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Hunter x Hunter Community Thread - OSU!


You are not the only one. Those two in there primes would be menacing, Killua would most likely look like a younger Silva...which I actually find interesting since out of the kids he's the only one with grey hair, the rest look like their mother. Which probably means the Zeno, Silva genes are recessive or something, but the stronger genes. I would hope an older Gon actually learns to apply some god damn logic to his fights. Don't get me wrong, Gon thinks, but it's too much on non lateral basis, he ain't going to be playing that Chrollo speed chess any time soon or ever.

Gon is pretty much destined to be like Uvogin. He's going to be a total brick, like the fucking Hulk.


So he's going to rely on strength and punch his problems away? Didn't get Uvogin too far when he fought Kurapika.

Nope that did not go so well lol. But that style of fighting definitely fits Gon's personality. And shit, we've seen what the ceiling of Gon's potential is. I don't think Uvo has shit on this:


I think Gon will be an immense physical threat, which will contrast very well with Killua's more technical skill-set.

And man, Gon has been hinted as being some kind of monster all throughout this series. I really want to see a time skip, because like you said in the other HxH thread, Gon absolutely has the makings of an anti-hero. Hell, maybe even as some kind of antagonist. Then Killua could be the main protagonist. It would definitely be new, as character's in Killua's role always seem to go rogue. If Gon became like Walter White or some shit, where you slowly begin to realize that you can't get behind the shit this character is doing, despite liking them so much in the beginning. Man . . . that would be interesting!

Gon's morality is all kinds of gray after-all. He basically just does what he wants to do at the end of the day. Gon was an absolutely terrifying child during the Chimera Ant arc, so I really shudder to think about what he could become later down the line. I honestly think he would be a lot like Uvo! That dude loved the Phantom Troupe like family, but he was still a fucking psychopath lol.
Nope that did not go so well lol. But that style of fighting definitely fits Gon's personality. And shit, we've seen what the ceiling of Gon's potential is. I don't think Uvo has shit on this:


I think Gon will be an immense physical threat, which will contrast very well with Killua's more technical skill-set.

And man, Gon has been hinted as being some kind of monster all throughout this series. I really want to see a time skip, because like you said in the other HxH thread, Gon absolutely has the makings of an anti-hero. Hell, maybe even as some kind of antagonist. Then Killua could be the main protagonist. It would definitely be new, as character's in Killua's role always seem to go rogue. If Gon became like Walter White or some shit, where you slowly begin to realize that you can't get behind the shit this character is doing, despite liking them so much in the beginning. Man . . . that would be interesting!

Gon's morality is all kinds of gray after-all. He basically just does what he wants to do at the end of the day. Gon was an absolutely terrifying child during the Chimera Ant arc, so I really shudder to think about what he could become later down the line. I honestly think he would be a lot like Uvo! That dude loved the Phantom Troupe like family, but he was still a fucking psychopath lol.
Gon has already done stuff that I'm not fully in line with so him going further down into the abyss is frightening, meanwhile Killua actually got better. It would be fucking hilarious if there's a time skip and Kurapika and Gon are heads of the god damn Phantom Troupe. I could actually see Kurapika getting drunk as fuck off the power since he already seems to be head of the mafia or something. Gon does seem to Uvogin's think outside the box mentality, it just hasn't been amped up to Uvogin's brutality level yet. Like imagine if he had to fight somebody faster than him and he gets out of it by just breaking the dudes legs. Makes me wonder what Ging would think, would he even care or would he be proud of it?


Gon has already done stuff that I'm not fully in line with so him going further down into the abyss is frightening, meanwhile Killua actually got better. It would be fucking hilarious if there's a time skip and Kurapika and Gon are heads of the god damn Phantom Troupe. I could actually see Kurapika getting drunk as fuck off the power since he already seems to be head of the mafia or something. Gon does seem to Uvogin's think outside the box mentality, it just hasn't been amped up to Uvogin's brutality level yet. Like imagine if he had to fight somebody faster than him and he gets out of it by just breaking the dudes legs. Makes me wonder what Ging would think, would he even care or would he be proud of it?

