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House of Cards S5 |OT| What’s said in the family, stays in the family - Netflix 5/30

Robot Pants

So is this the final season?
I'm trying to retire from tv as it's taking up too much of my time and I was hoping I could cross this one off the list as I've seen 1-4. So I was hoping 5 would be it. If there's no end in sight, I think I may just give up.
So is this the final season?
I'm trying to retire from tv as it's taking up too much of my time and I was hoping I could cross this one off the list as I've seen 1-4. So I was hoping 5 would be it. If there's no end in sight, I think I may just give up.

It's been renewed for 6 and 7.


semen stains the mountaintops
Episode 10.

Jesus Christ, this lady might be more ruthless and conning than Francis. This won't go well for either Claire or Francis if she ever decides that they are more trouble than they are worth.


Chili Con Carnage!
Got to Ep 9:

Hilarious that Conway lost because he yelled at a pilot considering the leaked tape in the real election

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
This is a good season. Finally. Everything before was shit.

who knew getting rid of the shitty stalker, romance and sex subplots and making a political show finally about politics would work.


A Netflix show not on Netflix? Wut

Fucking retarded.
They sold the rights locally before Netflix was available here, and now Netflix says there is "nothing they can do"

Makes me want to cancel the service. I should not have to resort to VPNs just to access content I'm paying for.


semen stains the mountaintops
Episode 12

Wow, what the hell did she promise him that would get Francis to resign? That's all this guy has been about since season 1.

Also, that scene was fantastic and it feels like the one time so far that it was speaking directly about Trump.

"Welcome to the death of the age of reason.”


Fucking retarded.
They sold the rights locally before Netflix was available here, and now Netflix says there is "nothing they can do"

Makes me want to cancel the service. I should not have to resort to VPNs just to access content I'm paying for.
In france it was the same thing until season 4 and netflix bought back the rights


Finished it, it was decent :)

I loved the final shot! I also liked all the small nods to our real life politics.

My issue with the season is that even though it was interesting, I didn't feel enough tension. You could feel pretty early on that the season would end like this.


Full season.
I thought it started off well and had positive impressions 6-7 episodes in, the extended election kept me interested and I enjoyed Conway falling apart. Really lost me over the remainder though, felt very repetitive and then just went too over the top at the end for me. The show has never been realistic and escalated in the pulp factor all the way back in S2, but seriously... come on.... we've got half of Frank's known staff either confessing to a murder in his interests or being murdered themselves within a few days.

And the Kathy Durant push was just comical. It was a half dozen steps! What if she just gets back up, going to knock her head against the wall a few times in a White House hallway? I don't even know what happened to her, the way people talk about it you'd think she just broke a leg/hip and needs some recovery time but if she is conscious you'd think we could see her reaction. I don't know if being pushed down half a flight of stairs means she's now too scared to act, she's planning to testify shortly but won't admit the assault for whatever reason, or if the Secretary of State is in some kind of coma and no one seems to really care. Just felt silly and there was no tension in any of it.

I do kind of like the idea of Frank setting up his own downfall as some kind of exit plan, but didn't really think the execution here worked well. Not exactly a clean exit, and no real justification for keeping it from Claire... who happens to be pretty critical in the plan. All that said, I still reasonably enjoyed most of the season and at this point will definitely finish out the show.


Full season.
I thought it started off well and had positive impressions 6-7 episodes in, the extended election kept me interested and I enjoyed Conway falling apart. Really lost me over the remainder though, felt very repetitive and then just went too over the top at the end for me. The show has never been realistic and escalated in the pulp factor all the way back in S2, but seriously... come on.... we've got half of Frank's known staff either confessing to a murder in his interests or being murdered themselves within a few days.

And the Kathy Durant push was just comical. It was a half dozen steps! What if she just gets back up, going to knock her head against the wall a few times in a White House hallway? I don't even know what happened to her, the way people talk about it you'd think she just broke a leg/hip and needs some recovery time but if she is conscious you'd think we could see her reaction. I don't know if being pushed down half a flight of stairs means she's now too scared to act, she's planning to testify shortly but won't admit the assault for whatever reason, or if the Secretary of State is in some kind of coma and no one seems to really care. Just felt silly and there was no tension in any of it.

I do kind of like the idea of Frank setting up his own downfall as some kind of exit plan, but didn't really think the execution here worked well. Not exactly a clean exit, and no real justification for keeping it from Claire... who happens to be pretty critical in the plan. All that said, I still reasonably enjoyed most of the season and at this point will definitely finish out the show.

There was actually a bit too much stupid stuff yes. That push down the stairs was really lame, the need to kill LeAnn and Tom was also unnecessary. I agree that Frank setting up his own downfall was a bit shoed in. I think maybe he was trying to save face, acting like he was in control all the time while he truly wasn't.

Unrelated, I did like some of the new characters like Davis and Usher. I didn't "get" the black journalist though, he didn't add much.


Im up to about episode 10 now and man this show is so good. Loosing the main show runner doesnt seem to be affecting the quality in the slightest. Claire and Frank are as ruthless as ever!

Episode 9 or 10 spoiler:
Was so excited when Claire finally turns to the camera and address us, the audience, for the first time! There was one scene where Frank was talking to us and she responded which made me wonder if she knew all along that we were watching, but wasn't sure until she finally broke the 4th wall by herself!

