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Hypothetical: Halo 2 OR Half-life 2???


Honestly for people who don't want to fuss with downloading mods, extra maps, models and various modes..and rather just keep it simple Halo 2 is the way to go. I'm sure there will be the occasional content dl for Halo 2 anyway.

Personally there are a handful of fps for PC I'd rather play, but I wont dog anyone who likes it.


DSN2K said:
I knew this thread was a bad idea moment I saw it :lol

People should have thrown Metroid Prime 2 into the mix.

Or just create another topic pitting Halo 2 and Metroid Prime 2. Those are always fun. :)


kpop100 said:
Honestly for people who don't want to fuss with downloading mods, extra maps, models and various modes..and rather just keep it simple Halo 2 is the way to go. I'm sure there will be the occasional content dl for Halo 2 anyway.

Personally there are a handful of fps for PC I'd rather play, but I wont dog anyone who likes it.

i am sure pc owners will be terrified of downloading free extras and playing online! ;) Of course counter strike doesnt exist really :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The fun and fluidity of Halo's combat system and the games AI gave it a heap of potential that was let down by repetition and poor level design, it was, in many respects, a rough gem

Ah, but you see, the level design was NOT poor. Repetition was only a problem as far as visuals are concerned. Even in the worst situations, rooms that looked very much the same were physically different and unique.

Visual variety != Gameplay variety


only thing what let me down about halo was playing the same levels backwards. I felt the 2nd half of the game was rushed by Bungie or something because it was way to repetitive.

Indoor levels kind of sucked also, game was at its best outside.


No. System Shock.

Didn't Half Life come out first? Or was System Shock a few months earlier?

Ah, but you see, the level design was NOT poor. Repetition was only a problem as far as visuals are concerned.

Even if this was the case (which I don't believe so), why did I get the impression that everything was the same; that everything was repetitive from level design to enemy encounters? I certainly wasn't looking for an excuse to deride the game since I bought an Xbox on the basis of the popular acclaim it received. The problem is that even if there was still a significant amount of the game where rooms look graphically similar but enemies are in a different position or a few columns are in a different place and that you'll see this if you look close enough, the game still appears to be rather repetitive at first glance, and for some people (such as myself) this type of repetitiveness can become mundane. Take for example the uniqueness of each room in Metroid Prime, it has its own personality, individuality and story not to mention that everything interlinks beautifully. Compare that to the similar graphical style in terms of texture and geometry and that not only does the game look repetitive but also plays repetitive as well and you have my problem with Halo.

Indoor levels kind of sucked also, game was at its best outside.

I agree, some of the outdoor levels were epic. And teaming up with your allies while dropships are dropping off covanent was a blast.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
There is certainly an importance to be found in visual variety, but really, 90% of Halo's areas were not simply geometric copies. It wasn't as simple as moving a pillar or changing enemy positions either. Many of those very similar looking rooms were actually COMPLETELY different, from a design standpoint. It may not seem that way to you, due to the bad memories you harbor...but that is actually the case.

Bungie knows this, though, and there is no way that this will occur in Halo 2. While each of those rooms WERE different from a functionality standpoint, the actual base shape for the room was copied from a generic room type. So, ignoring the contents of the rooms and hallways, they DID copy many pieces. That won't be the case with the sequel...

I felt the 2nd half of the game was rushed by Bungie or something

It was rushed. :)

The single player campaign found in XB Halo was created in 9 months.


Question for the people that find Half-life dull. When did you play it? When it was new on the shelves, or years later? Half-life was fairly innovative at the time, and that added a lot to the overall impact of the game at launch.

If you don't like something, you don't like something, but it's hard to look at older titles and compare them to something newer. Half-life 2 vs Halo 2 will be very interesting seeing as they are being released within a month of one another.

So much money to spend this fall.