Wow, you're definitely right about Kurapika having the potential to go down that road. The man is avenger, and a bonafide mafioso. The path of vengeance seldom seems like the best one to go down, and I fear it will consume Kurapika in the end. The Dark Continent arc is going to push him to the limit, and possibly over the edge.

And with Gon, well we've seen what kind of darkness lurks underneath the enthusiastic exterior. When pushed too far Gon is a very dangerous individual, capable of abhorrent acts. Imagine what Gon would do to someone who killed Kurapika, Leorio, or god forbid Killua?

And Ging, man, I don't know how he'd feel about Gon's brutality, as I haven't seen what he is fully capable of either. Shit could just run in the genes, like Hanma blood lol.
Wow, you're definitely right about Kurapika having the potential to go down that road. The man is avenger, and a bonafide mafioso. The path of vengeance seldom seems like the best one to go down, and I fear it will consume Kurapika in the end. The Dark Continent arc is going to push him to the limit, and possibly over the edge.

And with Gon, well we've seen what kind of darkness lurks underneath the enthusiastic exterior. When pushed too far Gon is a very dangerous individual, capable of abhorrent acts. Imagine what Gon do to someone who killed Kurapika, Leorio, or god forbid Killua?

And Ging, man, I don't know how he'd feel about Gon's brutality, as I haven't seen what he is fully capable of either. Shit could just run in the genes, like Hanma blood lol.
Gon's best friend comes from a family of murderous assassins and Kurapika's a vengeance junkie. Only nice ones are Leorio and Killua by shear fact of "who saw that shit coming?" If Kurapika did wind up killing what's left of the spiders and Gon asked him what's next I wouldn't be surprised if he did say, "Run dis shit" and you have Kurapika, Gon and Hisoka as the new Phantom Troupe.

Gon went dark over fucking Kite and he only knew him for probably a few weeks minus the childhood parts. I can't imagine what would happen to him if he lost Leorio or Kurapika, he'd probably just be like pre Freiza Saga Vegeta and just Rock cities into oblivion. I'm still trying to put my finger on where Ging stands though. He's not on the fucked up level Pariston is...thank god, but he never really seems to come off as a good guy either. He's not evil, just lackadaisical.


Gon's best friend comes from a family of murderous assassins and Kurapika's a vengeance junkie. Only nice ones are Leorio and Killua by shear fact of "who saw that shit coming?" If Kurapika did wind up killing what's left of the spiders and Gon asked him what's next I wouldn't be surprised if he did say, "Run dis shit" and you have Kurapika, Gon and Hisoka as the new Phantom Troupe.

Gon went dark over fucking Kite and he only knew him for probably a few weeks minus the childhood parts. I can't imagine what would happen to him if he lost Leorio or Kurapika, he'd probably just be like pre Freiza Saga Vegeta and just Rock cities into oblivion. I'm still trying to put my finger on where Ging stands though. He's not on the fucked up level Pariston is...thank god, but he never really seems to come off as a good guy either. He's not evil, just lackadaisical.

Honestly, we would get the same result. That transformation was his peak, we will never get to see him get past that, be it with Kite dying or any other friend. I doubt he will ever achieve that kind of power ever again, that was a one-time deal due to plot convenience.
Honestly, we would get the same result. That transformation was his peak, we will never get to see him get past that, be it with Kite dying or any other friend. I doubt he will ever achieve that kind of power ever again, that was a one-time deal due to plot convenience.
Ok, no wonder why his peak was him breaking the sound barrier towards puberty. I guess luckily he'll never be that powerful again no matter how hard or long he trained.


Gon has already done stuff that I'm not fully in line with so him going further down into the abyss is frightening, meanwhile Killua actually got better. It would be fucking hilarious if there's a time skip and Kurapika and Gon are heads of the god damn Phantom Troupe. I could actually see Kurapika getting drunk as fuck off the power since he already seems to be head of the mafia or something. Gon does seem to Uvogin's think outside the box mentality, it just hasn't been amped up to Uvogin's brutality level yet. Like imagine if he had to fight somebody faster than him and he gets out of it by just breaking the dudes legs. Makes me wonder what Ging would think, would he even care or would he be proud of it?

