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How do you get a girl to take interest in you?

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Connoisseur Of Tedium
Alright its that time again for GAFers to lend me there infinite wisdom and there complete knowledge of the opposite sex. There is this girl who I met last year and really like. We have only been out twice and as far as I can tell they were not bad dates. The second date we held hands and kissed for good few minutes or so. The thing is even after that I know I dont grab her attention. She never calls me and never messages me I always have to do it. I even tested this. Last time we went out and talked was Feb. I purposely didnt call her since then to see if she would but no phone call and now we are in June. Of course I just didnt sit here and wait for her I dated and had a few hook ups. This is the only girl I have really liked since I broke up with my ex a year ago. Help!!

evil ways

If you already had a girlfriend(ex) then why do you need advice. Think about what you did with your ex that attracted her and made her show interest in you.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Not every girl is the same. I have tried some of the things that got my ex to like me and they have not worked.


Asking GAF for dating tips... :)

Anyway, get her a dozen roses and then invite her to a nice candlelight dinner (even if it costs you $100+ bones to do so). Try to be romantic and also be yourself (maybe you can get the musician, if there is one, to play her a song up close). Dress nicely (black slacks and a new shirt from one of those designer store).

If things click, then great. If not, then you know you tried your best and it probably wouldn't have worked anyhow.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
open_mouth_ said:
Asking GAF for dating tips... :)

Anyway, get her a dozen roses and then invite her to a nice candlelight dinner (even if it costs you $100+ bones to do so). Try to be romantic and also be yourself (maybe you can get the musician, if there is one, to play her a song up close). Dress nicely (black slacks and a new shirt from one of those designer store).

If things click, then great. If not, then you know you tried your best and it probably wouldn't have worked anyhow.

I actually did do this. I made reservations at a nice restaurant and comedy club. Thats the night we held hands and kissed.
Anyway, get her a dozen roses and then invite her to a nice candlelight dinner (even if it costs you $100+ bones to do so). Try to be romantic and also be yourself (maybe you can get the musician, if there is one, to play her a song up close). Dress nicely (black slacks and a new shirt from one of those designer store).

Doing that much shit before your romantically involved is just going to creep her out.

My advice might not be what you want to hear, but you just have to be yourself and lay it out for her and if she doesn't show any interest...she's probably not gonna ever change her mind. Theres 3 billion women out there, go find another one.

evil ways

SSGMUN10000 said:
Not every girl is the same. I have tried some of the things that got my ex to like me and they have not worked.

Well chances are that if you are being yourself and treating her right, and she still doesn't return the attention, it means she's not interested in you or having a relationship at the moment.

Why don't you just bring it up, I mean your affection and interest towards her, express it to her verbally and see how she responds. It's the easiest and safest method available to see if there's mutual attraction betwen you and her.
open_mouth_ said:
Asking GAF for dating tips... :)

Anyway, get her a dozen roses and then invite her to a nice candlelight dinner (even if it costs you $100+ bones to do so). Try to be romantic and also be yourself (maybe you can get the musician, if there is one, to play her a song up close). Dress nicely (black slacks and a new shirt from one of those designer store).

If things click, then great. If not, then you know you tried your best and it probably wouldn't have worked anyhow.

LOL... doing this weill scare her away man... IMO. I say f that ho. If she ain't call you to check on you, then move on cuz. Unless she's really the shy type, u should focuse yer attention elsewhere.


Queen of Denmark
Possible things to say:
"You look like my old girlfriend, only fatter."
"Ever get to the final boss in FF7? I could tell you how to beat him."


Connoisseur Of Tedium
JeffDowns said:
LOL... doing this weill scare her away man... IMO. I say f that ho. If she ain't call you to check on you, then move on cuz. Unless she's really the shy type, u should focuse yer attention elsewhere.

You know your right. The only thing that has me really hung up is that this has been the only girl that has grabbed my attention since my ex.


reggieandTFE said:
Doing that much shit before your romantically involved is just going to creep her out.

My advice might not be what you want to hear, but you just have to be yourself and lay it out for her and if she doesn't show any interest...she's probably not gonna ever change her mind. Theres 3 billion women out there, go find another one.
Listen to this man.