*Goes off to play more Monster Hunter*



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Question for the people that find Half-life dull. When did you play it? When it was new on the shelves, or years later? Half-life was fairly innovative at the time, and that added a lot to the overall impact of the game at launch

I know what you mean here...

I played HL at launch and LOVED it to death. However, with Goldeneye, I did not actually play the game until I had already finished Half-Life and Thief. By that time, the game was very dated and I absolutely detested it.


Deg said:
i am sure pc owners will be terrified of downloading free extras and playing online! ;) Of course counter strike doesnt exist really :p

:lol yeah gotta hate those free downloads


Chili Con Carnage!
SaitoH said:
Question for the people that find Half-life dull. When did you play it? When it was new on the shelves, or years later? Half-life was fairly innovative at the time, and that added a lot to the overall impact of the game at launch.

If you don't like something, you don't like something, but it's hard to look at older titles and compare them to something newer. Half-life 2 vs Halo 2 will be very interesting seeing as they are being released within a month of one another.

So much money to spend this fall.

*Goes off to play more Monster Hunter*


I played it at launch and never bothered to complete it, i played it again years later because i realised everyone thought it was great, got to the end (With a walkthrough 'cause i got bored), i didnt enjoy it either time. There were lots of things i liked about it, and i had a lot of fun with CS but i just did not find Single player fun (outside of 2 or 3 marine rooms, if it had been enemies as intelligent and agressive as marines all the way through, i would have loved it).


There is certainly an importance to be found in visual variety, but really, 90% of Halo's areas were not simply geometric copies. It wasn't as simple as moving a pillar or changing enemy positions either. Many of those very similar looking rooms were actually COMPLETELY different, from a design standpoint.

You may well have a point about visual variety. Halo obviously has a lack of it and this may well lead people to the impression that the game is more repetitive then it actually is. It is certainly a common complaint but impressions count and if that is how the game is perceived then the developers need to alleviate that concern with Halo 2.

Four years earlier, 1994. You're probably thinking of System Shock 2...

Must be, never knew the game was that old. I always figured the two games came within a few years of each other. I was much more of a console gamer at that time though, so there is my excuse :)


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Half Life 2 because the first Half Life actually had some semblance of level design


It is high time they ban, or limit circling corridor to no more than 10% of a FPS. Corridors are the bane of all FPSes. :D

Halo 2 OR Half-life 2?
I will buy both upon release, play them and come back here to post impressions. Fair deal? :)


SaitoH said:
Question for the people that find Half-life dull. When did you play it? When it was new on the shelves, or years later? Half-life was fairly innovative at the time, and that added a lot to the overall impact of the game at launch.
I played Half Life within the past year, and didn't much care for it. I can recognize the contribution that the game made because I remember where the genre was at in 1998, but I really don't see why it still gets so much credit. It doesn't really hold up all that well. My only impression was that the marine AI was pretty good.

In terms of fun and coolness, I thought Shogo (which came out around the same time) was a good deal better.
Half-Life 2 because of these reasons:

- The first one was a lot more fun than Halo, imo. I found Halo to be very boring, except whenever I play co-op with a friend of mine.
- Custom mods, maps, and player models.
- Keyboard support - I have a hard time playing any fps on a controller now.


I thought it was accepted that Halo throws the player into a war whereas Half-life was more of a weird adventure in which you have to think your way through (and shoot at monsters). Half Life also works with bosses while Halo has more of a seamless feel where you accounter various battlefields and scenarios within one level. Since there is a clear difference in focus with both games, they are bound to please different groups of people.

