal parents is ridiculous. The reason why you don't look like that is because you don't want to put in the effort/don't want to look like that.

Just accept it, instead of making excuses.

Do some research on her. She was a personal trainer for 24/h or LA fitness (I cannot remember which) and now her job is writing about fitness and training. Read her interviews it is not possible for her to spend her day doing what she is doing and to raise three young kids, two of which are not school eligable yet. A lot of gyms that offer child care services won't even do it if the kid is less than 6 months old. It's not excuses.


I agree that a lot of unfit people use "I don't have time" as an excuse when it comes to weight loss. Most of weight is diet based. But, not every woman with 3 young kids has full time support so she can look like that. She talked about her schedule (if you read the story) and she never mentions the time she is spending raising her kids or taking care of the family. That's my problem.

Most of these things just come back to excuses and people not seeing it as a big enough problem for them to change their mindset and lifestyle. If something is important enough to someone, they'll make time for it.

It sounds like she only works out for an hour, and she presumably works at least a 9-5 if she owns two businesses. I would assume the rest of the time she's with her family. What we're seeing in her picture isn't so much the 1 hour a day working out, it's what she eats in between that time. Working out is important, but how someone looks is probably 75-90% what they eat and the remainder being their workouts.

Slappers Only

Junior Member
I think it's just the "excuse" phrasing that gets people's tits in a twist over this.

Nobody would wine about it if it said something like, "You can be fit too!"

Seems like a badass mom with good work ethic.


Inspiration cannot start with an accusation. She should have replaced the text with something more uplifting, positive and encouraging, and perhaps included a "before" picture.

That would probably make things worse considering she was just barely out of shape in the first place.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Ah, yes. Fibromyalgia, these disease of depressed middle aged women looking for an explanation for why they always feel like crap. Usually completely bonkers on top of everything.

(clearly this is a stereotype, but I'll be dammed if it isn't usually true.)

Well if you feel like crap day in and day out, it stands to reason people are more prone to depression and other mental affliction.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Do some research on her. She was a personal trainer for 24/h or LA fitness (I cannot remember which) and now her job is writing about fitness and training. Read her interviews it is not possible for her to spend her day doing what she is doing and to raise three young kids, two of which are not school eligable yet. A lot of gyms that offer child care services won't even do it if the kid is less than 6 months old. It's not excuses.

There we are. She's obviously lying. Took you long enough to just come out and say it.


My wife and I have been doing it for years, it's incredibly easy, we both have a clean whole foods diet and exercise an hour a day 6 days a week.

It's easy to do something you were already doing. If someone was out of shape, they weren't doing what they needed to be doing to be in shape, so it would be hard for them to make that transition.

Even if you found it easy to make that transition, some people are more inclined to that lifestyle than others, based on a bunch of factors no one can intellectually account for. Some people find it difficult to lose weight, and their excuse can be that we aren't all the same people.


As being one of the lucky ones with a genetic predisposition to be in shape I can maintain a level of fitness with just about 4 hr/wk work that it would take someone else double, triple or even an impossible amount to achieve. All she is really doing is saying that she has superior genetics, eats well and exercises a bit. Honestly my wife eats better than I do and exercises more than I do yet she is not nearly as "in shape" visually as I am. Some people got it some don't. I'm not saying don't at least try simply because you're not lucky and you can't get in extreme shape quickly but she is setting a somewhat unrealistic comparison for most people.


Well, you'd have to actually make a point and elaborate on those "socioeconomic reasons" for being a fatass.

Poor neighborhoods do not have proper access to cheap healthy food from grocery stores and rely on processed foods high in refined sugars from corner bodegas.
To be honest, I don't even care about this.

She is the best SHE and no one else, no need to compare yourself against her. She actually likes being that fit, that's her thing and not someone elses.
I remember even Stone Cold Steve fucking Austin once said "it's easier to stay in shape than to start getting in shape." Life's hard, y'all. It's easy to tell everyone what they should be doing from the Internet.
Do some research on her. She was a personal trainer for 24/h or LA fitness (I cannot remember which) and now her job is writing about fitness and training. Read her interviews it is not possible for her to spend her day doing what she is doing and to raise three young kids, two of which are not school eligable yet. A lot of gyms that offer child care services won't even do it if the kid is less than 6 months old. It's not excuses.

