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How many (covid) virgins left on GAF?

Have you had covid yet?

  • Yes

  • No

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My family has it twice now but I have not. At least the testing never came up positive. My youngest had the faintest line for her test show and disappeared the next day. Never felt sick during those times.


Lil’ Gobbie
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Gold Member
Never had Covid, never had the jabs. Worked in a neurological care home all through 2020, even when the government discharged patients from main hospital to our home

The things we had to go through and the shit we put up with through legislation was utter cunt behaviour. They should all burn for that

Still, never had covid. Even had to share a house when the wife and lad had it..

Maybe i'm just immune. Christ knows.


Another unvaccinated pleb who's never had it here. Also, I would only wear masks if I absolutely had too, like in a store where they enforced them.

And like someone above said, I know a few people who have had ALL the jabs and also caught it multiple times...

That all said, I did spend a tonne of time exercising outdoors during the lockdowns, and got myself into the best shape I've been in for at least a decade, probably longer. But discussion around taking it upon yourself to look after your own personal health with exercising, eating better and spending time in the sun etc, seemed pretty taboo during the all the insanity. Instead we got 'stay inside 23 hours a day', which seem a little counter intuitive when the virus was shown to spread indoors a whole lot more then outside.

But I should shut up before this turns into too much of a rant.
I was a covid virgin until today! Got the vaccine and both booster shots. Honestly don’t feel too bad at all. Just feels like a normal cold, but I can almost guarantee its thanks to the vaccinations that I am having such a good go with it at the moment. If I didn’t have them I would almost guaranteed be in ICU.


I'm not sure.. I "Suspect" I got it December 2nd 2019 before any doctors knew what it was.. but I cannot confirm that's what it was and by the time antibody testing was an option I was so far over it they would not even bother..
But I've lived my life faily normally, returned to movie theaters, restaurants and concerts and I've yet to get it again.

The week before the weekend my current gf told me we were going to spend "Inside" all weekend :messenger_beaming:
My parents got it (was living in their basement waiting for my new apartment).. my Son got it from them the day before they knew they had it and my ex wife got it..
I was picking up food for my dad and mom, bastard was supposed to wait for me to drop it off but he just got him and followed 3 feet behind me... I was panicking..
like dude.. I'm not afraid of covid I'm afraid of missing out on what I got going on this weekend.

BA.5 variant is interesting, parents are def in the category to not survive covid but it seems the only major issue they had was crazy severe head pain.. it seems it does not enter the lungs directly so less death..
for my 9 year old son the only symptoms he had was being tired and not hungry.
Never had it, at least not to my knowledge. Fully vaccinated and had my 2nd booster last week (the new Moderna one). Fuck knows how I haven't caught it. I work in a care home where we've had at least 3 major breakouts since I've been there, I've had people in my house who have then tested positive the next day, and it's not like I've been super careful since restrictions were relaxed here. We were even doing daily LFTs and weekly PCRs for work, but not a single positive.

That being said, I very rarely get sick anyway, usually a cold once a year, but I haven't even had one of those for around 3 years. I think I'm just a lucky boy.

Fox Mulder

The only time I’ve been sick this whole pandemic was after getting the shots. I have never had Covid unless I got it showing no symptoms at all.

I’ve probably been sick like 10 times my whole life.
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Neo Member
I’ve had COVID, double vaxxed (miss me with getting the Booster season pass dlc) and tbh it wasn’t that bad, it was kinda like a mild cold


Gold Member
Had it once and i would definitely not like to experience that shit again. i had my 2 vaccines, a booster, and then two covid/flu combo jags. got my recent one on monday there. i got it at 5pm and felt fine until about 6am the next morning. By about 10AM i was totally fucked with no energy. I was struggling to walk and had to phone a taxi home. i went straight to my bed and fell asleep. that entire day i was dead to the world. the next morning i still had a bit of a sore head and some shivers but felt much better.

i've had a bad experience with COVID and flu too. some people laugh at me for wanting vaccinated but i don't want to go through that shit again from either covid or flu. i was in so much pain and have been hospitalised due to flu before.
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Welp my number was finally up. My daughter tested positive Thanksgiving morning, then I got it two days later. Have to say those first two days were brutal. Started to turn a corner the third day, and have been gradually feeling better since. Still have a lingering cough and some brain fog but other than that back to normal.
I’m on my third time right now. All three times this year, starting during vacation to Boston in April. I have been double vaccinated and boosted. It was pretty bad the first time, and I imagine it would have been a lot worse if I wasn’t vaccinated.
Me... good thing since I have a huge number of preexisting conditions like diabetes and heart issues... I don't think I'll make it if I catch Covid, just looking at the number of people it killed that were way healthier than me... got vaccinated tho.

I really hope I am exaggerating
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No-rona yet, unvaccinated and can count the number of colds I've had in like the past 5 years on one hand. :messenger_fistbump:

When I do get a virus, I tend to clear it in 1-2 days.

Possibly my vitamin regime helps:
4000iu Vitamin D + 100aug Vitamin K2 mix, 4-5 times a week.
1200mg Vitamin C + 40mg Zinc mix, 1-2 times a week and an extra if I've been in very close contact to someone who's been sick.

