what MER did they give you....
A wonderful 2.46 % for one, and 2.47 % for the other.
As I said, I sure wish I saw this thread before. Investing roughly 20k right into the market just before it all comes down.
6k of it is locked in for a 3-year TFSA which is, as I understood it, guaranteed not to drop below value, but I cannot touch it until then.
6k into a TFSA with a 30 Bonds / 70 Growth value
7k into a RSP with 40 / 60.
3k into a basic, standard TFSA to serve as an emergency fund if I ever need it.
I wish I would have invested in more stocks, but apparantly the quiz they had me answer kind of locked me into these moderate accounts, or something.
I don't really know what I'll do with these at the moment. I assume I'd have to pay some kind of penalty or something stupid for taking them out right now (so I could invest them into a low MER) and they have dipped below what I paid for them at the moment, so I'll just leave these where they are and look at them in the future as a test, ha ha.
I have looked into Questrade, ETF and Vanguard, but Wormdundee's and Canadian Couch Potato gave me the impression that A) You had to have a bit more money to invest than what I have atm (they mention 50k, I believe) and B) It's more of a hands-on approach at times. The TD e-Series blurb being described as more fire-and-forget seemed more up my alley.
I do still have Questrade bookmarked though, and it being wholly online does sound easier than setting up a new TD bank account and stuff. So long as it is intuitive and not as heavy as it looked, I guess I'd figure it out with this thread's help.