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Huge XS ep2 review (or 'how we flunked game design school') spoiler-free

john tv


That is too funny :)

EDIT: It says "Simple 10,000 Series (i.e. 10,000 yen): The Arienai," which translates to "The Unbelievable"



Tabris said:
The Zophar was harnessed and the emulators were made. God (the "existence") was stripped from Heaven (through the path of sephirot) and manifested (through the Zophar, and thus linked to all the emulators (one of which will be linked to Deus)). Also, Adam has made contact with the Zophar. (Adam shown at the end)

Erm, you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Sounds like you played Xenosaga Ep1 in Japanese without understanding anything and made up the plot yourself. :p

john tv

duckroll said:
Erm, you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Sounds like you played Xenosaga Ep1 in Japanese without understanding anything and made up the plot yourself. :p
Yeah, I don't follow you either. What exactly are you talking about here? And who is Adam?
... but what about the panty shots? Surely there has to be more of them!!! Well, so far, by reading these impressions, I currently have lost all interest to playing Xenosaga 2. Oh, one question though, what does Xenosaga: Episode 2 do if you have the completed save-data from Episode 1?


cvkpaladin said:
... but what about the panty shots? Surely there has to be more of them!!! Well, so far, by reading these impressions, I currently have lost all interest to playing Xenosaga 2. Oh, one question though, what does Xenosaga: Episode 2 do if you have the completed save-data from Episode 1?

You start with KOS-MOS and Ziggy's swimsuit skills, and you get bonus skill points for each character calculated based on their levels on your clear save.


kiryogi said:
Are those suits exclusive to clear-datas or can you find them by other means?

Exclusive until...... you...... exploit...... THE BUG!

There's a BUG in XS Ep2 that allows you to learn all the swimsuit skills and Erde Kaiser attacks at almost no cost at all. Simple menu glitch thing that is easily exploited, you just have to know how. No doubt this will be removed in the US version. :)
I was hoping for something a little more then a couple of swimsuits. I'll probably buy the game when it finally gets over here, still kinda intrigued to see what happens in the story, but I'm most definitely waiting for budget price now.


Argh, I don't have a clue why I confused the name Abel with Adam. Same with Zohar. I was just really tired when I wrote that. Anyways, corrected.

How did you not any of what I described happening?

Was there mention of the original Zohar? Many times.

Were the Zohar emulators created using the original? Yes.

Was the Zohar emulator "linked" to "something" (which Xenosaga describes as "another entity" potentially Deus) causing the disappearance of an entire planet (Ariadne)? Yes.

...and if the Zohar or Zohar emulator was "linked" to "something", wouldn't this cause the event described in Xenogears as "the wave existence (God) being ripped into this dimension and being trapped in the Zohar (and thus all the emulators)"? Definitely.

Was the (spirtual) manifestation of the wave existence based on Abel's "will for a mother" present? They don't come straight out and say it, but I mean there has to be a reason why Nephilim looks exactly like Elhaym.

Has Abel made contact with the Zohar? He must have.

All facts presented in Xenogears in one form or another.


Tabris said:
How did you not any of what I described happening?

Because it's all wrong?

Was there mention of the original Zohar? Many times.

Yeah, the Original Zohar is the Original Zohar.

Were the Zohar emulators created using the original? Yes.

Erm, that's assuming alot. They were created to emulate the functions of the original in some way, but there's no mention that they were created USING the original.

Was the Zohar emulator "linked" to "something" (which Xenosaga describes as "another entity" potentially Deus) causing the disappearance of an entire planet (Ariadne)? Yes.

Errrrrrrr what the hell? It was just a test of the Zohar Emulator's abilities which are to manupilate space-time matter. The experiment failed and the planet vanished. I think you're reading too much Perfect Works and thinking of Xenogears here.

...and if the Zohar or Zohar emulator was "linked" to "something", wouldn't this cause the event described in Xenogears as "the wave existence (God) being ripped into this dimension and being trapped in the Zohar (and thus all the emulators)"? Definitely.

