If an employer offers a 401k with a match years down the road and frankly shit choices for funds, would it be better to open a retirement account with Vanguard in the meantime? (and then contribute when the match kicks in?)
Also it seems like I'm hyper aggressive compared to most in terms of my investment strategy (95% stocks, 5% bonds)... I'm not risk averse and the ups and downs in the market don't bother me at all (I am 25).
Is this a terrible idea like some would have me believe or is it fine if I'm ok to take on the risk? Seems like I'm giving up free money in the long run otherwise...
I'd definitely suggest opening your own retirement account if you work has poor fund choices with high expense ratios and isn't currently matching. You can probably ask your work about adding low cost index funds to your retirement options. But until then it sounds like you're probably just bleeding money on expense ratios.
I asked a similar question a couple pages earlier, one response was asking why I'd want to over complicate things and another was I believe questioning my risk tolerance if things weren't panning out correctly. I'm personally not worried about my risk tolerance, I spent years as a semi professional gambler and I work in a casino so short term losses really don't both me. So I don't see why I shouldn't shape my portfolio to take on more risk.
I'm currently sitting at (before and after I asked my question earlier in the thread)
33% S&P 500
33% Small cap
23% midcap
11% International
0% bonds
The issue with making things more complicated like this is picking which index funds you want to follow. For large cap S&P 500 is usually a pretty easy choice, it's generally considered to be the "market" when people reference performance. But then you get to mid cap and you have several funds like the S&P 400, Russell mid cap index, and the Wilshire US Midcap index. Small cap too, you'll have to pick between the Russell 2000 and S&P 600. The Russell 2000 is generally the go to small cap index, but the S&P 600 has been out preforming it. Expense ratios was another thing pointed out to me, but if I wasn't aware of expense ratios I don't know why I would be posting in this thread, it's pretty much the entire OP. My works small cap fund has a massive expense ratio of 1.2% but fidelity and vanguard have much cheaper small cap index funds so if you're going through them it's not a big issue. But historically MidCap has outperformed Small Cap which has outperformed large cap. Whether or not this trend will continue no one knows.
I believe the OP responded to my post asking why I'd want to sector invest, but I have never heard anyone refer to large cap, mid cap, and small cap as sectors opposed to things like Healthcare, energy, utilities, Financial etc etc. Maybe I'm wrong, I'd probably have gotten a more detailed response if I hadn't forgotten to respond to their posts. But I don't believe categories of capitalization are comparable to sectors.
I'm contemplating making things a bit simpler, but through my 401k id still have to break down international, large cap, and mid cap. So adding small cap on the side I don't see as a big burden.
Personally having taken into account other people's concerns I'm not too worried about increasing my risk or my risk tolerance. I don't mind balancing my funds. my expense ratios are low in all my funds, I'm only 25 so time is on my side for the time being. So exposing myself to a bit more risk seems to be something I feel I can handle.
I'm mostly replying to this so other posters will be able to weigh in on your post, I wouldn't say my opinion isn't worth anything but I'm just going to pretty much agree with you which probably isn't the most helpful reply. I forgot to reply to my own responses for my similar question early on so I didn't get the depth of discussion I was looking for and that may have left me missing some key points to assuming more risk.