Diet wise, outside of the general norm I consume a lot of:
-Woodland / Asian mushrooms like shiitake oyster etc...
-Oily fish like mackerel, salmon, tuna, seam bream, sea bass, anchovies
-A fuck different ton of spices and herbs in my dishes, curries, rice dishes, soups, salads etc...
-Broccoli and cauliflower
-Dark chocolate, like 70%
-Coffee, green tea, matcha, Indian spiced chai
-Occasionaly mix supergreen powder mix in water and guzzle it down
-Don't drink alcohol

Activity wise, I've let myself go, but try to:
-Walk a lot
-Lift weights 3 times a week
-I occasionly jog (need to do this more often).
-Try and get around 7 hour sleep, typically 12am-7am as it suits my bodyclock.

Wrote this up if there's a small chance it may help someone boost their general immunity.
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Gold Member
Still not had it

I to am worried around catching it. I was at point where 20 stone and could barely walk down street so had quickly change my diet I've got down to 17 now. All I eat is tin tuna bowl of veg and maybe some chicken. My back no longer hurts and walk for miles now. I still think COVID would fuck me up though but I'm lucky so far.
Me... good thing since I have a huge number of preexisting conditions like diabetes and heart issues... I don't think I'll make it if I catch Covid, just looking at the number of people it killed that were way healthier than me... got vaccinated tho.

I really hope I am exaggerating
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I still have not caught covid, as far as I know. I had something similar a couple of months ago, but I recovered quickly, and tested negative. My girlfriend has not ever tested positive either.


Pretty sure I had it before the shutdowns / realization how much was in US already (really sick for a while). Had it for sure couple years later after the jabs. But it was just a long cold for me that time.


Had omicron in january, the effects were high fever, inability to sleep (total pain in the ass), zero apetite. Lost 8 kg in a week.
Fortunately no after effects, and the weight is back.


I got it after two years of being very careful and just opening up a bit more after three vaccines since my mother is immunocompromised, pretty sure I got it off the worst date of my life (storytime if requested), wasn't bad at all, could have sworn it was seasonal allergies, two days I was lazy on the couch but by the third day I was like fuck it I'm going to work out (at home) and most of it was over, tested negative in seven days.

That's usually how my colds and flus go, I don't know if there's science behind it, but moping around doesn't help kick it, if I go fuck you body you're going to work anyways seems to be like 'oh shit better get rid of this thing', I get sick quite rarely and when I do it's pretty quickly over, I also very much believe in conditioning yourself to the cold instead of bundling up all the time and avoiding all hardship, my family that always tell me to bundle up also tend to get sick a lot more


Gold Member
Had it about 2 month's back, god it hit like a truck, its not so much the half week of feeling like shit, its the constant tiredness afterwards.

Ironically got it when I went to get my Flu jab. Thought it was just a bad year for the flu jab at first, then it got worse and I tested positive to no suprise covid.

I had my second booster a few days prior... sadly they do say it takes a few weeks to get to full effectiveness. So now I'm double jabbed, double boostered and had the latest varient.

Now watch me get the bloody flu over Christmas.
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I'd bet money that almost everyone in this thread that voted they didn't have it yet has actually had it but was simply asymptomatic.


I'd bet money that almost everyone in this thread that voted they didn't have it yet has actually had it but was simply asymptomatic.

That's a PR cope.

I've been living in a covid world longer than most people, China.

I've never had it, nobody I know, even once removed has had it either. Unvaxxed as well, fortunately.

Still true. Because if what you are saying is true getting actual Covid puts you in the minority, think about that.


I've been living in a covid world longer than most people, China.

I've never had it, nobody I know, even once removed has had it either. Unvaxxed as well, fortunately.
Well you better buckle up, because it’s ripping through china now. Almost all my friends over there in Beijing have it currently


Think I had it in January 2020 before testing was a thing, but never officially had a positive test for it.

I've been sick as a dog though and just had spent the better part of this week in bed. It started with some wheezing and a little coughing late last week and graduated to constant coughing (the nasty phlegmy kind), sneezing, headaches, a bit of a fever, sinus pain, fatigue, the whole nine. I took a home Covid test but it was negative, though I know those aren't fully reliable. Maybe it's the RSV thing that's going around. Finally feel like I'm coming back to life though, fortunately.


Well you better buckle up, because it’s ripping through china now. Almost all my friends over there in Beijing have it currently

That's as may be, but that does not square with China rolling back Covid Zero restrictions all week.


Minus one as of today. Caught it from my family, who have been sick since a few days ago.
So far minimal symptoms though (a hint of a sore throat mostly), hopefully it will continue like this.


Nope, unless I'm one of those people who don't getting any symptoms and just spreads it around. :messenger_grinning_squinting:


What do you mean? I was one of those people, only reason I know I had it was due to a regular COVID test I had to undergo. Otherwise I had zero symptoms.

"Everyone is going to get it". That's like saying everyone is going to get cancer, aids or whatever. You could probably scrape under my fingernails and find some pathogens there, doesn't mean "I've got it".
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