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Hot Mom Defends Herself Against Facebook Haters, gives a non-apology

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I see a trend of frowning upon exceptionalism.

Over educated President? Fuck him! Lets get the common man back in there.

Granted there is no reason to be overly cocky about stuff but still.


Man would hate to have had a hot mom growing up be awkward around your mates when growing up

I think her quote sounds more like a personal trainer trying to push you on when slacking during a workout but good for her for changing something she didn't like

Heh, that's how I took it. No nonsense approach.

I was so weak, until fit gaf was completely no nonsense with me and pushed me


I have a large bank account and 401k. what's your excuse?
I have a phd and no student loans. what's your excuse?

Boot straps


Ah, yes. Fibromyalgia, these disease of depressed middle aged women looking for an explanation for why they always feel like crap. Usually completely bonkers on top of everything.

(clearly this is a stereotype, but I'll be dammed if it isn't usually true.)

EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ever women I saw with Fibromyalgia was depressed and seemed a bit off to me. We have a manic depressive in our family, she has fibromyalgia and she doesn't eat anything. They don't eat nothin, they waste away and then they wonder why they are in pain.

EAT a sandwich woman. It'll make you feel better. They make me feel better.


I guess the reason I don't think this is a big deal is that it is on facebook. Pretty much the only use of facebook is to be a complete narcissist. Do you think all these people mad at her aren't posting brags about their own kid's achievements?

Oh, I dont give a shit either, but I could see how it affects someone and in this case her initial comment crosses the line between pride and showboating. Now im not saying that she should cover herself like many "anti-PC" people here think society is suggesting, but there is some ignorance in her words.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Ah, yes. Fibromyalgia, these disease of depressed middle aged women looking for an explanation for why they always feel like crap. Usually completely bonkers on top of everything.

(clearly this is a stereotype, but I'll be dammed if it isn't usually true.)

As the husband of a 120 lb. woman with fibromyalgia and anklyosing spondylitis, yeah this is bullshit. Fibro alone is a lifestyle-altering disease and a severe enough case of it will make your exercise options incredibly limited. It's not quackery.


That's bullshit. If they wanted the healthy food people would stock the healthy food. Supply follows demand.

Well...there's more to it than that.

Unhealthy food is generally cheaper for distributors than healthy food, thus it's cheaper for consumers. There are very real reasons why dietary regulation is harder in poorer communities than more wealthy ones.


That's exactly the reason. It's also why people in poor neighborhoods drive shitty cars, if only the dealerships in these areas just carried BMWs.

Healthy food isn't more expensive than the junk food. It's not as easy but it isn't expensive. If people wanted healthy food the shops would stock it. People demand cheap cars in poor neighboorhoods and those are sold there. People demand healthy food (Which isn't more expensive) and people will supply it.


Here is an article from the NY times.


Junior Member
Yes. No one forces people to eat too much, eat junk, and not move their bodies.

This...I don't understand how people can blame everything and everyone else for their own actions... no one is stuffing Twinkies down your throat but yourself. If you want to be healthy, YOU have to take control of your life, no one else.

I also understand that there are people with health issues who struggle with weight, etc. but even then, you are responsible for what you do with your body.


Well...there's more to it than that.

Unhealthy food is generally cheaper for distributors than healthy food, thus it's cheaper for consumers. There are very real reasons why dietary regulation is harder in poorer communities than more wealthy ones.

And you can buy it in bulk at Costco!


Lol those things aren't nearly the same.

So getting a phd is as easy as not putting pizza in your mouth.

Are... are you being serious right now?

So writing a one page paper is as easy as changing your entire lifestyle and habits moving forward for the rest of your entire life.


As a skinny guy I wouldn't find a pic with a buff guy saying "what's your excuse?" offensive, because to me it's clearly aimed at men who want to be buff, and because I'm -actually- okay with my body, so I'm not overly defensive about it.


Are... are you being serious right now?

So writing a one page paper is as easy as changing your entire lifestyle and habits moving forward for the rest of your entire life.