I didn't really like playing Half Life back in the day, but I didn't mind letting my brother show me some cool spots.


not an idiot
xabre said:
You didn't even mention multiplayer in that post, you just said the game lacks depth and needs mods to make up for it, nothing about multiplayer. Typically when one says a game lacks depth they refer to a games single player aspect, i.e. the game is short, the combat is simplistic, the difficulty is easy. If you want to specify multiplayer then you obviously say the game doesn't have any and needs mods to make up for it; essentially you were half-arsed in your wording. Now I now you were probably referring to the games multiplayer (or lack thereof) but I figured I'd throw in a mild smartarse comment for some xbox zealot antagonising fun and that's what I got along with a heap of childish name calling that showed off your level of maturity, so thanks for the laugh.
lol, you're too much. so basically you misconstrued shit again. no surprise there. I don't understand how you can say you misunderstood that and keep a straight face. in that post I started with halo 2's co-op modes being something i wanted, then I was talking about the lack of multiplayer in half-life 2, then I said half-life 2 would need mods to get the legs that halo 2 will have right out of the box. i mean, if you can't follow that wording, it's your fault not mine, that is plain and clear and dare i say you were even "stupid". here's my original post again for you if you try to deny it, pay attention to the 1st paragraph this time...

"to me you just won't be able to top the co-op mode in halo 2, that's like pure gaming sex. it's video game fun at its absolute highest. i can't wait. also, if there is large scale co-op online like i remember them talking about (huge epic battles of co-op with huge co-op battles on beachheads and shit) then it's just no comparison. half-life 2 is going to be pretty weak as all it has for multiplayer is old hat CS, that's it... not even a deathmatch, not CTF, nala.

in my mind, in the long run, halo 2 will have legs and keep on giving and giving... HL2 will have to rely on mod support (i've never been a fan of mods, most honestly suck and are no comparison to a well developed game from the original creator) for depth and that's weak."

i think it's pretty obvious what i am saying there. because I PERSONALLY don't like mods (not saying mods are not good for everyone). and that halo 2 will be the better choice for me, because once i finish half-life 2 single player and get bored of playing the only built in bultiplayer mode (CS), which won't take long, then i am going to be bored. FOR ME, that's ME. Halo 2 will have legs for me because it has so much built in that i can keep playing. when i'm tired of single player, i can co-op, when i'm tired of that i can play multiplayer, and with a billion multiplayer variants all built in, that will play for a very VERY long time then i can play the large scale co-op battles online etc etc etc, and because there are so many things built into halo 2, the game will keep on giving and giving and giving (that's what i meant by having legs).... but I am only speaking for me.

if you like trying out mods and messing with them and don't mind the hassle and don't mind having to wade through a bunch of them to find the good mods that you like, then wait for them to get polished over time, then that's good for you. i have no problem with that and would not knock anyone who is willing to do that.

honestly, this is pretty plainly spoken there... although i don't doubt you just wanted to bitch and argue and fight tho, not like you went in trying to understand my post, but just used it for a platform to jump up on you stand and tell the world why you think halo completely sucked (oh how objective of you). ::rolleyes::

xabre said:
See with this you prove my point by implying that because a mod is not being put together by a professional developer it lacks polish and balance and by extension the multiplayer experience offered by Half Life 2 will pale in comparison to Halo 2. This may well prove to be the case (I disagree though) but you neglect the fact that the mod community has produced many high quality game mods of high polish that are just as fun and enjoyable, not to mention as well developed as any commercial game. Thus, as I originally said, what you seem to be saying is "tantamount to mod communities producing buggy, unbalanced and down right poor game mods that cannot ever hope to match the games they're based upon". You prove my comment correct.

No no no, what I said was is that Halo 2 will not have to rely on mod support. There will be no waiting for anything. And I also said that I usually find that a developer like Bungie is going to put a lot more polish, balance and care into the multiplayer part of their game than most hacks making a mod for half-life 2 (halo 2 has over 8,000 testers working on it). will there be a few exceptions? maybe a few someday... but with halo 2 i am not going to get an unkown, i know i will be playing levels that have been tested by thousands of players already for balance, fairness, cheats and exploits and the map will likely have been tweaked to death for absolute perfection. a few guys rushing to get a mod out for half-life 2 just can't match those resources and the mod will have to "develop" over time by feedback from users etc... this means the polish probably won't be there for years, if ever. and i said "most" mods suck... which is completely true. there are however exceptions, but i find that to be rare.

anyhow, i'm sure you'll have the last word no matter what and it's obvious you are going to try to twist everything now. but for me this is getting old. i'm out.






what i dont get is how ppl are so "easily" picking one over the other. with BS excuses like couch and big tv vs mouse and higher res? hahahahaha...what a bunch of jokers.


