The battle system is really pretty fun, but like...almost every single RPG ever to grace the planet earth, it opens up very significantly later on. You start off with one skill, 3 characters, 1 weapon, no accessories, no EX finishers or EX attacks, and end with dozens of all of those. Early combat is easy (quelle surprise) but "dangerous foes" which are basically respawning optional bosses with significant rewards, are pretty fun to fight and get all the rewards from (though if it's like Victory you'll probably need a spreadsheet to track down all of them, I'm sure someone's made one or will make one soon)
Jeez, Laststation looks completely inappropriate in Nep 1. So does Leanbox. They look a heck of a lot better related to their respective companies in later games.
Just got a bit into Chapter 2, when do I start unlocking more characters? Are the Sisters even in this one? I got 2 of the 3 DLC characters though so it's already getting a bit better. Just hope it doesn't have that Mk2 pacing.