No one said it was easy, but people pretty much do nothing. How about trying, at least a little. Just something, anything.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
i don't really have a problem with this. It doesn't apply to everyone. If you're happy with your body then why does something like this offend you? If you're not happy with your body and you don't have some medical or genetic issue what is your excuse for not trying to fix your body? Why does some random stranger on the internet asking a stupid question offend you so much? Sounds like a lot of insecurity to me.

Does she have a job outside of fitness? I'd say that is many people's excuse is they have to be at a job 40-50 hr/wk and come home to a family. If her job is fitness then she can dedicate 40-50 hr/wk to fitness and not sitting around entering TPS reports.
This is my problem, after a 40+ hour work week, each night after making dinner I don't have the desire to go out and run or work out. I'm also mostly content with my body and self image though. If i really wanted to, i do have plenty of time that I could spend working out, even on weekdays, instead of playing playstation or watching TV.

I'd like to see another version of this where a women with three children poses in front of her credentials, be it Masters, PHD, scientific awards, and a stack of published science journal articles. And then ask this former beauty queen what her excuse is.
success and happiness are different for all people, so i'm not sure what this would prove. However, I would imagine in your hypothetical, the woman likely has a supportive husband/partner that helps out with the children.

Her husband helps raising the kids. I imagine he tends to the kids after his brain injury.
A lot of you need to read Cheryl Sandberg's Lean In. Being successful at anything isnt about excuses, its about having the will to do what it is you want to do and in the case of having kids having a supportive partner that pitches in that allows you to focus more on what it is that you want to be successful in. No one has it all, no one can have it all, its a myth.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
As a skinny guy I wouldn't find a pic with a buff guy saying "what's your excuse?" offensive, because to me it's clearly aimed at men who want to be buff, and because I'm -actually- okay with my body, so I'm not overly defensive about it.

Rhetorical or not, I tend to think it's unfair to assume that just because someone responds to a snarky question with a snarky answer that they're offended or even angry. She kind of set the tone here.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Well, the picture is a challenge to mothers who have trouble losing weight after childbirth. It's saying 'You should have no excuse to not look like me' which is of course a ridiculous blanket statement.

You'd have a point if she'd said "No excuses.", but she didn't. Learn2read.


The biggest detriment of working out for me now is sleep. After the kid there is simply not enough of it and I can't be hitting the gym hard and not getting enough rest.

Granted I don't think that will be forever.

Currently exercise is simply going for a walk. It's something, people don't even do that.


If you like working out/exercise/training and it's a lifestyle you subscribe to then shame on the people who are offended by your mere existence.


No one said it was easy, but people pretty much do nothing. How about trying, at least a little. Just something, anything.

Making it sound like it's the easiest thing in the world is the worst way to get people to do something though.

Then, people who have legitimately tried and failed look and say 'Well if it's THAT easy then I obviously just can't do it. I tried really hard and failed."

What the fuck kind of message is that? How about this. It's hard fucking work to change your lifestyle, but once you get into the routine and build good habits, it gets easier.


Yes. No one forces people to eat too much, eat junk, and not move their bodies.

Sometimes. Kids don't have a choice for example.

My brother used to coach pee-wee football and morbid obesity was a big problem with kids coming from spanish families. The issues was that, in those households, food was seen as a pacifier/reward/preparedness mechanic. One kid who was about 70 pounds over weight was, on game day, essentially getting three course breakfasts, would go to the game and play (he was O-line), have a snack immediately after the game was over, have another 3 course meal in the afternoon because "of course you need it, you missed lunch", have ANOTHER 3 course meal for dinner, and if he got remotely peckish before bed, his mother would cook him something. Now this is an extreme case, but it's one that shows that people often don't get to choose what sort of things go in their body. No one in that family thought they were doing anything wrong, it was simply how they were all brought up. If you are a kid especially, the adults in your life have to really put a lot of effort into making sure you're eating healthy, and if they don't, the kid is going to see no reason to, because you're a kid and you'll eat pretty much anything.

And dieting, in my experience, is the hardest thing about staying fit. I love food too much to go on a super strict diet, but I still try to do little things here and there, like cut out soda, drink more water throughout the day, cook my own meals with natural incredients, stay away from HFCS, stay away from fast food, little things here and there that otherwise would pile up.



