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Hypothetical: Halo 2 OR Half-life 2???


Chili Con Carnage!
Littleberu said:
Even if Halo 2 came with a hot girl model, a brand new car and chocolate, I'd still take Half Life 2.

For $50? seems a bit short-sighted of you ;)


Chili Con Carnage!
I just thought you could buy Halo 2, keep the woman, sell the car, buy a new amazing PC with HL2, then eat the chocolate while you play.


I consider Halo overhyped. Half Life is also overhyped but I prefer it mainly cos its story is good.


PuertoRicanJuice said:
W/o mods - Halo 2
With mods - Half-Life 2
That should be everyone's answer.

I agree here. Initially, Halo 2. SP, Co-Op! , and what should be a really fun MP component.

HL2 potentially after a few years. The neverending list of mods that totally overhaul the MP game could add a lot.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Fuck it;

Sell a kindey, buy both. In their special editions.

There is no battle. Stop the war and lets all make love.*

*Note: of course, this offer only extends to the women of the GAF audience.


Halflife 2 by a mile. Mods put it over Halo2 alone, and the great control with a mouse and the clarity of a monitor add alot, but also,

1. The story and atmophere of Halfife 2 really interests me, i really want to know more about these wierd guys with breathers on and the huge structures they are building. Compared HALO2 just seems more predictable.

2. The phyics are sick in Halflife2, i haven't seen any HALO2 footage that comes close. It seems like you could really play with the world for endless amounts of time.

3. Guns, HALO2 has some cool guns and i'm sure alot we haven't seen, but the gravity gun in HL2 is so awesome, turning nearly anything into a weapon. And we've seem other things like the grenade that summons monters that attack your enemies, i'm sure we haven't seen alot of cool HL2 guns.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Even if Halo 2 came with a hot girl model, a brand new car and chocolate, I'd still take Half Life 2."

What if it came with a big strapping french guy called Pierre who loves it "rought style ... with the boys"?
border said:
Half-Life was a relatively dull, plodding single player experience. Halo 1 was the best single-player FPS since Goldeneye. Gotta give the edge to Halo 2.

How far did you get Half Life though? I never finished Half Life 1 but I was at my friends house and they were on some part with these invisible ninjas it looked sick.


Half-Life 2 !!!

How could you say the original was boring ?? The "Surface Tension" part alone is still one of the tightest FPS experiences ever.
HL2 would've looked great 6 months ago... those 40 screenshots look pretty cool and all, but the only thing really impressing me are the facial animations and physics.

I have no idea what to expect from Halo 2 single player, I'm sure it'll have plenty of aptmosphere to match HL2's.


Halo was my favourite FPS ever (yeah i played Half Life on PC)

So Halo 2. Its just doing so much more for me (XBL baby!)


You can tell that those saying it's an easy decision (aka "XXX by a mile", "nothing else compares") aren't big fans of FPSs.

Yes, it's a bold statement, but it's true.


Well, the game I want most of all is Half-life 2. I'm very excited and fascinated by it. It feels like a step forward in technology, like something fresh, something that will set new standards instead of building on the old ones. And I'm sure it will be a damn good game too.

Halo 2 belongs to the older school when it comes to technology IMO, although it's really polished and all that (except for framerate, I assume).

So I would choose Half-life 2, BUT...since my computer can't run the game anyway, in my position...if I was to buy only one of these games, I would of course go with Halo 2.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Fight for Freeform said:
You can tell that those saying it's an easy decision (aka "XXX by a mile", "nothing else compares") aren't big fans of FPSs.

Yes, it's a bold statement, but it's true.

By all means, Half-Life was great, but when i reached xen it became about as fun as Ken's Labrynth

Grey Fox

The guys saying HL was overhyped must be braindamaged.Except for Xen,Half Life singleplayer was about the best you could get in a FPS(especially at the time).Other than the outdoor areas in Halo(which I loved and were to few) all the indoor parts were:go through 6 levels that all look the same,each cluttered with random covenent/flood for you to slaughter with about 3 weapons,since the rest are to rare(ammo), annoying and/or suck.


Yeah, Xen was the only downside for HL.

However it seem Valve knew that too, and I have not heard from any of the reviews thus far that you go back to Xen or that a similar platforming nightmare is in the game.


Halo 2 for sure (although I will be getting both). I didn't like half life 1 at all. I really tried to like it at the time (I enjoyed Sin more), but just couldn't get into it. Halo 1 on the other hand I loved.


Fight for Freeform said:
You can tell that those saying it's an easy decision (aka "XXX by a mile", "nothing else compares") aren't big fans of FPSs.

Yes, it's a bold statement, but it's true.

ha wrong


Half-Life 2. The first one spawned the greatest mod ever made and I have no doubt that the sequal will be as godly as the first.


HL2 will win this poll.

Most PS2, GCN, and PC fans will vote for HL2.

Most Xbox fans will vote for Halo 2.

Anyway... Halo 2 gets my vote, mainly because it was the first FPS that was at the level of HL and I could play from the confort of my couch, on a nice screen and with a kickass surround system. I can't wait for Halo 2.

Obviously, I have HL2 already on the way through Steam. :p
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