Her husband helps raising the kids. I imagine he tends to the kids after his brain injury.


That's fair enough, and I can understand it. We don't have any children, but my wife is up at 4:30 every day to get to the gym, the plan would be for her to still be able to do this if we do have kids. We wouldn't be able to afford a nanny, but the gym is important to both of us and we intend to keep that part of our lifestyle and make other sacrifices if necessary.

That depends if you have the energy to even do that . If you end up with a kid that likes to throw tantrums every 2 hours than good luck.

The best thing would be to have a home gym (but not everybody can do that).


I don't think anyone is doing that. Most fat people aren't trying to force people to think that they are attractive. Most fat people have low self esteem already and feel shitty enough about themselves not to have other people make them feel worse. This lady was a fitness model and beauty queen prior to having kids. A lot of it is genetic. Also: FULL TIME NANNY.

I thought the fat acceptance thing was predicated on them owning their bodies. I wouldn't say pride, but accepting at least. That's fine. But attacking a lady for being fit is just borderline delusional.


I remember even Stone Cold Steve fucking Austin once said "it's easier to stay in shape than to start getting in shape." Life's hard, y'all. It's easy to tell everyone what they should be doing from the Internet.

A lot of people don't like being criticized by a former beauty queen. Go figure.


You have to want it to get it.


It's too bad people are seeing the image and taking it as a personal attack. But those are the people who don't really want to try either, they just feel like they're being shamed. And those people, the people who are the loudest about this, really are the ones who have no excuse.

If you don't want to get it, that's fine. Don't attack people who do.


Initial quote is aggressive and if you can't see that then read her own comments in which she acknowledges that it might be perceived as such. Part of having empathy is realizing why some things might be wrong despite not directly affecting you.


I realize not everyone has the time to make healthy meals or what not, but did you really need the burger, fries, AND the coke.

It's an extreme of high expectations on one side, and excuses on the other. You can always do something.

It's too bad people are seeing the image and taking it as a personal attack. But those are the people who don't really want to try either, they just feel like they're being shamed. And those people, the people who are the loudest about this, really are the ones who have no excuse.

If you don't want to get it, that's fine. Don't attack people who do.

Works both ways. Don't attack those who don't.

Good on her. Yeah, come at me, but she's right.

We're too fucking soft on fat people nowadays.

Going to war on "fat people" will only motivate a certain amount of individuals. You must realize, not everyone is motivated with 1 particular way.



It's too bad people are seeing the image and taking it as a personal attack. But those are the people who don't really want to try either, they just feel like they're being shamed. And those people, the people who are the loudest about this, really are the ones who have no excuse.

If you don't want to get it, that's fine. Don't attack people who do.

Stop and think about all that for second. Embarrassing.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA


Most of these things just come back to excuses and people not seeing it as a big enough problem for them to change their mindset and lifestyle. If something is important enough to someone, they'll make time for it.

It sounds like she only works out for an hour, and she presumably works at least a 9-5 if she owns two businesses. I would assume the rest of the time she's with her family. What we're seeing in her picture isn't so much the 1 hour a day working out, it's what she eats in between that time. Working out is important, but how someone looks is probably 75-90% what they eat and the remainder being their workouts.

If someone really wants to get healthy they can. It doesn't require a personal trainer, costly gym membership or anything but the person making the right choices. I was wrong when I said she has a nanny, her husband stays at home with the kids. That is a big help.


Do people really think this is so easy to do?

That aspect of it? The time? Yeah, that's easy.

Doing what you need to in that time frame? That's where it's hard and that's where people quit. Once people figure out that and hour a day doesn't equate to an hour a day of doing 2 sets of 2 pushups, 15 jumping jacks, 10 curls, etc etc, and is more like, run two miles, squats, situps, strength training if you have access to it, stuff that makes you tired and runs you down the next day when you're still in the opening throws of it, most decide to stop.