If she's not putting in at least a share of the effort by now -- calling you spontaneously, suggesting plans, even making a move or two when you're on a date -- then she's more than likely not interested in you. Even though it sucks...move on.


Depends..if you just want ass...find out what type of guy she likes or she is interested into and appear to be that type of dude or better. if you want her to be wifey, then be yourself.
You can't make a girl become interested or attracted to you. That's all her doing, and she'll have that figured out within the first few times of seeing you. Looks like you're shit out of luck concerning this girl.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Ceros said:
Depends..if you just want ass...find out what type of guy she likes or she is interested into and appear to be that type of dude or better. if you want her to be wifey, then be yourself.

Nah Im not looking for ass. Im looking for a relationship or at least the start of real good friendship. Yeah I would consider her wifey material.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
My advice...

Act like you want it and don't over-thnk it.

Nah Im not looking for ass. Im looking for a relationship or at least the start of real good friendship. Yeah I would consider her wifey material.

lol! It's a package deal homie.


SSGMUN10000 said:
Nah Im not looking for ass. Im looking for a relationship or at least the start of real good friendship. Yeah I would consider her wifey material.

No offense but it doesn't seem like she's into you. Like someone above said, unless she's shy, I don't think she wants any part of you. Or you could look @ it like she doesn't want you, but maybe you're the type of guy she needs. Have you ever thought that she hasn't seen enough proof of "dating material"?? I mean it depends on the girl. Maybe she doesn't even know you're into her. Not alot of females are perceptive these days and I've learned sometimes you just gotta be blunt like "Look damn it! I want you!" Lol, bad example but you get the idea. I mean spend some more time with her and maybe she'll realize something. Don't be all like buyin her roses and junk and taking her out to eat. Just chill with her @ six flags or something of the such. Trust me, you learn alot more about someone and can interact way better if you make it a Blockbuster night then going out to some fancy pants resturaunt. Good luck.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
DDDDDAAAAAAMMMMMMMNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She just busted it out on me that she has a bf. That sux. I just finished chatting with her. She gave no inclination that she had one at all. Oh well life goes on.


Scream out "I LOVE THE C*CK."

If she laughs, she is a keeper and you get her attention....unless she really thinks you do...


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
She gave no inclination that she had one at all.

lol! That's what's called the 'throw off'. She could have just as easily scratched her crotch or said she was a lesbian. Whatever will make you leave her alone.

Now it's time to be persistant. Come across like you have no agenda. Short of marriage (and even that's debateable) boyfriends hold no weight.

Keep at her.


You like her why?

Because she's hot?

News flash: there's lots of hot chicks in the world. Find one that clicks with you.

You know: common interests, fun to talk to, likes being with you, calls you back.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Tekky said:
You like her why?

Because she's hot?

News flash: there's lots of hot chicks in the world. Find one that clicks with you.

You know: common interests, fun to talk to, likes being with you, calls you back.

Well no she is not hot. I consider her cute at the most. She is on the chubby side but she has the smarts and common interests, I really like that. The being with me and calling me back is what is missing.

lol! That's what's called the 'throw off'. She could have just as easily scratched her crotch or said she was a lesbian. Whatever will make you leave her alone.

Now it's time to be persistant. Come across like you have no agenda. Short of marriage (and even that's debateable) boyfriends hold no weight.

Keep at her.

I dont know this has really hurt my pride. You really think that if I keep at her she would change her mind. I have never really had to chase a girl in my life.

way more

If she's not hot and she won't call you back then what then I say it's over. I mean what's the point in wasting your time if she won't call you? Like you want to spend your time sitting on your ass waiting for her.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
">>>You look like my old girlfriend, only fatter."<<<<

I know this was meant as a joke, but I can see it being pretty effective with the right chick.


SSGMUN10000 said:
Alright its that time again for GAFers to lend me there infinite wisdom and there complete knowledge of the opposite sex. There is this girl who I met last year and really like. We have only been out twice and as far as I can tell they were not bad dates. The second date we held hands and kissed for good few minutes or so. The thing is even after that I know I dont grab her attention. She never calls me and never messages me I always have to do it. I even tested this. Last time we went out and talked was Feb. I purposely didnt call her since then to see if she would but no phone call and now we are in June. Of course I just didnt sit here and wait for her I dated and had a few hook ups. This is the only girl I have really liked since I broke up with my ex a year ago. Help!!