Didn't Kurapika specifically push the Nostrade Family towards legitimate business ventures and services like bodyguard work after taking over?
I feel like he's got his morals and convictions, he's just neglecting his friends and everything outside of his goals.
Didn't Kurapika specifically push the Nostrade Family towards legitimate business ventures and services like bodyguard work after taking over?
I feel like he's got his morals and convictions, he's just neglecting his friends and everything outside of his goals.
This is true, but Kurapika isn't exactly immune to making rash and dumb decisions that put himself and other people in danger though. In Yorknew Melody had to work over time to keep him from flipping out.
Anybody have an idea of how much this Phantom Rouge movie I'm watching is canon? I know the backstory with Pairo is canon cause I read the Kurapika short, but I have no idea with Omokage. I don't recall Togashi ever stating who Hisoka replaced.


Anybody have an idea of how much this Phantom Rouge movie I'm watching is canon? I know the backstory with Pairo is canon cause I read the Kurapika short, but I have no idea with Omokage. I don't recall Togashi ever stating who Hisoka replaced.

That's it. The rest isn't at all AFAIK.
That's it. The rest isn't at all AFAIK.
Makes sense since a lot of it seemed like movie filler, hated that this took place before Greed Island before Killua and Gon got their Nen acts together. Would've preferred right before Chimera Ant Arc myself.


The most OP version of skill stealing is actually Leol (or was it Hagya) or Ikalgo.
Leol only need the owner of the skill to say "I owe you one"
Ikalgo is a bit more macabre, he just wears his corpse's target like a puppet...
Compared to that Chrollo is really bothersome with all the constraint needed to make it work.

Ging is pretty OP because if the skill is not doing anything that "special" he can use it.
He could probably use Genthru's main skill without any problem (explode stuffs with your aura while protecting your hands with Gyo).
From the Ryodan, he could easily pull 2 to 3 of the Troupe's people skillset.
It's also to be noted that Leolio didn't use anything special according to Ging, it's just regular stuffs that Nen physician learn.
I don't know that Ging knew about it beforehand but more that he understood how it worked and its applications.
I can not possibly imagine a conversation between Pariston and Meruem...Now I'm picturing Pouf and Pariston talking, kill me now. Since Netero is peak human I guess him noticing the potential in Killua and Gon is a compliment for the two of them. I guess when you run around curb stomping people you notice quality.

Top Ant Troll with top human Troll!
I think Pouf would just kill Pariston after the latter makes his head explode or something.

e: The Gon we saw was peak Gon, he's not supposed to even reach that potential.
He threw it all away because he lost Kaito, I guess the 2011 botched that part hard because Kaito is pretty much the reason Gon even left his small island to become a Hunter.
It's a pretty fucking deal for him, he's the link to his father, his friend and the one who showed him the way.
It's clear he had immense gratitude to him and is not the "lol, my father's student I met 5 min ago" or something.
It's also the 1rst big loss that hit Gon square in the face.


The most OP version of skill stealing is actually Leol (or was it Hagya) or Ikalgo.
Leol only need the owner of the skill to say "I owe you one"
Ikalgo is a bit more macabre, he just wears his corpse's target like a puppet...
Compared to that Chrollo is really bothersome with all the constraint needed to make it work.

Ging is pretty OP because if the skill is not doing anything that "special" he can use it.
He could probably use Genthru's main skill without any problem (explode stuffs with your aura while protecting your hands with Gyo).
From the Ryodan, he could easily pull 2 to 3 of the Troupe's people skillset.
It's also to be noted that Leolio didn't use anything special according to Ging, it's just regular stuffs that Nen physician learn.
I don't know that Ging knew about it beforehand but more that he understood how it worked and its applications.

Top Ant Troll with top human Troll!
I think Pouf would just kill Pariston after the latter makes his head explode or something.

e: The Gon we saw was peak Gon, he's not supposed to even reach that potential.
He threw it all away because he lost Kaito, I guess the 2011 botched that part hard because Kaito is pretty much the reason Gon even left his small island to become a Hunter.
It's a pretty fucking deal for him, he's the link to his father, his friend and the one who showed him the way.
It's clear he had immense gratitude to him and is not the "lol, my father's student I met 5 min ago" or something.
It's also the 1rst big loss that hit Gon square in the face.

