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How old are you, and how long have you been playing videogames?

sonycowboy said:
You weren't even born when Pong came out! It was released in 1972. The Atari VCS was out by the time you could hold a joystick.

Some of you are trying a little too hard to be hardcore.

I said the first game I played was pong. which it was. ass.


Knows the Score
As a follow up, what's the first game you have a solid memory of?

For me it was a chip-shop in Scarborough, trying to see what the weird box in the corner that had people so entranced. It was Space Invaders, and I wasn't tall enough to see in without standing on a box.

I wish I still had mine... :(

Musashi Wins!

30/??? I played Atari, Odyssey and Arcade games. I skipped the 16-bit generation to be a rock star...and when that didn't work out I bought a Dreamcast.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim

First games I played were various Atari 2600 games whenever we visited my cousins who had one. I also played games on this odd Texas Instruments computer thing. It was a keyboard with a cartridge slot that you could connect to a TV. Eventually we visited one of my mother's friends in Canada, whose kid had a Nintendo, so I asked for one for my birthday in maybe '90 or '91. I was so engrossed in it at one point, that when we planned on visiting another of her Canadian friends, I asked if I could bring it along. The other person, hearing me over the phone, suggested my mother buy one and bring it with her, and she could pay her back for it in Canadian money rather than us having to go exchange funds. I guess it was because electronics cost less here or something?

Edit: Whoops, misread the question. I'm 23, and have been playing games since I was 8, so that's 15 years.


Hang out with Steve.
Well I turn 40 next week, and I think my first video game experience was the Pong machine we got in 1976 or 1977. So, 27 or 28 years.



My first games were on a PC, not a console. Some Mario Bros Battle clone (in singleplayer), Goose and some other games. Got a Game Gear als first non-pc gaming device, shortly followed by a SNES, because I found out that Mario Kart wasn't available on the Game Gear. :D Got a N64 after that, then a GBA, a GC, a GBA SP and finally a PS2.

Still, I don't betray my PC background. :)


being watched
8bit said:
Just curious.



Heh. Snap. :D


As a follow up, what's the first game you have a solid memory of?

Southend on Sea. One of those ancient B/W undersea shooting games, where Sharks and Jellyfish attack and you have to blast them up with a cheesy harpoon gun. Used to play that again..and again every year we went back...wonder if they still have it. :p


27 in a month/21

Started playing with a Coleco in 1983, then came the NES, but I really fell in love with the Super NES.

And I still see myself playing for another 20 years at least.

Seth C

Almost 25 and I've been playing games for 21 or 22 years. Hard to say, I don't really remember. I played my dad's VCS when I was really young.


It's easier on my view of humanity to disregard your actual ages and assume everyone that posts on GAF is twelve or so.

And that Cockles lives in a different country.

Then again, he's the only person I'd trust to rescue me if my aerospace fighter crashlanded on Fractalus.


Im 18 and I have a photo (that I can't find) of me when I was 4 dominating an Original Outrun arcade in America.


First home console was when I was 5 though (NES)



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that

I started playing with the pinball machine at like 4, now that was a game...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
21, according to dad, been "playing" 18-19 years

I havent really played games for 3 months now. Just a couple matches of Halo at a friends house (really just a couple matches, not extended periods of play). I think I'm losing interest, though I saw Gladiator last night and wanted to play Eternal Darkness.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Birthday: December 29th, 1973
First videogame played: Space Invaders, 1981
First videogame ENJOYED playing: Donkey Kong, 1982
First videogame console owned: Atari 2600, 1982

I still remember the slice of pizza I was eating at Shakey's Pizza in Midland, TX when I played Donkey Kong for the first time.



It's odd, but I can't remember the names of professors I've had last semester, but I remember the name of the first game I rented (Adventure Island.)


I turn 21 in two weeks.
I've been playing the NES since I was 3. My parents got it for me because of a doctor recommendation. I had poor hand-eye coordination. Hehe. Over 17 years later, my room's full of game posters, I met my girlfriend of 3 years through a game website, I go to a game college and my online pseudonym and domain are both based off of video game characters.
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