A brief follow up to some discussion from a couple months ago, when the Listen Money Matters podcast was posted, featuring Mister Money Mustache. What resonated with me was the goal of living on half of your take home, and the philosophy of reducing consumption spending.
The last two months my wife and I have made a concerted effort to cut back on some consumption spending and double down on paying down the house. Trimming back impulse buys, cutting down on eating out, avoiding sit down places when we do eat out, holding off on home projects for a while (spacing them out). Eating out was actually a small reduction, but it was lots and lots of little things, and in the case of home projects, a few big ones.
In May we ended the month with over $1,000 more in checking that we usually did. And in June, we ended with about $700 more (some cyclical expenses came up in June). We split that into our Roth IRA's and paying down the house faster. I think, if we keep this up, the house will be paid off in 3 years, which feel enormously liberating just to type out.
I wanted to mention it as this thread has gone for a few years now and it's greatly informed my retirement and savings philosophy and approach. But in this instance it's also impacted some lifestyle choices and altered my retirement trajectory a bit along the way. Thanks for all the great discussion.