Just create a NA account and connect it as primary on your console to redeem your games, you'll be able to play them without a problem.
EU here, I've done this and everything works fine if people are sceptical or dubious about doing it. There are lots of guides and videos about, Google is your friend here. I have a JAP account too, don't really use that one though.
Other reasons to do so are regional/time locked content, there are a few demos for PSVR (at launch at least) that weren't available in the EU, some times there are good deals, you can buy US PSN credit from cdkeys and the like.
You can still play all the games on your EU PSN account and earn trophies etc that all show up on your EU account.
Just make sure you note all of the credentials you put in just incase, I didn't use an account for a while an forgot the login details and lost it.