Which video game is it that Underwood is often playing?
Which video game is it that Underwood is often playing?
I've been rewatching, and it's a small thing but I hope for all the episodes from now on they show texts the way they did early on. Easily the best way I've seen a show handle that stuff (I think Sherlock does something similar?), I don't get why they stopped. Maybe it was a Fincher touch.
I don't like the show. I watched the first season and it started off in a lighthearted manner that gave me Charlie Wilson's War vibes, one of my favorite Tom Hanks movies ever. How wrong I was. It has become unbearably one-note and extremely heavy over the episodes. It's just a story about a COMPLETE asshole with no positive traits at all, and we watch him try to dick over others in his quest for power and glory along with his equally power-hungry demented wife. (Season 1 spoiler)There's nothing uplifting, redeeming or rooting-for in this show. It's like watching a Dungeon Keeper: The Movie. A show about a Villain dicking over good guys, bad guys, and everyone in between. Very sadistic.Congressman Peter Russo was the only good thing in Season 1. It would have redeemed the show for me if he had become the Governor. But now he's also gone.
You read my mind.Marathon on Valentine's day? Don't mind if I do.
I rewatched the first two episodes of season one last night with Fincher's commentary and really enjoyed it. Even if I'm not the biggest Fincher fan, I've always enjoyed his DVD commentaries because he has such an analytical mind and incredible memory. In each scene with a new actor he provides insight into the character, background on why the actor was hired, and an anecdote which highlights emphasises both those points; or he provides information into the filming process, blocking, set dressing and other details that prove enlightening. I'm not sure if I'll continue listening to these commentaries for the rest of the season, but I appreciated Fincher's insight and recommend people rewatch these two episodes with his commentary on.
Totally seconding this. His commentary was pretty sweet. Didn't make it through the third episode with another director, but the first two are absolutely worth the watch.
Please no more filler episodes, im looking at you Peach building and that strange Library episode, so strange to have so little of the network strings and still adhere to "heres an episode that doesnt contribute a thing". Other than that, best new series I have seen since Breaking bad, couldnt be more thrilled for season 2.
It doesn't seem to be supported on platforms with older versions of Netflix. I tried it on my Wii U last week but it was unavailable. PS3/PC were fine, though.How do you watch it with the commentary on? I tried looking in the audio but all I saw were options for stereo or dual-channel.
Watching (and enjoying) the original in anticipation
Whelp, there goes that weekend.
Pretty sure it was Killzone (2/3?)
13. It's the first sentence in the OP.Just a few more days. How many episodes will season 2 be?
When is this show coming back?![]()
Feb 14th. This Friday.
For Cards Against Humanity fans, this is pretty amazing.
Some of the cards are amazing "Forcing a handjob on a dying man, The sensitive European photographer whos fucking my wife.
Oh shit, that's great!