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How old are you, and how long have you been playing videogames?


doncale said:
I've been playing videogames since the early to mid 1980s when my folks took me to a resort in Wisconson called Lake Lawn Lodge. I liked playing the arcade games there.

WOW, I remember playing Route 16 in the arcade there.



I've been playing videogames since I was 4. I started out with a an NES and have been a Nintendo fan ever since.

Ranger X

Middle 20s is the new age of the gamer nowaday? pretty cool.

I'm 26. Playing since 22 years.

First Game i truly remember i played is Donkey Kong!
25 years of age, and I remember playing Football on a Texas Instruments TV computer before I received a NES for a Christmas present.

That should give you some idea.


17/15. When I was a toddler my parents would hold me up to arcade cabinets and I thought I was playing. I also had an Apple 2c at home I apparently played Lemonade on. I started console gaming around my 5th birthday with the start of the SNES.


24 next week, been playing since I was 6 or 7. Though for awhile I got out of games, (during the late part of the 16-bit cycle) FFVII got me back into games.


Still Tagged Accordingly
I'm 22. My first gaming system was the Game Boy, but I was playing games long before then in the arcades and on other people's consoles.


I'm 19 and I first played video games 16 years ago. I didn't own a video game system until 15 years ago, I didn't own a living system until 11 years ago, and I didn't own a "modern" console until 6 years ago.


I'm currently 19 as of October 2nd, and the earliest I can remember playing games was during the NES times.

pcostabel said:
What games were you playing in 1975?

Kick the can!


And even i am moderately surprised
29 years old, Gaming wise : 23 years

I doubt i was actualy playing the "pong" game we had when i was 4, but play it i did apparently, but i have very fuzzy memories of that , but i do recall a lot of zx81 stuff


Great times.


The Inside Track
28, been fascinated by computers since as long as I can remember. Got my first computer/console (a philips videopac) when I was 5. Learned how to count on it before I could even read...


Tag of Excellence

Started on a hand me down pong system and quickly got an Atari. My sister was 6 so technically the Atari was for her but damn I loved playing that thing. Then I quickly moved on to PC games and the rest at the tender age of 4. It's what happens when your dad is a tech geek and the General Manager of IBM Venezuela (ie: COMPUTERS IN THE HOUSE AND THE CHILDREN MUST BE TEH COMPUTATIONAL MASTERS OF TIME AND SPACE!!!!). I've been ruined since birth! :(

Jim Bowie


The obsession started when my mom bought be an NES for my birthday. My first games were Super Mario Bros. & Duck Hunt (of course), Ducktales, Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers, and Excitebike. To this day, whenever I see Ducktales or Rescue Rangers on TV, I get all emotional and nostalgic.

You have to realize that video games killed my life. I was a kid that enjoyed running around doing kid stuff, but after video games I did the outside stuff much less. That carries on today. I sat around this evening watching movies, playing Katamari Damacy, playing Starcraft, and posting on a gaming board. I know scores of video game inside jokes. I'm a geek.

Oddly enough, I don't harbour a grudge against video games at all. I embrace video games wholeheartedly. And while video games killed that life, they gave me a whole new one. And this spawn-point is infinitely better.

Grey Fox

Jim Bowie said:

The obsession started when my mom bought be an NES for my birthday. My first games were Super Mario Bros. & Duck Hunt (of course), Ducktales, Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers, and Excitebike. To this day, whenever I see Ducktales or Rescue Rangers on TV, I get all emotional and nostalgic.

You have to realize that video games killed my life. I was a kid that enjoyed running around doing kid stuff, but after video games I did the outside stuff much less. That carries on today. I sat around this evening watching movies, playing Katamari Damacy, playing Starcraft, and posting on a gaming board. I know scores of video game inside jokes. I'm a geek.

Oddly enough, I don't harbour a grudge against video games at all. I embrace video games wholeheartedly. And while video games killed that life, they gave me a whole new one. And this spawn-point is infinitely better.

Amen Brother.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Jim Bowie said:
And this spawn-point is infinitely better.
heh, i got that 'inside joke'.... i guess that makes me a geek too.

edit: i have no idea how some of you are able to remember the first game you ever played.


Tag of Excellence
Scrow said:
edit: i have no idea how some of you are able to remember the first game you ever played.
I wouldn't either if it weren't for my sister and parents. Hell I just have extremely vague memories of pong and Atari when I was a kid. Apparantly I LOVED those machines.
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