Neither has there been proof of heaven or hell so you can't make that determination either.
People seem to have experiences of glimpses of Heaven and Hell.
A lot of people shrug it off as hallucinations though.
But it's not as if there aren't things in our lives that point out to the possibility of something like Heaven instead of complete nonexistence. It's not as if all of that has just come up from our imaginations. A lot of it comes from actual human experience. At the very least we know that when we are about to die many will absolutely have an experience of moving into a heaven-like place. It might be a hallucination or it might not, who knows. But the experience and sensation itself is real.
When I die, I'd like to have my final experience be like that. It's an odd thing that no-one can't explain by evolution. It's not as if there were so many near death experiences where having that sensation would've helped our survival. The fact still remains that even if there's nothing supernatural behind it, people have felt, are feeling, and will feel these sensations of being removed from the body, moving towards heaven-like place, feeling a sensation that feels like a warm embrace. It's either a hallucination or it is not, but it's 100% true those sensations exist. It's not purely a thing people just came up with out of nowhere.