Oh boy, you're sooooo completely wrong here. Definitely my ASS. The event described in Xenogears might or might not have some relevence to a certain event described in Ep2, but XG is XG and XS is XS, and neither event has anything to do with Ariadne or the Planetary Disapperance. This is where your assumption makes you look like an idiot and we fail to understand you. :)

Was the (spirtual) manifestation of the wave existence based on Abel's "will for a mother" present? They don't come straight out and say it, but I mean there has to be a reason why Nephilim looks exactly like Elhaym.

Nephilim looks like Elly because Takahashi said many MANY times that he likes having the cameos in Xenosaga so fans of Xenogears can go "oh! cool!" similar to how famous directors like to use the same actors in various of their movies as a nod to fans. Once again your assumptions make you sound completely ignorant. :(

Has Abel made contact with the Zohar? He must have.

You know, I'll still love to see a single valid non-fan source confirming that this boy in the end of Ep1 is named Abel or that he has any relevence to anything that you assume. Since he has all of 5 seconds of screentime in Ep1 and NONE in Ep2. You seem to be able to "explain" alot from that 5 seconds. I on the other hand remain objective.

All facts presented in Xenogears in one form or another.

Yes and once again XS != XG. Wake up.


Errrrrrrr what the hell? It was just a test of the Zohar Emulator's abilities which are to manupilate space-time matter. The experiment failed and the planet vanished. I think you're reading too much Perfect Works and thinking of Xenogears here.

Here is a direct quote from Xenosaga Episode I

"link experiment
An experiment led by Cherenkov to activate the Zohar emulator.
The word "link" indicates that the procedure entails connecting the Zohar with another entity"

Oh boy, you're sooooo completely wrong here. Definitely my ASS. The event described in Xenogears might or might not have some relevence to a certain event described in Ep2, but XG is XG and XS is XS, and neither event has anything to do with Ariadne or the Planetary Disapperance. This is where your assumption makes you look like an idiot and we fail to understand you. :)

Yes it does, the planetary disappearance was caused by the "link" with the Zohar emulator and "another entity". (stated in Xenosaga several times) In Xenogears, it's described that the event where "the wave existence" is pulled down occurs when the Zohar emulator is linked with Deus.

Also can't you debate something without resulting to personal attacks?

Nephilim looks like Elly because Takahashi said many MANY times that he likes having the cameos in Xenosaga so fans of Xenogears can go "oh! cool!" similar to how famous directors like to use the same actors in various of their movies as a nod to fans. Once again your assumptions make you sound completely ignorant. :(

Yeah, great, I get it, you don't believe Xenosaga will lead to Xenogears. I'm working on the theory it does, and I'm trying to prove it with the facts presented to me. The fact is, Nephilim looks like Elhaym.

You know, I'll still love to see a single valid non-fan source confirming that the boy in the end of Ep1 is named Abel or that he has any relevence to anything that you assume. Since he has all of 5 seconds of screentime in Ep1 and NONE in Ep2. You seem to be able to "explain" alot from that 5 seconds. I on the other hand remain objective.

Where's the fun in being obvious :p Only facts we know about the situation is he looks like Abel and the environment he was in. So I'm drawing to the conclusion that it's Abel and he's made contact.

Yes and once again XS != XG. Wake up.

...or perhaps it is. I dunno about you personally, but I'm able to enjoy games like this a lot more when I can form my own theories about what's going on and what it's leading to. Sure, I might be completly wrong, but it's more enjoyable to me that way :p

The truth is no one really knows the truth, and everything either of us say could be completly wrong. I rather believe that Xenosaga will lead to Xenogears, because it makes it a lot more interesting for me.


Tabris said:
The truth is no one really knows the truth, and everything either of us say could be completly wrong. I rather believe that Xenosaga will lead to Xenogears, because it makes it a lot more interesting for me.

Ok how about this for size. Tetsuya Takahashi has stated in no uncertain terms that Xenosaga is simply the concepts for Xenogears completely reimagined fo a space-opera series. Also in recent interviews, he has stated that Episode 3 (if it ever is made even) will tie up the KOS-MOS and Shion relationship storyline, like how Episode 2 tied up Jr and Albedo's relationship storyline.

