I have always thought about what I would do if we were to go through another 2008/2009, not that we are at that level but keeping a strategy in mind is always a smart move.
I am in construction and end of 2008/2009 was a strong reality check for me. My boss and many of my friends were laid off. I worked hard and the client we had at the time recognized it and wanted to keep me on for a side project, honestly that saved me. I am forever grateful there as I had just bought a house and would have been sunk if not for that small project.
My thoughts from there forward were that I needed to make myself as valuable as possible in my industry so that if I do get laid off another company would snap me up right away. I secured licenses and certifications and so far I think I have done my due diligence - I get 3-4 calls a week from head hunters.
Further, once that project came through, I pushed my chips to the middle of the table and upped my 401k contribution to the highest I could at the time, 10% from 6%. A good friend put it in my head "Now is the time to buy, everything is cheap!" I followed his advice and was very happy once 2011/2012 rolled around. I am currently maxing my yearly contribution, I am happy with where it is at now since I am somewhat front loaded.
A very good friend of mine who is about 5 years younger than I always wished for another 2008, her reason is that she lived at home and invested all of her money. Her portfolio ballooned up to $200k by the age of 25. She always told me to keep a strong cash position so that I am not caught unprepared when the next opportunity arrives.
Another coworker, Mike, who has since passed away due to cancer (Fuck cancer) at a young age used to always tell me to mind the companies that will never disappear. Your Cokes, GEs, and his favorite, Citibank. I was always nervous of it considering how toxic the banking industry was at the time. He used to always reassure me, dude don't worry, I am buying at a huge discount since I know C won't disappear. I am happy to buy while everyone is selling out of fear. I said hell no Mike. He bought C at I believe $0.98. 10k shares. Worked out well for him and his family.
My intent at the time at that age was to start a real estate empire but I quickly panicked and just started saving my money and not doing anything. I closed my eyes to what was going on around me, stupidly. I vowed to never let a good deal pass me if it made financial sense. Though what I wanted was to invest in cheap real estate I did not follow the numbers, I hoarded my cash whereas now I'd be in amazing shape.
So that is my list of things to keep in mind:
1) Make myself valuable within my industry - DONE
2) Have a strong cash position for the next opportunity
3) Buy during a downturn, everything is cheap
4) If you do individual stocks, buy fear on stalwart, staple corporations (tho keep in mind the lessons of Lehman Brothers, Bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch etc)
5) Never let a good deal pass, the market will always recover.
Prob not the right place to post these thoughts and I am def rambling but I laugh every time I see the panic from my friends and co workers on their negative returns. 2010-2012 were amazing for those that held on.