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How Microsoft isn’t getting its deserved credit.


How Microsoft isn’t getting its deserved credit.

I understand that after the debacle that was the Xbox One reveal we’ve all been a bit hesitant to cut MS some slack (and believe me I was part of the band wagon back then - and it was deserved). But come on, today, they should get more credit for what they’ve done to the industry (in regards to history and since Spencers take over)

Microsoft have been investing huge amounts of money, time and thought in projects that are beneficial for us as gamers. Let’s just take a few examples.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone complaining about this but big picture wise I don’t think people give it the credit that it is due. It’s a great affordable service. I work in IT so I understand why MS is pushing it but in this instance its a positive for their business (long term) and the consumer.

Backwards compatibility.

I am amazed at how MS have introduced all generation Backwards Compatibility for so many games (not all). I’ts really a great feature. An anecdote from my own life. I bought and XSX instead of buying a new PC (I’ve mainly been a PC game for the past 20 years) because with age I couldn’t really justify spending 2000 dollars on a new PC instead of 600 for a console - I don’t play as much anymore since I don’t have the time. Why an XSX then? Well disregarding GamePass when I understood that I could put a disc in the console from any generation and be fairly certain I would be able to play the game i was astonished (that is how it’s been on PC always). My favorite console game franchise has been MGS since I watched my brother play it in the late 90s and myself playing MGS 2 and MGS 3 on his PS2. I was astonished that I now could buy the Xbox 360 MGS HD Collection and just put it in my console and play (and I have), what joy. These games I haven’t played for 15 years.


I think MS and the Xbox division has been great these past years when it comes to trying to deliver a product that is most enjoyable and available to the most amount of customers. Platform agnosticism, GP, BC what have you. It really shows that they understand. I know some will say that this is a detriment to the development of games (like MS wanting games to be available on as many platforms as possible), and it might be but in the end that’s cause we’re enthusiasts, but I’ve been thinking and for especially many younger people this is giving them an in to the entertainment we enjoy so much. I think the hammer hit the nail with the documentary MS released on youtube this spring ”Power On”, they were humble and admitted to their mistakes (Don’t know how few times I’ve seen that since the 90s)

There’s probably more to say about this, I think for instance that the RROD debacle was handled properly in the end and that there’s multiple companies that would’ve done way worse. MS is willing to look to consumer satisfaction to build a stable business model and I think that is the best we can hope for of any large company as consumers ourselves (and believe me last gen Sony did absolutely the same, but they’re not receiving the same hate).

So this is not a Console War thread, I don’t care about that, I just wanted to share some revelations I’ve had the past years - like I said I've been mainly a PC game and the last console I bought before the XSX was a PS4, and before that the original Xbox - and before that GC. What you all think, have I perhaps left out some scummy behavior or do they indeed deserve some credit?


That’s just console war nonsense and they get cheap shots just like Sony and Nintendo. Microsoft isn’t special in that at all.
Might be, but sometimes it feels like I'm back after the Xbox One reveal 10 years ago and I just don't feel that's valid anymore. It's like nothing has changed thought it all has.
I don't like MS because they are MS, not specific to the Xbox.
Why you don't like MS? As an IT consultant I work with their products every day and I think they're best in business (Azure, Exchange, MS365)
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone complaining about this but big picture wise
I don’t think people give it the credit that it is due. It’s a great affordable service. I work in IT so I understand why MS is pushing it but in this instance its a positive for their business (long term) and the consumer.
Personally, I agree with everything you've stated except the bolded. You must have missed any Game Pass threads on GAF, there are certain people that complain incessantly about Game Pass in Every Game Pass thread. :pie_gsquint:


Unless you wear a blinder or use the ignore button on everything in this forum, people preach GP like theres no tomorrow.

Backwards compatbility is something great that Sony should be doing since ever.
I agree, and I said as much in my OP, I think GP is unanimously (more or less) praised
Personally, I agree with everything you've stated except the bolded. You must have missed any Game Pass threads on GAF, there are certain people that complain incessantly about Game Pass in Every Game Pass thread. :pie_gsquint:
Haha then you might not like what I said above.
Let me tell you about the value gamepass…

south park mormons GIF by The Book of Mormon (Musical)


Gold Member
I like a lot of what MS is doing.
In a vacuum I think the Series X is the better product. It's smaller, looks much better, has better backwards compatibility, Gamepass offer more value.