It's a silly argument HL2 has CS right away so there's the best multiplayer FPS i've ever played from day one, and HL2 must have some multi modes out of the box right? I'd like using the grav gun against some real people.

Halo 2 is totally up in the air, no one really knows how well the gameplay will work and how things will be exploited(some good some bad). No doubt it could be the best ever i'm just guessing it won't. Will it be the TRIBES killer HALO was meant to be? One strike is there won't be enough people playing together for my taste, not that i care how many people are playing, it's just lower numbers of total players means the maps will be smaller overall.

I'd love a good 64 or even the 128 player TRIBES matches i used to play, hope Vengence is good.

You will surely be able to co-op on HL2, even if it's a mod that someone has to make, was there a HL co-op mod?

A real good idea would be to let 2 players play as enemies in the single player story, allowing you to repawn as the next enemy or hero when you die.


nitewulf said:
what i dont get is how ppl are so "easily" picking one over the other. with BS excuses like couch and big tv vs mouse and higher res? hahahahaha...what a bunch of jokers.

When all things are equal, or make it very hard to choose, details just make enough differences in terms of the experience the player gets. Be it for those that prefer kb+mouse to controller, or those that like playing games on big tvs + surround systems vs. pc monitors.


hyperbolically metafictive
i didn't like the original half life at all, though perhaps this is because i played it years after its release. i think halo's single player campaign is much better. and given how unbelievably bad i am at multiplayer fps'ing, the single player is what i'm really interested in. so halo 2. rather easily.


LAMBO said:
It's a silly argument HL2 has CS right away so there's the best multiplayer FPS i've ever played from day one, and HL2 must have some multi modes out of the box right? I'd like using the grav gun against some real people.

Not according to that HL2 review mag scans at OA. Single player only for now. :)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
people that say "mods!" also should take note we are talking about the games themselves, and not what the fanbase community makes.

^^ - i think he's talking about Counter-Strike: Source

Lambo - for the 5th billion time, Halo was never a tribes-esque game.


To be fair, both of the predecessors fell apart at a certain level. Halo fell apart at the Library level, whereas Half-Life fell apart at the Xen level.

The reason I chose Half-Life over Halo is because I remember when the marines were sent in to terminate everyone. I remember hiding behind one of the crates, looking out to see what was going on I saw the marines actually working together to surround me. Before I knew it, a grenade rolled up to me and it was game over. To see this A.I. work together so seamlessly in order to surround me and kill me, really got me excited.

I don't really remember Halo very well, and that speaks volumes. I remember enjoying playing through the game, for sure, but there isn't anything that really stood out and stays with me. I think that it's a really good game, but there was just something missing that fails to make it memorable. Hopefully, Halo 2 will provide those moments. :)


not an idiot
actually, if that's your thing, halo 2 will also have a "counter-strike like" multiplayer variant as well (along with all the other built in modes)...

"The multiplayer maps will also feature a range of different game modes - one of a variation on the bomb game found in the popular online game Counter-Strike."



Grandma's Chippy
Half Life 2 for me.

I like Halo a lot, but I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I felt like it wanted to be more than it was. If that makes sense. My friends would be saying how they couldn't get enough of an FPS game that had a story and great graphics and awesome multiplayer....while I was thinking they must have never played any of the big PC shooters.

Either way...I sure as hell wish more PC shooters had Co-Op!!!


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
I play the hell out of CS and CS:S , but I am looking more forward to Halo 2 for the single player and the online console multiplayer should be lots of fun.
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