The only reason you want her is because you think she doesn't want you.


How do you get a girl to take interest in you?

Either for yourself or her.
"You can't make a girl become interested or attracted to you. "


When did GAF sink so much?

Cubsfan, start posting those emails.


You just do your thing... she's either going to like you, or she's not. You can work around a negative first impression, but if you're interested and she's not, there's not much else you can do.
Most girls and I say MOST girls under a certain age dont know what they want.

They want the rebel, but a responsible one.
They want the clean cut, but the spontaneous.
They want someone to take care of them but not take care of them.

YOU CANT BE ANY OF THOSE THINGS simply because their desires exist in pure paradox. So the best thing is just to wait it out till they realize what it is they want. Or just move on. Love isnt a one chance type thing. Dont convince yourself you've found THE ONE.
Wise advice. An addendum: most younger girls will err on the worst side of that paradox, usually due to peer pressure and social conformity.


First you don't make a women show interest in you. Leave the whole swell up like a peacock thing to the other idiots out there. You be yourself the women is the one on the look out. All those idiots rolling around trying to pick up chicks are idiots. The women are in complete control of the mating ritual she will catch your eye she will call you over. Untill she does that you basically have little chance so don't waste your time. The best way to get onto a chicks radar screen is to be with another girl. No girl wants a guy that no one else does it's the whole alpha male thing. So the best way is to talk and hang out with allot of women in a casual way.


MrAngryFace said:


I'd rather know them as a friend first than just dive right in with someone I just met... people have a tendency to put up a front when they start dating, then they go, "Well, you're different than you were when we first met, so I'm leaving" or whatever.

I'd rather know someone's faults, flaws, and quirks first, and give it a shot as a relationship. But that's just me.
No, being a friend is great, you just need to make sure to keep things ambigious in certain ways.

Yes, the person you marry is your best friend or some shit, but the instant she wants to take you shopping at Ross the friend zone starts forming.

Generally its ok to shop at those kinds of stores AFTER your in a bonifide relationship, but before hand it leads one to believe you are becoming a REALLY good friend with no chance of anything more.

Not that everyone needs anything more, good friends rock. But if you are interested in her beyond that it would be best to make your intentions clear as soon as its safe to do so.


If you're in the friend-zone it's hard to go back out. So please, if you see her and you like her, just ask her out after 2-3rd time you guys meet.

For me... I always play hard to get. To the point as described by people who know me that they ahve no idea that I remotely had interest on this girl that I'm playing hard to get with. Then it gets to the time when I muster up 'some' courage to ask her out but then there's a brand new girl that I'll meet which is way hotter... then play hard to get again, then have courage to ask her out, then this new girl again... repeat. A vicious cycle that cursed me to never have a girlfriend. =\


Unless your really into shopping there is no reason to subject yourself to it, serious relationship or otherwise. The friend zone is a great place to be as long as you are the one that put you there. Trying to move things to quickly is how you get there in a bad way. I've had women in the "friend" zone for years only to jump into the fun romp in bed zone and then quickly back to friend zone. The longer you stay in the friend zone the easier it is to visit other zone and still find your way back. Friend Zone rocks don't let anyone tell you different.
Whats frustrating about relationship-mistake cycles is that they are possibly the hardest thing to correct since they are directly wired into the basic instinct that has men and women chasing each other to begin with.

Correcting this kind of thing requires you to be self-aware and of course humble. Some people leap-frog from terrible relationship to the next convinced they are kick ass, of course I suppose with a dose of perspective it depends what youre looking for to begin with.

Darscot: Good point on the rushing tactic in relation to the friend zone. Some girls/guys dont have the guts to cut a person lose, so they'll be delivered to a sort of purgatory where they are allowed to be around but in a limited capacity. The tragedy of this is that those sentenced to this eternal torment are convinced they still have a chance.
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