But Ps5 just has more games I care about. So I remain there despite being constantly annoyed by Sony.

you're not gonna see any credit given to MS on here lol

The evil Sony fanboy website that voted Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5 the 2 best games of 2021?
They are not trying to downplay or make fun of its competition for their bone headed decisions.

Just doing their own thing, which happens to be good stuff.

Also as a bonus, despite their being last place in console sales, their games are apparently most popular and have helped industry grow.

yeah you did.

this forum is heavily in favour of Sony. say anything negative about Sony and you'll be laughed at, have your posts edited/deleted, and perhaps even get banned.

The hyperbole, there is literally a negative (overblown) Sony news story every other day on here

Nintendo seems to be the only platform that mostly flies under the radar on here good or bad, and thats because most people on here are indifferent toward it in general
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They deserve credit? For what?
For everything I just mentioned in the OP.
Backward Compatibility is kind of a need when you launch a console with 0 first party games 🫣
No, it's a feature very few will use so it's not very good business sense but it is very nice for those few who'd like it.
They've done a lot of things right and made owning an Xbox a very good decision so far this gen but I won't sing the praises of any corporation.
Agree, not MS specifically maybe, but I've think they've been doing the right thing and we need at least be fair.
Suddenly having a subscription for your video games makes you good I believe it’s a scam and shouldn’t happen for gaming.
It's a good deal. It truly is. I for one wont spend $90 for a game I'm curious about unless I'm really invested. It has made me play way more games for way less money (and yes I undertand SaaS)
You think the attitude towards today's Xbox is comparable to the attitude towards Xbox One at launch?

Chicago Bulls What GIF by NBA
Not exactly, but feels like some just won't forget it


They've done many things right and they are given credit for them. Still, many of the things they are working towards (mainly releasing games) haven't really worked out yet so you will see tons of criticism for it. Also, many people are not very keen with some of their other practices (like trying to buy half the industry).


I like a lot of what MS is doing.
In a vacuum I think the Series X is the better product. It's smaller, looks much better, has better backwards compatibility, Gamepass offer more value.

But Ps5 just has more games I care about. So I remain there despite being constantly annoyed by Sony.
And that's absolutely fair, it is about the games of course. But at least you don't go tribal and don't recognize that MS have done some right moves


They've done many things right and they are given credit for them. Still, many of the things they are working towards (mainly releasing games) haven't really worked out yet so you will see tons of criticism for it. Also, many people are not very keen with some of their other practices (like trying to buy half the industry).
I would agree, the games ave been lacking. But the platform itself deserves some credit. Though to be fair, isn't the PS5 just NOW starting ro get games?
I want more games and features, since that's what concerns me as a gamer.
If MS (or any company) does stuff benefitting gaming, they should continue to do so.
You don't necessarily have to hail them about it though.
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Might be, but sometimes it feels like I'm back after the Xbox One reveal 10 years ago and I just don't feel that's valid anymore. It's like nothing has changed thought it all has.

Why you don't like MS? As an IT consultant I work with their products every day and I think they're best in business (Azure, Exchange, MS365)
See people that use computers and don't understand them, but hear others that are at an even lower skill level think it's cool to hate MS because OMG WINDOWS ME and WINDOWS VISTA!!! They ignore 7 and 10 and 11 isn't "great" but it's better than the alternatives.

So Xbox gets that brand hate because of the lineage of hate towards MS from computer noobs that think they're amazing with computers.


Though to be fair, isn't the PS5 just NOW starting ro get games?
They've been releasing game after game since launch, many of them great hits and to the point I can't even keep up playing them. Are you talking about PS5 only vs cross-gen? Personally I don't mind cross-gen at all, but that is an entirely different discussion.

As for MS yeah, the platform does deserve credit on its own. Especially their BC is amazing and puts everyone else to shame.
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I want more games and features, since that's what concerns me as a gamer.
If MS does stuff benefitting gaming, they should continue to do so.
You don't necessarily have to hail them about it though.
Absolutely, and this is not a thread to "hail" them, but I just feel that sometimes they're being shit on for doing the right things- hence the thread. Wanted to feel out the community a little cause I might be in a vacuum


I like a lot of what Microsoft has been doing. Embracing PC, offering cross buy, the best console bc in the industry, free cloud saves, the best rewards system in the industry, a controller for the disabled, the best refund setup among consoles…they’ve done a lot.

