There's still plenty of people in Louisiana without power. Some folks in Texas are gonna be out for damn near a month.BakedPigeon said:damn........
guess said:Still no electricity
tedtropy said:At this point going to school is, tragically enough, just something to do.
y2dvd said:My car was flooded. I'm not sure where to go from here. Guess I'll call my insurance co. and get a mechanic to check it out.
ScythD said:UH is definitely busier than I expected. Daytime classes are running normally except that no tests or hw are allowed this week and the graduate classes are being shortened because of the curfew so most of my professors are just canceling classes.
JayDubya said:Yeah, we didn't get any coverage on Rita either, and that was awful.
My old next door neighbors had moved to Bridge City - their new house is fucking wasted. Dead animals and fish in the home, all major appliances floated up and around and banged up the walls... All the keepsakes and photo albums pretty much washed away.
Beaumont, Port Arthur, Port Neches, Nederland, etc. don't have a lot of damage, but there's no electricity, gas is hard to come by, the refineries are way understaffed (understandably)... it's bad.
SuperAndroid17 said:Fuck UH , only fucking school open...then again these days wont affect our holiday vacation.
The local weather guy kept saying the winds wouldn't have been as bad if it had rained, as the sun heated the air and tapped into the faster winds in the upper atmosphere. Who knows if that's true or not.TaeOH said:I live in Columbus Oh too. It has been really odd to see all these snapped tree's everywhere and half the traffic lights not working. I got lucky, I live in a subdivision with underground lines, we never lost power. Thank god, I had lightning hit my furnace chimney in March and my roof needed replaced because of hail damage two years ago. My insurance company upped my deductible because of those claims. I can't afford another claim.
But half the county has been out of power since Sunday. A lot of bad food, whole grocery stores lost their refrigerated stock. Restaurants that are open are packed with so many people not able to cook at home. My work still won't have power tomorrow to the building tomorrow, I am working from home this week through VPN.
I have never seen a wind storm like this, feel like we dodge a bullet since the rain did not come.
My friend goes to U of H law and he's in class right now.Teknoman said:Bunch of city trucks out clearing debris. U of H and all branches are apparently closed until the 22nd. Some ass broke into the Gamestop I work for (and the place I reserved DQ IV...) via the roof during the now thats got to be fixed, and I guess I wont be working till at least the end of the week, maybe longer.
smirkrevenge said:day 4 without power, posting from my iPhone with candles burning for light. It's really been quite an interesting experience, but not one I would want to repeat. Lots of reading and sleeping, and thinking as well.
I propose that after this whole ordeal is over, those gaffers that have lived through this should get together for a little happy hour. I'd be happy to organize.
Be safe the rest of you...and hopefully my next post will be from modern civilization.
captive said:Seems like major media isnt covering it that much. Right now there's one or two articles on cnn, one of which isnt even about galveston/houston.
Drudge Report has the best coverage as usual.
Galveston County Judge Jim Yarbrough put it this way: "Turns out there's a tiger, and I understand he's hungry ... so we're staying away from him."
Your right it is trivial. Your also right about LA/NYC thing too.dskillzhtown said:I know it is trivial, but if this had happened to NYC or LA, there would be a telethon going on right now for them and it would be Ike 24/7 on the news. It doesn't really matter in the big picture of recovery, but kind of disheartening when the nation's 4th largest city is buried under a headline about Meagan Fox dating a stripper at one time in her life.
captive said:Your right it is trivial. Your also right about LA/NYC thing too.
Fuck 'em, we dont need them.
Im watching ABC 13's live coverage at work. They started a look and leave policy yesterday for Galveston.... this was not a good idea, it was a complete and total clusterfuck. They just showed 45 south into Galveston, backed up for 15 miles. This causes problems because electricians, contractors, clean up crews and employees of grocery stores that are trying to become operational cannot get in.
It was a dumb idea and poorly executed, but it was even dumber for EVERYONE to try and get in at once.
They have since suspended this policy, but there are still people sitting on 45 south getting turned around by police.
I would be down for meeting somewhere when things get back to some sense of normalcy. Maybe we can get together and watch a Texans game at a bar.
dskillzhtown said:It is just the fact that no power dominoes into a ton of other problems. Can't keep food cold, can't cook in some cases, can't communicate with others or get news. If the power gets up, many of the problems the Houston area are having will be solved. Hopefully that is soon.
captive said:My friend goes to U of H law and he's in class right now.
dskillzhtown said:I know it is trivial, but if this had happened to NYC or LA, there would be a telethon going on right now for them and it would be Ike 24/7 on the news. It doesn't really matter in the big picture of recovery, but kind of disheartening when the nation's 4th largest city is buried under a headline about Meagan Fox dating a stripper at one time in her life.
Miguel said:Well, Jennifer Reyna has made my morning just a tad bit better.
Miguel said:Owen Conflentti #2?
Kidding. I assume Daniella Guzman is the other reason.