I'm lucky enough to have a job that offers PTO, but its distribution schedule is ridiculous.
1 year at the company... 1 week paid vacation, 1 paid personal day, 1 week paid sick time, 12 weeks unpaid family medical leave (government regulation). Okay, not bad.
2 years at the company... 2 weeks paid vacation, 1 paid personal day, 1 week paid sick time, 12 weeks unpaid family medical leave. Still, okay, not bad.
10 fucking years... 3 weeks paid vacation, 2 personal days, 1 week paid sick time, 12 weeks unpaid family medical leave. What the fuck is with that time jump?
18 goddamn years... 4 weeks paid vacation, 3 personal days, 1 week paid sick time, 12 weeks unpaid family medical leave. I can't even.
I think the time jump for the last two brackets are ridiculous, and not increasing sick time either. I could see a jump from 2 years to 5 years for the third bracket and then to 10 years for the fourth, but not how it is now.