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How do you predict current game value in the next 10-20-30 years?

How do you think the value of your collection of PS2, Gamecube and Xbox games will variate throught the years? Will they be worthless like Atari 2000 cartridges? Maybe the interest in videogames will keep on increasing and give birth to new gamers wanting to go back.
Perhaps as soon as the next generation (of the population, not the consoles :)) hits, the little interest in 2D gaming will be ancient history.

I grew up playing Space Invaders, Centipide, Lode Runner, Pac-Man and Mario Brothers. However, your kids and my kids will never experience that turning point in gaming. They'll grow up with what we'll be playing in the coming years (or already, for some of the members with kids). They'll never be amazed with the introduction of 3D, since they'll grow up with it. But maybe if the interest in videogames grow, they'll be gamers willing to go back to see what games were like before they were born. Maybe the games will become artifacts.

Do you even plan on stashing every game you buy until you die? When/if you've amounted a large collection, would you plan to sell it? Give it to your kids? Leave it in your will?
Mario/Duckhunt 2 in 1 carts are wort something? Yay i have one!

In my opinion no games/console these day will be worth much even after 50+ years. They are to mass market and to readily available to be woth anything. Even games like Ico and Rez have over 1.000.000 copies spread over the globe
It's really hard to gauge what the future holds for our video game collection's worth but then again, I can't see myself selling off anything in the foreseeable future*.

(*That is except what few Neo-Geo CD games I own seeing that SNK plans all those compilations (and more) in the next year or so)


(more a nerd than a geek)
Generally assume that anything you buy will radically drop in value, and you'll never be disappointed.

I think we can count on one hand the games which are now worth more than they were when first sold.
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