Game Pass is one area where I like it - but I’m afraid of what it could potentially lead to. Possibly the same with cloud gaming which offers cool possibilities. But I’m afraid of where companies want to take this stuff, because I don’t doubt that they’d love to take game ownership away. So I’d like to see where this leads before applauding them on that.
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See people that use computers and don't understand them, but hear others that are at an even lower skill level think it's cool to hate MS because OMG WINDOWS ME and WINDOWS VISTA!!! They ignore 7 and 10 and 11 isn't "great" but it's better than the alternatives.

So Xbox gets that brand hate because of the lineage of hate towards MS from computer noobs that think they're amazing with computers.
Hmm not quite sure where you're heading with this?!
They've been releasing game after game since launch, many of them great hits and to the point I can't even keep up playing them. Are you talking about PS5 only vs cross-gen? Personally I don't mind cross-gen at all, but that is an entirely different discussion.

As for MS yeah, the platform does deserve credit on its own. Especially their BC is amazing and puts everyone else to shame.
Oh I meant current gen exclusives, feel a bit barren in both camps, but perhaps you're right cross gen playstation may have a leg up


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
They need games. Not just games. Bangers.

How you launch a console and almost 3 years later all you have to show for it is, you guessed it... Halo and Forza, is beyond me.

Im not giving them credit until they start delivering.

Absolutely pathetic output of games. What did they release this year?

Gamepass is full of crap I'd never buy, a few gems now and then sure. But I largely dont care about your good value service if theres no games.

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Gold Member
The good:
  1. Backwards compatibility, including up-res and FPS boost… both appreciated. It’s one reason I’ll likely keep my XSX forever to have access to my catalog of purchases.
  2. Xbox Series X hardware - I think it’s great tech and value for the price point and like the aesthetic
  3. Xbox series S, nice for the public to have a more affordable option
  4. Game Pass. They weren’t the first with subscriptions (EA Play & PS Now preceded it) but they have gone all in and paid to bring ports and day 1 games to subscribers.
  5. PC reinvestment (likely born out of losing the Xbox One gen, but good nonetheless)

The bad
  1. First party output, for all the resources they have poured into their studios and acquisitions that have been made, XGS’s haven’t met I think most people’s expectations.
  2. Cloud focus, they see a billion plus gamers as the goal and this will change the content that they produce at some point
  3. GaaS focus, they were probably ahead of the curve in trying to be so much like EA with MTX ladden games like Halo 5, Halo Infinite, Forza, and Gears, but this all is a trend I’m not into. I know everyone is chasing to be the next Fortnite and even Sony is doubling down on this investment but it’s sad to see without other single player bangers getting released.
  4. Gold. First they try to double the price, then they hand out scraps. Comparing to their competition this is a let down.


Moderated wildly
Microsoft are killing it outside of everything but big blockbuster games....and we are in the games business. Good quality AA games only get you so far and they need the triple AAA bangers. Even just one or two a year with the rest and gamepass to flesh out the offerings.

Anyone who is already invested knows how good it is, it's winning over the others that is MS's biggest issue and challenge. Will have to see if they can do it. They set themselves up for the best position this gen but its been a middling start to the generation imo.
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Gamepass (and services like it)
Lead to a future state where people do not own the product. That may seem palatable for consumers but it leads to a situation where you lose your rights to share and resell property and are beholden to monthly rents to enjoy a passion that, to this point, included the passion of collection, sharing and reselling.
Backwards compatibility
See above...what is the future state when everything is streaming...I guess kudos for now but to think this is the future is putting blinders on
"humble"...its a company...they are not 'humble'...it is marketing and I guess they've been successful in marketing to you.

MS has a long history of anti trust behaviour and behaviour hostile to consumers and competitors over many decades starting with Bill on day one.


Gold Member
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Many companies MS included get too big for their own boots (PS3 reveal anyone?)

But I gather and it is true, there's a lack of First Party output. But that hardly can keep being the case with MS having gone on a shopping frenzy right?
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