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Hydro Thunder Hurricane coming to XBLA


The games presentation is rough. Which is a shame because half of Hydro Thunder is the shock and awe from the visuals.

Also, Hydro Thunder is the best racing game on earth, so I'm extremely nervous/excited for this release.


twinturbo2 said:
The music isn't THAT bad. The sound FX do need some work, though.

I seriously can't wait for this bad boy to be released. :D

Agreed, the sound when you're using turbo versus when you're not is off. It's like it's not loud enough or not strong enough. If the arcade game, if you're not using turbo and just sailing along, it's so quiet. Then when you kick-in the turbo things go crazy. Here I couldn't tell when the player was/wasn't using boost.

The power-up collected sound is also...too quiet/subdued. I think they got the running-out-of-boost sound down OK, but not the power-up one.

The tracks, I gotta say, look beautifully designed and offer some nice variety. I think they absolutely nailed that part. Love the Area 51 track, looks awesome. :)

What I wouldn't give to beta test this one. I *looooove* me some Hydro Thunder. Love.
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