While the show can never live up to real life events taking place now that Trump is in office, the show still never feels like its lacking. Really hope we get another season to wrap everything up thats happened. If next season is the last I will be satisfied with the journey. I think I know where this is going and man the wait is going to be rough!
wait a minute, didn't episode 4 end with claire
calling for leann and doug into the oval office?
so why is episode 5 starting with another monologue from frank?


semen stains the mountaintops
Finished the season.

All around it was a fantastic season, I'd say it's up there with the quality of season 1, and a true return to form.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member
I'm curious if anyone else is noticing how much this show abuses the whole, "Oh, one other thing..." bullshit at the end of every other scene.

There's an scene of banal chit-chat, then one party gets ready to leave and the other party always chimes in with, "Hey, before you go..." and, "Don't forget..." and then delivers some smarmy piece of information that is the key plot point everything in the scene is surrounding, but is often barely germane.

I've been itching for somebody to cut off Underwood's attempt to have the last word with, "No. This conversation is concluded. Whatever charming soliloquy you were going to deliver about some colloquialism your daddy used to spew when you were a boy living in Gaffney, kindly fast-forward to the part where your dad is dead and nobody gives a shit. Get fucked, Mr. President By Default." and then just walk out of the Oval.


Oh man, had no idea a new season is available. Working late tonight but I'm gonna have to binge this bad boy real soon


Only on episode 7, but Tom Yates sucks so hard as a character.
He's a mumbling idiot.
"So are we boyfriend girlfriend" what is he, 12?
Claire is so much more mature and completely incompatible, what does she see in him?
hammerschmidt was my favorite character last season, now why is he being a fucking prick to everyone?

that's not how you make friends and allies, you fucking prick.


Episode 6:
Conway is getting really dislikable and I hope he gets burned soon because of whatever he did in the war (must be shitty because why else keep it a secret?) Would miss his wife though, she is a looker. The Conway chief of staff also deserves something better than Conway to pull strings.


The little looks toward the camera at the beginning of episode 1 are amazing. I can't believe they still manage to make good use of those after all this time.
so the vice president gets roasted by claire,
he calls her a cunt
, that's it? come on. onto episode 6 now
how does claire to get to act as vice president?


It's been renewed for 6 and 7.

Hell Yes!!!

This show and the story they want to tell deserves to end on its own terms. I was worried it was going to end next season and have to rush the ending. This would give them the perfect amount of time to set up everything they want to before the eventual end. There really is no way to continue the show without Frank and he definitely couldnt be replaced with a new lead.

wait a minute, didn't episode 4 end with claire
calling for leann and doug into the oval office?
so why is episode 5 starting with another monologue from frank?

That was a flash back to the openning of the episode. It was the same exact scene, basically showing you how they planned everything from the beginning.
That was a flash back to the openning of the episode. It was the same exact scene, basically showing you how they planned everything from the beginning.
i wasn't even high watching this and i couldn't get that.

also, conway looks like he is getting more and more unhinged every episode. if he ends up winning will he mentally still even be fit for the job?


Just started season 4 and got a disclaimer 'this show contains product placement' lol. Is this new? I've never seen this before


Ep. 6

"Isn't that right, Mr. President?"
"Absolutely, Madam President."



Neighbours from Hell
Finished it, my full season take:

It was tense, pulse-pounding, fun, but also completely ridiculous and way over the top. From fixing the election, the hacks, all the murders, etc. This season went way over the top than ever.

I think there were a lot of cool twists and turns. With Frank being the leak being the biggest of them all. Like I said in a previous post, I thought they had so many cool plotlines about ways the Underwoods could fall, and they got rid of nearly all of them. Except Tom Hammerschmidt. He's suspected all along Frank killed Zoe, and this story dates all the way back to season 2, and I've always wanted him to go down for this, so at least they let that linger into season 6, but it's likely they eventually snuff that out too. That and I've always felt Doug could be a guy who turns and brings them all down. They've focused on his psyche, loneliness, and fragile mental state too often for me to believe it won't be a factor down the road.

We had LeAann knowing what she knew(gone), Tom(gone), the Congressman(under control/blackmailed) etc.

I do like the storyline of Claire and Frank turning against each other. However, knowing House of Cards they will completely destroy this plotline within the first 5 minutes of season 6 and make them both buddy-buddy again. Kind of like how they did a few seasons ago with her leaving him and then I was like Oh shit, this could prove huge trouble for Frank. Then the next season they patched things up rather quickly.

IMO, they need to end this show before it drags on too long and they need to start focusing on the downfall of the Underwoods rather than them staying in power. If they play their cards right(no pun intended) they still have some ways to masterfully craft a really fun way for it all to fall apart on them, piece by piece. They created so many issues, every time they patch one hole, another springs up in the dam.

But if next season is yet another season if the Underwoods having their backs against the wall, and yet still finding a way out, I think I'll highly consider dropping the series at that point, because it's starting to get repetitive.

Still highly enjoyed it though, but just some concerns going forward.


I want to see the Underwoods win more often. That was what was so much fun about the first few seasons. They are constantly being reactive in the past few seasons, no one respects them and they are constantly losing. It seems like the way they get out of situations now is to just have random recordings fall in their lap.
I want to see the Underwoods win more often. That was what was so much fun about the first few seasons. They are constantly being reactive in the past few seasons, no one respects them and they are constantly losing. It seems like the way they get out of situations now is to just have random recordings fall in their lap.
I guess you could say they've built a fragile
house of cards
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