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Hypothetical: Halo 2 OR Half-life 2???


IJoel said:
HL2 will win this poll.

Most PS2, GCN, and PC fans will vote for HL2.

Most Xbox fans will vote for Halo 2.

that's not necessarily true, most PC gamers that also own an Xbox that I know are looking forward to HL2 more. I get the impression console only gamers will choose Halo2. PC only gamers will choose HL2, and most PC and console gamers will choose HL2.

IJoel said:
Anyway... Halo 2 gets my vote, mainly because it was the first FPS that was at the level of HL and I could play from the confort of my couch, on a nice screen and with a kickass surround system. I can't wait for Halo 2.

TV out plus wireless keyboard/mouse = HL2 on my couch :p But it will look so much better on my monitor, so I'll play it that way.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
I'm guessing a lot of people are banking on Half-Life 2 being good because Doom 3 certainly didn't justify the purchases of their overpriced gaming rigs :p


Jack Flack always escapes!
Half Life 2. And for the record I loved the Xen levels, great challenge. I wish i could say the same for the horrible library section in Halo (though I loved the rest of the game).


DopeyFish said:
I'm guessing a lot of people are banking on Half-Life 2 being good because Doom 3 certainly didn't justify the purchases of their overpriced gaming rigs :p

maybe its because the first game is seen as the best FPS ever on PC :p


not an idiot
hands down, no, hands fucking DOWN Halo 2. I don't even know if I'll bother with Half-Life 2 till sometime during the dry season next year, maybe when it drops in price also... there will be no need for it with Halo 2 taking up my FPS time till like forever. That's how much Halo 2 will own fucking HL2 in the pooper.


tough choice, halo is very fun to play, and varied...with vehicles, and master chief fucking rocks. i mean come on...he is a fucking badass. halo is just epic.
on the other hand HL2 has this immense physics engine that just might revolutionize fps gameplay...
nah, i cant choose.


Half-Life2 by FAR!!! The sequel to the best FPS EVER~!!!

Halo fucking sucked single player wise, and Halo2 better be really fucking good (and different) for me to change my mind about the franchise. It looks like shit (IMO, I HATE polybump techniques) so I guess gameplay will have to win me over...


shpankey said:
hands down, no, hands fucking DOWN Halo 2. I don't even know if I'll bother with Half-Life 2 till sometime during the dry season next year, maybe when it drops in price also... there will be no need for it with Halo 2 taking up my FPS time till like forever. That's how much Halo 2 will own fucking HL2 in the pooper.

read: my PC can't run it :p


Why is it that people keep harping about the importance of a middleware physics engine that has been included in at least 10-15 games already? Hate to break it to you, but thus far it really hasn't made much of a difference in terms of gameplay. I expect HL2 to be cool, but I don't think it will have much to do with the physics.
I'm guessing a lot of people are banking on Half-Life 2 being good because Doom 3 certainly didn't justify the purchases of their overpriced gaming rigs :p
Damn, when did you become a Doom hater? =P


border said:
Why is it that people keep harping about the importance of a middleware physics engine that has been included in at least 10-15 games already? Hate to break it to you, but thus far it really hasn't made much of a difference in terms of gameplay. I expect HL2 to be cool, but I don't think it will have much to do with the physics.

and thats the exact reason why HL2 is going to be alot better then the rest. :)


GAF's Bob Woodward
Half-Life 2. But god, that's hard. HL2 nudged it because of the potential brilliance that could emerge from the mod community.


what's the score so far ?
I thought half life 2 would easily win the poll, but it seems halo 2 is getting so many votes too...
picking one is too hard; half life 2 promises a more innovative gameplay (they put the physics engine to great use, it's amazing the possibilities it opens up) and obviously a more advanced technology...on the other hand, i just loved halo single and multiplayer modes...there's no other game i've kept playing for such a long time; we still have lan parties twice a week and although we did try other multiplayer fps' in all these months, we kept going back to halo soon after...
Uhmm...if i had them both in front of me right now and i could only pick one...uhmmm....
Halo 2.


not an idiot
to me you just won't be able to top the co-op mode in halo 2, that's like pure gaming sex. it's video game fun at its absolute highest. i can't wait. also, if there is large scale co-op online like i remember them talking about (huge epic battles of co-op with huge co-op battles on beachheads and shit) then it's just no comparison. half-life 2 is going to be pretty weak as all it has for multiplayer is old hat CS, that's it... not even a deathmatch, not CTF, nala.

in my mind, in the long run, halo 2 will have legs and keep on giving and giving... HL2 will have to rely on mod support (i've never been a fan of mods, most honestly suck and are no comparison to a well developed game from the original creator) for depth and that's weak.
Man...tough choice. I'm not including the potential for MODs, because, in my mind, that's not Half-Life 2...it's something using the tech. With that in mind...I have this feeling that Halo 2's single player component will end up being more memorable and replayable than Half-Life 2's... Certainly, the multiplayer mode will be fantastic.