Now, ACCORDING TO XENOGEARS, Episode 1 was to cover the entire creation of Deus and the interstellar war. Episode 2 was to cover the crash of the Eldrige and the birth of life on the XG planet. Episode 3 was the Zeboim Era.


We're just delayed, don't worry, we'll EVENTUALLY GET TO IT!

How about this for size? Episode 2 reveals what "Abel's Ark" is, and it sure as HELL isn't the Eldrige, and if the boy IS Abel, and he IS on the ship, then he sure as hell isn't "the captain's son", nor could he have "made contact" anytime in Ep1 since the Original Zohar was in Old Miltia all this time.

Still unconvinced? Ok, go ahead and make up your own stories about Xenosaga, because they'll probably end up being better than whatever shit game you're getting next year from Namco! HAHAHAHAHAA! :p


Ok how about this for size. Tetsuya Takahashi has stated in no uncertain terms that Xenosaga is simply the concepts for Xenogears completely reimagined fo a space-opera series. Also in recent interviews, he has stated that Episode 3 (if it ever is made even) will tie up the KOS-MOS and Shion relationship storyline, like how Episode 2 tied up Jr and Albedo's relationship storyline.

Yeah, but it also is possible he's just trying to leave us to being suprised, and is stating that so whatever changes he does make are accepted because he wants to remake the story in his own way. Doesn't mean all paths won't eventually lead to Xenogears? I mean who wants to play a game about Kim? (episode 3)?

How about this for size? Episode 2 reveals what "Abel's Ark" is, and it sure as HELL isn't the Eldrige, and if the boy IS Abel, and he IS on the ship, then he sure as hell isn't "the captain's son", nor could he have "made contact" anytime in Ep1 since the Original Zohar was in Old Miltia all this time.

Actually Abel makes contact with the emulator, not the original Zohar.


Tabris said:
Actually Abel makes contact with the emulator, not the original Zohar.

You know, this would all be alot better if you just say "In my wildest dreams and imagination, I *think* that Abel might have made contact with a Zohar Emulator, but that's just me speculating...." because otherwise you're one step away from delusion and already knee-deep in fanfic land.

Tell me, what exactly did Abel "make contact" with in the XS Ep1 ending since:

- Original Zohar: On Old Miltia
- 13 Zohar Emulators: On Durandal

Come on, he was just a boy-who-looked-like-young-Fei, and he was in some undisclosed place reacting to KOS-MOS' outage of power. The same thing Wilhelm's compass of Order was reacting too.


I bet Abel made contact with the tiny Zohar plate we saw from the Ep1 FMV opening, because the base the plate connected to is the base of Wilhelm's compass of Order and I don't remember see the Zohar plate there. THAT MUST BE IT! Chibi-fei *cough* I mean ABEL, made contact with chibi-Zohar! Soon to be revealed in Chibisaga Episode 3: Tabris Dreams!


Haha. You're so hostile :p

Anyways, Did I say Abel made contact during Episode I? I just said Abel has made contact.

I just said it was done by Episode I.


Haha. You realize I'm like only "Xenofan" on this entire board right?

There's no plural anymore, you drove them all away :p

and this so better not be my 100th post (damn it! wasted it)


well not really...yet
Guys youre arguing with a guy who thinks Xenogears is on the same level as Shakespeare.

just a thought....


Tabris said:
Haha. You realize I'm like only "Xenofan" on this entire board right?

There's no plural anymore, you drove them all away :p

You give JackFrost too much credit. To be honest, I think Ep2 drove us all away. I'm definitely looking forward to Ep3, but if Arai Kou is still the fucking director, I might just wait for the videos instead of even buying the game.


well not really...yet
kiryogi said:
I'm hoping they release a similiar bonus DVD to the one we just got for Saga 3.
I think at this point they should just make cutscenes and forget about the game alltogether ;P


Aye, I just mentioned that earlier. Maybe Saga2 will really be the bomb bomb in japan/america then Namco will cut off funding further more!.. heh
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