Again, how do you guy know about Ging's abilities?


I think people are focusing too much on Ging "copying" Leorio's ability. I wouldn't even call it copying, it's more recreating. The point of Ging doing that wasn't that he can recreate people's abilities, it was to show us how incredibly proficient Ging is with Nen. Togashi makes it a point to have Ging explain his thought process and Nen manipulation to the reader, he focuses on the 'how'. The point isn't "wow, he copied Leorio's ability, I wonder if he can copy *insert other ability*", it's "wow, this guy is really good with Nen, I wonder what else he can do".


Pariston would have conceded

Yeah, once he saw he had it in the bag he would have conceded to avoid the actual responsibility, just being happy that he "could" have taken the gold, so to speak, and relishing in everyone's confusion and dismay from his sudden change of heart.

...Actually, that sounds like pretty much what I expected/was desperately hoping for from Trump.

He never wanted to win, didn't want to lose either, eventually folded and gave that shit to Cheadle. Pariston at least had a plan, this is like fucking Cheetu winning.

A man randomly falling out of the sky and crushing Trump's head would certainly be one way for this to end, I guess.

Ray Down

Togashi Jump Ryu (a booklet and DVD series filled with interview by mangaka to inspire people) summary, all credit to Sandman from Arlong Park.

[After becoming professional mangaka]

The first manga serialization for him was Ten de Showaru Cupid ("An Ill-tempered Cupid in Heaven"). It became pretty famous, but it finished earlier than expected (chapter 32). Togashi now regrets that he should have prepared a rough plot till the finale before serialization.

2-3 months after finishing his first serialization, new ideas for next manga came to his mind one after another. Then He started Yu Yu Hakusho soon.

Togashi dsecided to focus on the occult and battle in Yu Yu Hakusho since both of them were his favorite genres.

Editor told him that Toagshi is good at creating a story. Togashi was glad to hear that, but at the same time, he thought it wasn't enough in order to maintain great popularity for more than 30 chapters. That's why Yu Yu Hakusho turned into battle manga and made a great success.

Editors in Shueisha consider it is one of the greatest role models to turn a manga which ends in each single story into battle manga. The role model for Togashi was "Kinnikuman" ("Muscle Man"). It started as comedy manga and then turned into battle manga, which Togashi believes can entertain shounen in terms of both surprise and excitement.

One year after he finished Yu Yu Hakusho in 1994, Togashi suggested his editor that he would like to draw manga that would NOT become much popular. This is because he wanted to show various aspects of his personality as mangaka to his audience. Togashi believed he had already drawn traditonl Shounen manga to the best of his ability in Yu Yu Hakusho.

Togashi also told his editor that he would start traditional manga again after he finished "Level E". Editor accepted it.

In "Level E", Togashi was going to finish stories in each chapter, but Prince Baka (stupid prince) became popular as opposed to his expectations. Thus, he decided to make Prince Baka the protagonist of Level E. The prince had complicated personality which always went beyond everyone's imagination, so Togashi had difficulty in creating a story.

Having finished Level E, Togashi started Hunter Hunter. He keeps in mind that he should change his style in each arc so that his audience can be surprised.

Togashi considers character's personality is sometimes important than story. The ending of Chimera Ant arc was not what he expected at first. He makes a simulation about how his characters will talk with each other and take an action in specified situations, which allows his audience to feel as if his characters really exist.

Togashi loves professional slang. For example, his characters call "turn over" when they visit websites. Also, he shows detailed concept of Nen as if it exists as some kind of martial arts in real world.

Togashi tends to show some rules to his audience at first such as Greed Island arc. He enjoys the process finding system bugs or shortcuts in the rules to go beyond expectations of audience.