Good thing I don't really have to choose between the two, though. Getting both.


in my mind, in the long run, halo 2 will have legs and keep on giving and giving...

Giving what? The single player will be shit on by HL2 and if the original HL is anything to go by the multiplayer will be more than made up for with its vast and extensive mod community.

HL2 will have to rely on mod support (i've never been a fan of mods, most honestly suck and are no comparison to a well developed game from the original creator) for depth and that's weak.

You belong in an institution for stupid people.


Go on answer my question, what is a standalone console game going to keep giving that a PC game with a proven history of extensive mod support can't hope to match?


for the people who go around saying mod support is not part of the game.... wise up its a very important part of PC games today. Why do you think developers like ID, EPIC and Valve put so much effort into their SDKs ?

both are going to own but their is no chance what so ever Halo 2 will have more replay value. Only the extreme xbot could be that nieve.


not an idiot
xabre, just stfu, you're looking to fucking argue, and your petty bullshit flame at the end of your last post proves it. all because (oh GOD NO!!!) someone doesn't think the way you do? jeez.

however, for what it's worth. i said halo 2 will keep on giving and giving to me because out of the box, it will have a ton of multiplayer modes, including co-op. in MY personal opinion nothing tops a really well done co-op mode (as i noted before). halo 1 had it, and from what i've read from halo 2, it will be even better, possibly even including a large scale co-op mode. i've played through halo 1 co-op a million times, it's that fucking awesome for me and my friends.

that's one over HL2 (for me)

the multiplayer modes in halo 2 are going to be deep and numerous, with a ton of different modes (assault, ctf, dm, lmoth, lms, etc etc etc etc - and believe the etc's cause there will be many). i will have it from the get go, it will be polished, it will be balanced, free from most bugs and exploits and it will probably have a million options for me to sort through and vary things up. with half-life 2 all i will have out of the box is one single solitary old hat multiplayer mode and that's it. then i have to wait and hope some cool mods come out and fill in the gaps... then sort through all of them, find the good ones by trial and error and do a lot of installing, configuring and uninstalling. meh, not something for ME... i'd rather just play halo 2.

so that's another one i like for halo 2 (have fun with half-life's 1 multi mode tho - at least until mods come out)

i have no doubt at all the single player game of halo 2 will top half-life 2, why because i honestly didn't like half-life 1's single player. got about halfway through and recognized i just wasn't having any fun anymore and that it was boring and became tedious. granted, i am almost assuredly the only person on the planet that felt that way, but hey, it's my opinion. i always thought it was overrated, but i never pissed in anyone's cornflakes about it.

now consider that I (who i am only forming MY opinion for and who I am/was/will speak for) don't care for mods... never have. honestly, everytime i try a mod i have honestly thought they just weren't worth my time and would rather play something else. most are more trouble than their worth. i guess if you're broke and don't have much money, their good to try to mix things up with, but i have so many games to play i never have a problem playing something else.

oh, and when you disagree with me smartass, it doesn't somehow make you "smart" or me "stupid", although by you saying so i might be able to argue the opposite. if your opinion is half-life 2, fine, i have absolutely NO problem with that... go ahead and believe it and state so.. but don't start trying to tell me what I should think, like and say, and if i dont then attack me. time for you to grow up a little.


Chili Con Carnage!
shpankey said:
i have no doubt at all the single player game of halo 2 will top half-life 2, why because i honestly didn't like half-life 1's single player. got about halfway through and recognized i just wasn't having any fun anymore and that it was boring and became tedious. granted, i am almost assuredly the only person on the planet that felt that way, but hey, it's my opinion. i always thought it was overrated, but i never pissed in anyone's cornflakes about it.

You are not alone, i found bits of it good but the majority was kinda dull.


xabre, just stfu, you're looking to fucking argue, and your petty bullshit flame at the end of your last post proves it. all because (oh GOD NO!!!) someone doesn't think the way you do? jeez.

The way you think is pretty stupid though, even you'd have to admit that. HL2 needing mod support for depth when it is the sequel to one of the most in depth, epic FPS ever created.

however, for what it's worth. i said halo 2 will keep on giving and giving to me because out of the box, it will have a ton of multiplayer modes, including co-op.

I'll grant you co-op support, everything else life such as Assault or CTF is standard fare and has been for several years. Not to say that such mods can't and won't be developed for HL2; and example being the co-op mod in development for Doom 3. Look I'll grant to you right now that Halo 2 multiplayer will be an excellent experience and if you want it for that reason then good for you, but don't go comparing the single player games because Halo 2 just can't compete.

then i have to wait and hope some cool mods come out and fill in the gaps... then sort through all of them, find the good ones by trial and error and do a lot of installing, configuring and uninstalling. meh, not something for ME... i'd rather just play halo 2.