Works both ways. Don't attack those who don't.

Yeah, I suppose that's true too. Though at the same time, limiting yourself because you're afraid of how complete strangers are going to take your message isn't constructive either.

Stop and think about all that for second. Embarrassing.

I'll take back the last part because it's true, this can go both ways. The first part, oh yeah man.

If you have legit reasons why you can't work out, health related, people in your life that need more attention than the norm, that's fine. But if you spend 8 hours in front of a display at work to only go home and spend another 8 in front of a display for fun, and decide to call out this woman because "how dare she?" Naw man. And in this case, it's those people being the loudest about this issue. They feel like they're being shamed in their life style and don't like it when, really, what they're doing is taking a very normal motivational statement, applying to their lives, and getting mad at the fact that they aren't doing more. That's the embarrassing thing here. These are the kind of people who see "just do it" and, in their heads, mockingly go "no way jerk!".

Getting fit is hard. Staying fit is less hard. Both take effort. To rally against someone who wants to put in that effort because you don't is silly.

Hari Seldon

Initial quote is aggressive and if you can't see that then read her own comments in which she acknowledges that it might be perceived as such. Part of having empathy is realizing why some things might be wrong despite not directly affecting you.

I guess the reason I don't think this is a big deal is that it is on facebook. Pretty much the only use of facebook is to be a complete narcissist. Do you think all these people mad at her aren't posting brags about their own kid's achievements?


Poor neighborhoods do not have proper access to cheap healthy food from grocery stores and rely on processed foods high in refined sugars from corner bodegas.

This is really only an argument for the poorest of the urban poor...or if you live in a hellhole like Detroit. Just like there are in fact people who will always be chubby due to genetics, these are fringe cases. Most poor people get fat on garbage food because it's convenient and they lack self-control and basic human skills such as being actually capable of preparing food.


I thought the fat acceptance thing was predicated on them owning their bodies. I wouldn't say pride, but accepting at least. That's fine. But attacking a lady for being fit is just borderline delusional.

I don't know. There are so many "social" movements now that I just don't get. I don't know why anyone would take pride in being unhealthy. Being fat isn't healthy. And being fat comes down to personal choices. I think it's stupid if someone is saying "I own the fact I'm a fat slob". That isn't something we should be prideful with. It's shameful.


Well, you'd have to actually make a point and elaborate on those "socioeconomic reasons" for being a fatass.
There are many, many people in our country who work multiple jobs with irregular schedules, low access to healthy food, along with kids, bills, chores, and all the other things that adulthood brings. These are not "excuses," they are unbendable realities.

If I worked 2 or 3 hourly service industry jobs and had kids and all the other factors listed above, I'd definitely be offended by the picture, and especially by the "what's your excuse?" line.

It's also worth noting that the woman in the OP is in a stable married relationship, which undeniably helps her do everything she does. If you're a single parent (also a larger factor among the poor and minorities) then it's undeniably much harder to prioritize fitness and eating healthy, nutritious meals.

OK. So now that I've elaborated on my original statement, you can post your well thought-out reply.
joelseph said:
Poor neighborhoods do not have proper access to cheap healthy food from grocery stores and rely on processed foods high in refined sugars from corner bodegas.
Shouta said:
One aspect is a "food desert" or an area where access to nutritional food is highly dependent on those kind of socioeconomic factors.

Thanks for contributing too.


I don't know. There are so many "social" movements now that I just don't get. I don't know why anyone would take pride in being unhealthy. Being fat isn't healthy. And being fat comes down to personal choices. I think it's stupid if someone is saying "I own the fact I'm a fat slob". That isn't something we should be prideful with. It's shameful.
Oh really now?


Poor neighborhoods do not have proper access to cheap healthy food from grocery stores and rely on processed foods high in refined sugars from corner bodegas.

That's bullshit. If they wanted the healthy food people would stock the healthy food. Supply follows demand.


Man would hate to have had a hot mom growing up be awkward around your mates when growing up

I think her quote sounds more like a personal trainer trying to push you on when slacking during a workout but good for her for changing something she didn't like
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