In Chimera Ant arc, Togashi enjoyed making a super long list as to how his characters would take actions since 10 days before invasion in Royal Palace. He wanted to draw characters in desperate situations taking an unexpected action when they came across someone accidentally. Editor gives exmaples such as encounters between Morel and Shaiapouf/ Killua and Meleoron.

Togashi has been attracted by dirty side rather than beautiful side ever since he was a junior high school student. Editor considers Mukuro in Yu Yu Hakusho is one of the typical examples.

About drawing style, Togashi decided to draw Yu Yu Hakusho impressively and Level E realistically. In Hunter Hunter, he keeps in mind that he should not use screentones as possible as he can.

Togashi doesn't specify detailed personality of boss characters from the beginning. For example, Toguro in Yu Yu Hakusho was just a bodyguard at first, but his personality gradually became more attractive as his grudge against Genkai was revealed. About boss characters' appearances, he enjoys making them complicated since boss characters don't make much appearances.

While Togashi is drawing manga, he listens to TV show ad enjoys talking about it with his assistants.

Togashi considers himself not being good at drawing color spreads.
-Togashi memorises facial expressions ot characters in other mangas. One of his favorite book is "Facial Expressions" written by Mark Simon.

There are 5 assistants in his studio.

Togashi thinks of Akira Toriyama as a god. He has Dragon Ball 30th book.

On Togashi's desk, there is some manuscripts of a fight betweemn Hisoka and Kastro which he considers as bad quality. He pays attention in order not to repeat the same error. Togashi also says that people on internet fandom were embarrassed with the chapter at that time. lol

The previous editor says, "Togashi-sensei is very gentle. He remembers what editors said in the past and sometimes bothered to be worried about us."

Editor thinks Togashi resembles Gin Freecss in terms of personality. HAHAHAHA

An editor says he was scolded by Togashi only once when he changed words in manga a bit without permission.

Togashi sticks to every single word in manga. He even doens't want to use various fonts since he is always confident of his words being interesting.

Togashi's message to mangaka beginners:
"Keep in mind about audience. Make every effort to go beyond their expectations".

I found this on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/5ayxlu/togashis_jump_ryu_content_summary/

Bold what I thought were the best bits.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Toooooo late.

I was actually going edit my post to ask if he had any kids. Well hope they like getting abandoned and forced to fight there way through all manner of insanity to climb a giant tree and meet him again.

Ray Down

Lol lets hope Togashi doesn't have any kids.

He has 2, hell he had a son by the time Yorknew arc was ending at least near the ending for the arc with the volumes.

Togashi is seemly the better dad since he's more likely around more than Ging ass.

Likes children well enough to make a children book with his wife.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
He has 2, hell he had a son by the time Yorknew arc was ending at least near the ending for the arc with the volumes.

Togashi is seemly the better dad since he's more likely around more than Ging ass.

Likes children well enough to make a children book with his wife.

A children's book that sucks them into a horrible alternate dimension where they are forced to battle other kidnapped children to the death just so Togashi can avoid meeting them after they eventually win despite nearly getting killed a half dozen times in the process.


So remnd me again how togashi came up with these whack ass name spellings?
Like where do you get zlodyck from?


I expect we don't see Gon for a period about as large as the Chimera/Greed Island arcs. There's no real reason for him to be involved with the plot unless someone asks him to come for whatever reason (which they won't, considering his current predicament). We don't need another training arc either. Killua could though.
I'm perfectly fine without Gon, just bring back Killua please. Have Killua, Silva and Zeno go to town on the Dark Continent and increase their Nen power.


I imagine the Zoldycks will get involved considering one of them is in the phantom troupe.

No idea how Gon could factor into this though.


This is a guy who came up with York New City and Pariston Hill. Half the time his names seem like a joke.

I suspect that if we research the way the names are written in Japanese we will find some semblance of meaning behind the names.
Also in Japanese it is written as Yorkshin at least based on the wiki.


I suspect that if we research the way the names are written in Japanese we will find some semblance of meaning behind the names.
Also in Japanese it is written as Yorkshin at least based on the wiki.

York Shin City translates to York New City, which is just New York City.

Pariston Hill is a Paris Hilton joke.

I don't think there's anything beyond that.
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