This will be useful to see which TurboTax you'll need:
Is it a good idea to max out on the first of the year? I thought January is a historically bad month for the market. I always try to max out by the quarter one dividends (at the end of March).
1 1.10%
2 0.37%
3 1.39%
4 1.47%
5 1.12%
6 0.04%
7 0.71%
8 -0.09%
9 -0.69%
10 0.83%
11 1.13%
12 1.96%
With today's drop, the S&P 500 finished the year down < 1%, though with dividends, most people probably saw ~1% of growth. (The average dividend yield for S&P 500 is ~2%.)
That's not the case over the long view. Just looking at roughly the past 30 years, there's no reason to view January negatively. Here's the gains/losses of the S&P 500, aggregated by month, going back to 1984.
Code:1 1.10% 2 0.37% 3 1.39% 4 1.47% 5 1.12% 6 0.04% 7 0.71% 8 -0.09% 9 -0.69% 10 0.83% 11 1.13% 12 1.96%
As for the topic of going in all at once versus balancing it out, I did a historical comparison here a while back.If we were able to factor in dividends, it would probably make the day 1 strategy even more favorable.
Apparently, the new year is starting off at a steep discount. Get those Roth contributions in at low, low, bargain bin prices, I guess.
Finished 2015 at -0.9% return for the year. Investing rate of 32%*, which I am very proud of. Want to push it above 40% if I can this year. I took big time hits to my savings account and had to replenish so I should be good to go.
Kidding of course. On the plus side I am still getting some dividends trickling in so I am already getting a nice re-buy discount.
* - Investing rate = ($$ invested in 401k without the company match + $$ invested in taxable account)/(Net Income+$$ invested in 401k without the company match)
Apparently, the new year is starting off at a steep discount. Get those Roth contributions in at low, low, bargain bin prices, I guess.
Just great! Put 5500 dollars in my TFSA on January 1st, and I'm already down a few days later. Oh well...
I've funded $1,000 for my Roth IRA in July 2015 (first year doing this, 22 years old).
I wanted to add more money and was wondering if I should invest it in the 2015 year or 2016 for vanguard?
So at my current job there is no 401k option (we have a pension that you get vested in after 5 years, and we have $0 in medical expenses and transportation costs so don't feel too bad) but I want to start saving on my own. Something that I could maybe combine if I get another job that does offer a 401k and a match.
What is my best option for right now?
I've funded $1,000 for my Roth IRA in July 2015 (first year doing this, 22 years old).
I wanted to add more money and was wondering if I should invest it in the 2015 year or 2016 for vanguard?
China is fucking up the entire market, kudos to those that took their money out before
China is fucking up the entire market, kudos to those that took their money out before
I'm the opposite, in that my investing for the year is very front loaded due to the timing of my bonuses and annual employer contribution. I'm buying in at an (increasing) discount.
Last year I doomed the entire market. I'll keep my mouth shut this year though so China takes the heat.![]()
Just hope that the market stops falling before you have to make your investments
I have a few k i COULD put back in right now... But not sure if worth it. Gonna wait a bit more given China isnt exactly proposing solutions atm lol.
In the long run it really won't matter.Probably should have waited a few days before dumping the entire $5500 into my Roth.
Can someone explain what's happening? I'm seeing dumb articles on CNN like "is this another 2008?" but nobody really explaining what the hell is going on.
Fear about the world economy. China is fucked. There have been mass selloffs to the point that they actually shut down the market two(?) days in a row. Today it was only open for 15 minutes.
How do you go about calculating nest egg/emergency fund amounts?
What types of savings should be considered liquid? I assume any retirement account is not considered liquid.
Can someone explain what's happening? I'm seeing dumb articles on CNN like "is this another 2008?" but nobody really explaining what the hell is going on.
1- Would taking my money out of PRHSX right now be a good or bad idea? I'm open to investing my non-retirement money into a new fund for now, or just moving it to PRWCX, since it's a little safer.
FYI, I'm in PRHSX as well, and it closed to new investors in the middle of 2015. It's had ups and downs over the past year, but it has historically performed very well. I'd just hold onto it if I were you, as you'll never be able to get back into it if you divest yourself completely.
How does this affect IRAs/Roth IRAs?
*I am a finance ignorant.