I am surprised that his dad has more interesting Nen than he does. I'd take dragon beams over Rasengans any day of the week.Is Silva's Nen ability just throwing Rasengan's and shit?
My bet is on Halkenburg. He got arrogant and thought that he could drop out without any kind of repercussions because he was above the succession war. Now he's doomed with, I'm assuming, all of his guards dead.
Pariston's Nen is being an asshole
Where the magic happens
I bet it was Halkenburgs own nen beast that killed his guards.My bet is on Halkenburg. He got arrogant and thought that he could drop out without any kind of repercussions because he was above the succession war. Now he's doomed with, I'm assuming, all of his guards dead.
Now that I'm starting to get used to Togashi's art style I'm getting really tempted to buy some of the mangas. He has some really cryptic and visceral cover work and I like his use of water colors. It actually makes the art work really unique. Holy shit Pitou's supposed to be blonde?!!!
Speaking of, I'm really wracking my brain as to whether I should go all in for the paperbacks or the Kindle editions of the volumes. Still haven't even decided for One Piece either. I'd really love at least one physical manga collection.
Having the kindle version would be really convenient, and it would look great on a high resolution tablet, but there is definitely something appealing about having the physical volumes! I get enjoyment just looking at the spines of the manga I have on the shelf. Only complete series I own is Ruoruni Kenshin, and I've had those volumes since High School!
I can't wait till Viz releases Vol 34 of HxH. I like giving Togashi my money.
We ain't getting Vol 34 until March of 2018 if the time delay between the JP release of Vol 33 and the US release is any indication. My shelf has just literately ran out of space for manga, so I have to decide between getting another shelf or double layering it (yes I can sell some, but those that I'm willing to sell are already sitting horizontally ontop of my other books so that won't save real space). I'm going to have to rearrange this by August when the new Jojonium comes out since that row has 0 more space at all.
Bruh just by the Josephine Joestar statue.I will begin collecting HxH volumes down the line as I like to have physical copies of my favorite works even if I do most of my reading on a tablet. I already have Vagabond, Berserk and several other mangas so HxH will fit right in.
Now that Hisoka statue with the glowing crotch, that is something I'm not sure I should buy mostly because its going to be fun trying to explain that to people. "Well you see that's a statue of a murderous pedophile clown man who gets off on fighting the strongest opponents and his crotch glows when he gets..."
Having the kindle version would be really convenient, and it would look great on a high resolution tablet, but there is definitely something appealing about having the physical volumes! I get enjoyment just looking at the spines of the manga I have on the shelf. Only complete series I own is Rurouni Kenshin, and I've had those volumes since High School!
I can't wait till Viz releases Vol 34 of HxH. I like giving Togashi my money.
I'm slightly confused about the been beast. They are from the dark continent right? Why are they involved in the challenge? My memory is hazy from not reading these chapters for a year.
I'm slightly confused about the been beast. They are from the dark continent right? Why are they involved in the challenge? My memory is hazy from not reading the these chapters for a year.
The Nen beasts that each of the princes has aren't from the Dark Continent, or at least I'm not sure they are. The Nen beasts were granted to the 14 princes prior to leaving for the Dark Continent on the boat via a ritual. In this ritual all of the princes placed a drop of blood and their hand into a jar that's been used for generations in the Kakin family for succession wars. By participating in the ritual, each of the princes was granted a parasitic Nen beast that uses its hosts spiritual aura but remain independent and are not controlled by their host. The main purpose of the Nen beasts are to find out which prince is the most capable to become the next ruler of Kakin.
I say that I'm not sure that they don't come from the Dark Continent because we have no idea how the ceremonial jar was actually made. The first ruler of Kakin could have used some Dark Continent mumbo jumbo to create the jar.
Greed Island was basically all Nen creations so it can creates all sorts of stuff even magic cards that can heal any injuries or illnesses.
The jar could also have been created via a conjuration ability, not entirely unlike Kurapika's chains.
I've run out of space on my shelf as well. Got 10 volumes of Toriko languishing over by my novels and American comics, haha. They're right under my figure shelf, which is also getting overloaded lol.
Speaking of figures, I wonder when we're gonna finally get a mob boss Kurapika figure. I want something like that pretty bad. Kurapika really kills it in that suit!
The HxH/JoJo row is doomed no matter what.
Yeah I'll go for the paperbacks
The Nen Beasts aren't from the Dark Continent. The Nen Beasts are Nen parasites. Manifestations created because the King of Kakin put all the princes through a ritual where they stuck their hand in a particular jar that drew out these beasts from their nen without their awareness. They are involved because of a real world ritual the king is trying to re-create called Gu. Gu is a ritual poison created through trapping various venomous animals in a closed space (centipedes, spiders, snakes) and drawing venom from the last creature to survive. The King has created a closed space where these beasts will wreak havoc and induce conflict until only one prince, a prince considered worthy of ascending to the kinghood, stands having survived the ordeal.