Here is another study showing that healthy food isn't more expensive than junk food. If poor people want healthy food they'd get it. Poor people also tend to have cars and can drive to safeway and buy healthy food if they wanted to. Middle class and rich people in America are fat and have access to healthy food and it's cheaper for them too. The problem with being fat isn't because junk food is cheaper. It's because junk food is easy and tastes good. Being lazy makes it easier to eat junk food.


So you don't have a phd? What's your excuse?

When we used to do interviews for the PhD program, we'd have 6 candidates from about 300 applicants.

Yeah I'd say that's harder to just get accepted then putting a different food in your mouth.

Why did I have to write this out?
damn, she fine. i don't know why she has to apologize, she's just proud of keeping her figure in such beautiful shape after having 3 kids. that shit ain't easy, and she has every right to be proud.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Good for her. To many people do just do nothing.

That being said she was a tad confrontational so she's stupid if she didn't expect some push back.

Also everyone's situation is a tad different so I don't like to take her situation and use that for everyone. I sort of hate this I did this so you can do it to line of thinking as it's reductive without really looking at each situation individually.


When we used to do interviews for the PhD program, we'd have 6 candidates from about 300 applicants.

Yeah I'd say that's harder to just get accepted then putting a different food in your mouth.

Why did I have to write this out?

Hmm, sounds like excuses to me.


That's bullshit. If they wanted the healthy food people would stock the healthy food. Supply follows demand.
Speaking of bullshit...

Profit margins are insanely high on processed food, which is why grocery stores push these products instead of fruit, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.

I like having conversations, but what I can't stand is the black-and-white bullshit that permeates threads like these.

You're overweight? "What a fatass, get off your lard ass and go to the fucking gym!"
Food deserts exist? "Whatcha gonna do, the only reason stores stock shitty food is 'cause that's all people want to eat!"
Some people are happy while not prioritizing physical fitness. "Some people want to be great, others are satisfied being fat sacks of shit. You've gotta want it to get it!"

Kano On The Phone said:
That's exactly the reason. It's also why people in poor neighborhoods drive shitty cars, if only the dealerships in these areas just carried BMWs.

Gannd said:
Junk food isn't really cheaper. It isn't. It also isn't even a time issue.
Your evidence that "it isn't a time issue"? The mantra of the food industry since World War II has been "how can we make our products more convenient and addictive?"

Getting out of the convenience food mindset is a societal problem, and it's no surprise that those with the most obstacles tend to be the ones that fall prey to it.
That's presumptuous as hell.

The standard argument against that is that anyone can do whatever they want with their own body. It's pretty cool how we can do that.

It should be pointed out that people who are doing what they want with their own body would not tend to get up in arms and offended at a Facebook picture.
Ya, but if Hemsworth asked you 'What's your excuse' wouldn't you be a bit taken aback. I mean, he's paid to look like that. His job is to make sure you can bounce a penny 30 ft off his ass.

The difference is that it's way fucking harder to be ripped than to not be fat.


Making it sound like it's the easiest thing in the world is the worst way to get people to do something though.

Then, people who have legitimately tried and failed look and say 'Well if it's THAT easy then I obviously just can't do it. I tried really hard and failed."

What the fuck kind of message is that? How about this. It's hard fucking work to change your lifestyle, but once you get into the routine and build good habits, it gets easier.

Heh, an "It gets better" campaign focused around exercising is actually a really good idea.


Are... are you being serious right now?

So writing a one page paper is as easy as changing your entire lifestyle and habits moving forward for the rest of your entire life.

How about starting small.

I bet if the majority of obese people stopped drinking soda they would see a major change.

Is that too much to ask? To stop drinking sugar liquid?

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
As the husband of a 120 lb. woman with fibromyalgia and anklyosing spondylitis, yeah this is bullshit. Fibro alone is a lifestyle-altering disease and a severe enough case of it will make your exercise options incredibly limited. It's not quackery.

It pisses me off this guy is a pharmacist, looking down on his clientele.
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