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How old are you, and how long have you been playing videogames?


Knows the Score
Just curious.




I'm 28 and i've been playing games since i was 4. Jesus Christ! 24 years of gaming? I'd hate to see how much of my life has been spent staring at monitors. :p


I'm 21, will be 22 on the 17th.

I've been playing games since I was 5. My first game was Super Mario Bros. (Like many my age)


I'm 28

I've been playing videogames since the early to mid 1980s when my folks took me to a resort in Wisconson called Lake Lawn Lodge. I liked playing the arcade games there.

as for home video games, a girl I went to kindergarden and elemenarty school with, who was also sort of a neighbor (but not next door) got me interested in home videogaming with her Atari VCS. playing Combat and Sea Quest among other games around 1987 or so. from there, I wanted my own Atari, which I saved for with my allowance and birthday money, purchased in early 1988. it was the Atari 7800.

so i've been playing videogames for *roughly* 20 years and home videogames for roughly 17 years.



My mom wouldn't let me play pinball until I was tall enough to reach the flippers without using a chair. I blame this rule for the resulting growth spurt.


37 and I've been playing since I was 10 so that's 27 years.

First videogame experience was getting the home version of Pong for Christmas.


22. First game I played was my mom's PONG thingy, God knows when. When I was 6 I got my first console/computer: a C128 that ran on C64 mode 100% of the time. :)


I'm 26, I've been playing games since I was 3.

My father bought himself an Intellivision in 1980, which I ended up spending a lot of time playing. In 1982 my parents bought me my very own Atari 2600. Woo!

And my family wonders why I'm 26 and still enjoy playing games. :p
34/28 - I lived in Arcades / 7-11's. Got a Atari VCS (2600) for Christmas in 1977. I probably had a pong system and the Odyssey before that.
clipunderground said:
28 years old.

I've been playing since I can remember. Started with pong. Respect your elders all you spring chickens!! :D

You weren't even born when Pong came out! It was released in 1972. The Atari VCS was out by the time you could hold a joystick.

Some of you are trying a little too hard to be hardcore.


sonycowboy said:
You weren't even born when Pong came out! It was released in 1972. The Atari VCS was out by the time you could hold a joystick.

Some of you are trying a little too hard to be hardcore.

That's not to say his parents didn't own pong, and right after he was born, he started playing it. Maybe you're trying to be too hardcore, proving other people aren't hardcore, and you look less hardcore as a result.
Soul4ger said:
That's not to say his parents didn't own pong, and right after he was born, he started playing it. Maybe you're trying to be too hardcore, proving other people aren't hardcore, and you look less hardcore as a result.

Huh? A goes to B goes to C goes to A goes to ???

And when people talk about Pong, they'd better damn well be talking about the arcade version!!! That's Pong!

Anyway, I wouldn't call myself harcore at all. I was really into games as a kid, but when the market crashed in 1984, I didn't play much at all again until 1996 (except for Street Fighter quite a bit,the odd jaunt to the arcade, and a handful of NES/SNES games). I think High School and College took me out of it.

It took the Playstation with Tomb Raider, Gameday, & Resident Evil to get me back in.


sonycowboy said:
Huh? A goes to B goes to C goes to A goes to ???

And when people talk about Pong, they'd better damn well be talking about the arcade version!!! That's Pong!

Anyway, I wouldn't call myself harcore at all. I was really into games as a kid, but when the market crashed in 1984, I didn't play much at all again until 1996 (except for Street Fighter quite a bit,the odd jaunt to the arcade, and a handful of NES/SNES games). I think High School and College took me out of it.

It took the Playstation with Tomb Raider, Gameday, & Resident Evil to get me back in.

Actually, I was just trying to be a jerk. I don't mean anything by it. It is possible that he played his parents' pong, though. You don't need to jump on him.

By the way, 22/18. For anyone who cares.
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