I think I'm fairly patient. I feel more disappointment than anger at people nowadays.
I've just accepted that many people have their hangups and it doesn't matter if it's politics or fanboyism or something else. They can be disappointments to their own parents but it's not my problem to solve.
I hear ya.
At work, I do finance, so that involves giant spreadsheets, complex numbers, using SAP etc... I enjoy showing young people how to analyze stuff, build tools, even just getting the hang of using Excel since the real world is so much different than dabbling with basic stuff in a college course.
But when it comes to showing 40 or 50 year olds who have been working for 20 years the same tips over and over again like their brain cant understand or memorize what I showed a month ago, it amazes me how dumb people can be. And some of these people work at jobs involving numbers. Its not even anger, but as you say disappointment. Even worse is they can always just google the answer like I do. 99% of the Excel and analytical stuff you need to do, someone has asked it on google the past 20 years and you'll find the answer. Instead of wasting my time, just google or Help function your issue and try testing it yourself. It gets to a point I think to myself "how the fuck did this person even get hired?"
For all you gaffers who've never worked in an office and wonder how brainy people are working at big corporations, trust me. Half the people are retards. But the company still does well purely on being around for 70 years with a legacy of 1,000 products and brand power, so it can survive no matter dumb the people are. As long as the company has enough people making and shipping the product from the factories, the company will survive.