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How do you want to die?

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I know - tough topic. Most responses are usually, "I don't." But I've been thinking about this quite a bit the past year. Excuse me a bit of a story for context.

I've alluded to it from time to time here, but early last year my mother was diagnosed with a very rare conglomorate of terminal diseases, and her prognosis was that she had about a year left. She died about two months ago.

But the way she died is what has caused me to think about this question. I was not there - my daughter was only a few weeks old at the time and I could not take the 2,000 mile trip - but one of my brothers and his wife were. She was in a terminal-care home, where the focus is just on making people comfortable as they die. She told me a few days earlier that she did not think she was going to make it through the coming weekend, and we said tenative good-byes. Tough conversation to have, but one I will always remember.

Her intuition was right, and her health took a big dive a few days later. She was in her room, with my brother and his wife, with her favorite music playing. She went into a near catatonic state, and then began to talk. She said something about needing to pack - she "had to pack up" right away. Everyone thought she was halucinating. Then she said her last words - "I'm going home." She took a breath in....and never let it out. She died comfortable and at peace - and those last words were amazing.

Sounds like something you read in Reader's Digest (the 'white light' story), but it happened.

Back to the subject question. Which way would you prefer to die: Suddenly, with no pain or fear (think being hit by a bus), but not be able to say good bye to your loved ones nor they to you. Or, to have warning and have the time to put your affairs in order and say farewells, but then slowly decline and be in some pain, while living with the uncertiantly of death hanging over you?

All my life I've said I want to die suddenly, in my sleep preferably. But now, with the memory of that last priceless conversation (in which my mother told me things I had never heard her say before), I have turned around. I'd like to know.

Anyone else think about this? (I know it's not a fun topic, but I though some of you might have some interesting perspectives to share.)
As quickly as possible and with the least amount of pain as possible. That's my first response, and what I've always wanted.

However, it would be nice to have a few last words with my loved ones, so I'm not so sure. My suffering over their suffering... I guess I'd rather say what I'd like to say and hopefully put my loved ones at peace if given a choice.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Simple answer - In my sleep.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ninja Scooter said:
fist fighting a grizzly bear.


That sounds like fun,can I die with you?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Fist-fighting 15 naked women while having sex with a grizzly bear.


I want to die at sea, at the hands of blood thirsty pirates. Or maybe a rogue wave will destroy my ship! Or maybe the oceanfloor will release a pocket a gas beneath my ship, and it will be sucked under!



Atomic blast...

I'd leave behind nothing but a shadow. Failing that, any way that will result in a quick death and NO vegetative state.

And my body should be donated to science and then cremated when they're done with it; my message to my loved ones is to move on and don't linger or spend a cent over a body with funerals, wakes, eulogies, none of that stuff.
I want to tell people I'm going to kill myself but never tell them how, not even the person closest to me so as to leave this person fucked up for life never knowing what truly happened, then disappear into the shadows.

Wait, sounds familiar...

evil ways

Nobody likes a painful death, so I'd like to die in my sleep.

Still, I always wonder what it would be like to go in a blaze of glory during a huge shoot out.

J2 Cool

In a brutal battle to the death with my evil nemesis. It has to be dark and raining outside. We're both going down though, Apollo Creed/Rocky style in Rocky II. Only nobody gets up by the count of 10.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ever since I was a kid I've wanted my death to be at my own hands. I'm not sure how, but I'd like to have initiated it. Trying to think of specifics though, that's tougher, and makes me think there isn't really an ideal way to do that.
fallout said:
I dunno why, but I'd like to see it coming. At least give myself a chance to come to terms with it.
However, I definitely agree with this much. I'd like to know my time is up.


Well, the more I think about it, the more the whole "dying in your sleep" thing scares me. Not that I fear that I won't wake up tomorrow or anything like that, but I'd at least like to be able to acknowledge my own death. Hell, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity!



Actually I see what your're saying, now that i think about it i think i would prefer to have a few months notice to help myself deal with it and say my goodbyes to my friends and family. That way it would help people around me accept it before it happens, to help lessen the shock a bit.

Free Australia


Ideally, in my sleep.

However, I always thought if I ever go skydiving and my parachute doesn’t open, I would spot out someone I really hate's house and come crashing through the roof, or land in the middle of the field at some kind of sporting event, that would be awesome.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'm up for either heroically or painlessly. I'll take either.

Please not cancer, please not cancer.....

White Man

Gunshot to the head, drowning, or body dashed upon rocks.

I want it to be quickly, but I want at least a couple of seconds of intense thought, the likes of which a person could only feel once in their lives.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
catfish said:
I'm up for either heroically or painlessly. I'll take either.

Please not cancer, please not cancer.....
Sorry, but the way the average age expectancy is increasing, you most likely WILL die by cancer, or at least get some form of cancer, unless it becomes something curable (which it should be in the next 30-40 years).


Frankly, in so long as I get to do the things I want to in life and I'm happy, I don't particularly care.


During furious masturbation, hopefully after I've climaxed though. If not, it'd be like I had unfinished business and would have to walk the earth as a ghost forever and I'm pretty sure ghosts can't fap... :( DAMN YOU FURIOUS MASTURBATION!
I want my heart to explode out of my chest while walking down the street.

I would then start screaming and cling on to a random stranger while begging for medicine for a good minute, bleeding all over him. Then I hope a fall into the street for my final breath and cause a car wreck. So yeah, pretty much how everyone wants to go.


Ihateyouchris said:
I want my heart to explode out of my chest while walking down the street.

I would then start screaming and cling on to a random stranger while begging for medicine for a good minute, bleeding all over him. Then I hope a fall into the street for my final breath and cause a car wreck. So yeah, pretty much how everyone wants to go.

Your icon... plus that. Hahaha.


I want to die while taking a dump. I want to give that last love nugget my all and let my heart burst while it leaves my ass to plop into the water... That would be the way to die...

"My Grandpa died while taking a crap... he was a real man"


feeding tube removal

actually, I want to die while i'm somehow jacked into the 'net (via...jumper cables or something), that way I will never truly be dead, but in virtual reality


Suerte said:
During furious masturbation, hopefully after I've climaxed though. If not, it'd be like I had unfinished business and would have to walk the earth as a ghost forever and I'm pretty sure ghosts can't fap... :( DAMN YOU FURIOUS MASTURBATION!

Well, as they say:

"Things that go *fap* in the night."


I'd like to die in a way that noone ever knew that I was dead for sure. Not so that it ruined people's lives waiting for me to return or anything but just so there was that not 100% certainty. I think it would be cool to go a hero, such as taking on a 100 bad guys with jsut your fists protecting your family, and being covered in a swarm of people while you fight them off, but did you die?
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