Thanks.The Nen beasts that each of the princes has aren't from the Dark Continent, or at least I'm not sure they are. The Nen beasts were granted to the 14 princes prior to leaving for the Dark Continent on the boat via a ritual. In this ritual all of the princes placed a drop of blood and their hand into a jar that's been used for generations in the Kakin family for succession wars. By participating in the ritual, each of the princes was granted a parasitic Nen beast that uses its hosts spiritual aura but remain independent and are not controlled by their host. The main purpose of the Nen beasts are to find out which prince is the most capable to become the next ruler of Kakin.
I say that I'm not sure that they don't come from the Dark Continent because we have no idea how the ceremonial jar was actually made. The first ruler of Kakin could have used some Dark Continent mumbo jumbo to create the jar.
Because there aren't any known limitations right?The limitations on the cards are probably why they could do that shit. I mean, with the right limitations Nen can do pretty much anything.
Hell, that's why the Dark Continent is so scary.
I'd probably fall for it too sooner or later.On a random note I like how the parasitic Nen that attacked Kurapika through the other bodyguard has a condition that is basically based on annoying someone by constantly asking over and over if they're free.
I feel like being a hunter in HxH, you should not respond or listen to a word anyone has to say. The possibility of it being a condition are just too high :lol:
Also I said this during last chapter discussion but I'm willing to bet that ability is due to the host feeling like her mother is too busy for her (with her younger brother). Will be interesting to see how the other abilities tie into each prince's personalities. Someone theorized that Harkenberg's beast killed his own men; could be that he doesn't trust anyone (due to repeated assassination attempts etc) and that was reflected?
The shit only works if the dude tells you about it, which is actually kind of funny. Does it work if you wear ear plugs?Have you heard about the bomber? Also I'm going to give you a friendly pat on the back.
I feel like being a hunter in HxH, you should not respond or listen to a word anyone has to say. The possibility of it being a condition are just too high :lol:
Also I said this during last chapter discussion but I'm willing to bet that ability is due to the host feeling like her mother is too busy for her (with her younger brother). Will be interesting to see how the other abilities tie into each prince's personalities. Someone theorized that Harkenberg's beast killed his own men; could be that he doesn't trust anyone (due to repeated assassination attempts etc) and that was reflected?
The shit only works if the dude tells you about it, which is actually kind of funny. Does it work if you wear ear plugs?
The shit only works if the dude tells you about it, which is actually kind of funny. Does it work if you wear ear plugs?
This is my current situation. The HxH/JoJo row is doomed no matter what.
Maybe Genthru had to learn like six different languages to make sure he can cover that condition. Nen specifics are always interesting.I don't think we ever find out the specifics of the condition relating to stuff like that. Like could he talk to someone who doesn't speak his language and go through all the conditions and they're set even if the person didn't understand because he simply "heard" him say it? It seems the fine details are important like with how Kurapika's chains work.
Holy fucking shit at that Gon-san statue, I'm dying here. I think the only mangas I'd like to own are Berserk, Jojo, HxH, YYH and that might be it so far.That might matter lol. I think the victim might need to physically hear the explanation. Kinda like that one shrinking technique Rando used in YYH.
Haha, I can see your dilemma. This is my shelf, which is currently approaching critical mass:
That might matter lol. I think the victim might need to physically hear the explanation. Kinda like that one shrinking technique Rando used in YYH.
Haha, I can see your dilemma. This is my shelf, which is currently approaching critical mass:
Maybe Genthru had to learn like six different languages to make sure he can cover that condition. Nen specifics are always interesting.
Holy fucking shit at that Gon-san statue, I'm dying here. I think the only mangas I'd like to own are Berserk, Jojo, HxH, YYH and that might be it so far.
I should pick up some of it, nice!!All Berserk manga is right now half off on Rightstuffanime for their birthday sale, bundles seem to be even slightly more cheaper.
Holy fucking shit at that Gon-san statue, I'm dying here.
The packaging for the Gon statue is as good as the figure itself haha
Haha, the hair is really something else on the the Gon-san. Never ceases to amaze me whenever I look at it. Easily one of my favorite figures.
It honestly is almost as good as the figure itself! I usually bring my boxes to work to display in my cubicle, but yeah I hold this one back. It just looks too good on the manga shelf.
Because there aren't any known limitations right?