Oh god no, the effort. If you think nothing decent has or can come out of the mod community then you don't know much. HL allowed for some great mods such as DOD, Battlefield spawned Desert Combat and UT03/04 brought about the very cool Death Ball. HL2 will also allow for extensive community support, a mammoth player base and some great, non-counterstrike mods. It will be every bit the success from a multiplayer perspective as the original was, and you want to decry it because you quite obviously know jack about it.

i have no doubt at all the single player game of halo 2 will top half-life 2, why because i honestly didn't like half-life 1's single player. got about halfway through and recognized i just wasn't having any fun anymore and that it was boring and became tedious.

Says the guy with an obsession with the mindless twitchiest, blatantly repetitive, cut-and-paste level design and downright boring original Halo. The only fun thing about Halo was the first time you encountered the covanent or the flood, those initial encounters were interesting and enjoyable but because the game kept throwing the same situations at you time and time again the game quickly became stale. The poor and uninteresting level design certainly didn't help matters either and the whole game just degenerated in a chore...time to kill flood wave no. 346, time to boldly venture into copied room no. 57 etc.

oh, and when you disagree with me smartass, it doesn't somehow make you "smart" or me "stupid", although by you saying so i might be able to argue the opposite.

It isn't your opinions making you look stupid, it's the nonsense you come out with when expressing them.


not an idiot
i could say the same for you really, i may look "stupid" to you, but to be honest, you just look like an ass to me. i only ever spoke for myself... the thread question asked and I answered with MY opinion (and stated so very clearly)... you obviously took exception to my opinion and started name calling because you don't agree with me (thats the ass part). to top it off you go around spouting your opinion as if it's a fact, when in reality it's just your opinion and weighs no more heavily than mine. your opinion is not the absolute "truth". and i think the only "stupid" thing going on in here is your inability to recognize that without me spelling it out for you.

look smarty, with your last comment it's obvious you don't like halo at all, so why the fuck are we even conversing? you have blinders on and it's apparent you have a vendetta against halo. in fact i see now that you're using this thread as a platform to get on your soapbox and preach about why you hated halo so much. you just used whatever post you could to use as your opening to fit it in. ::sigh:: i mean, why the fuck am i even talking to your dumb ass about this then? sheesh.


not an idiot
only because some dickhead can't accept an alternate opinion without it upsetting him soooooo much he feels the need to be an asshole :) :)

"ohhhh ohhh, the true answer is half-life 2 and if you don't say so you're fucking stupid lol OMG!!!!"



Yes, perhaps we have seen games with similar features and physics engines as Half-life 2 before, but how well had those features and engines been implented in those games? It's not that you use it, it's how well you use it. New techniques and solutions don't become popular and praised because they're invented, but because they're used in a good way, and taken advantage of. That's where I believe Half-life 2 will succeed, and it feels like Valve are really serious about making Half-life 2 something that will set a standard. We'll see.

Oh and, for people comparing Half-life to Halo...keep in mind that Half-life was released 3 years before Halo. Now both sequels are being released 3 years after Halo. I believe Bungie and Valve realize the higher standards we have on FPS's today compared to 3 or 6 years ago.


Let's see...you say HL2 lacks depth and needs mods to make up for it, obviously a line of thought that runs contradictory to popular opinion on the first game and to what has been expressed so far in the early reviews of the sequel. Then you say something tantamount to mod communities producing buggy, unbalanced and down right poor game mods that cannot ever hope to match the games they're based upon; even though it has been shown time and time again that high quality mods have been released for many games on numerous occasions, and have greatly increased the original games longevity, increased sales and improved developer support. Not to mention that I, like many others have spent many a day and night playing some really great and fun game mods.

To tell you the truth though I couldn't give two shits about your preference of Halo 2 over HL2, rather it's the sort of nonsense I just mentioned that makes you look stupid IN MY OPINION (since you seem value them so highly, and hide behind them so quickly).



Still a very close race and very interesting to read all the responses. I think what we can learn from this, and what I suspected, is that both games are almost equally anticipated in the gaming community. I'm not sure if 2 such MONUMENTAL games in the same genre have been released within weeks of each other ever before...?

Halo = Average fps at best with poor level variation and design, and generic enemies, Only reason Halo receives so much hype is because it belongs to a genre that is starving to death on consoles. Add to the fact I refuse to play a fps with a controller... No, I'm not looking forward to Halo2.


not an idiot
"Let's see...you say HL2 lacks depth and needs mods to make up for it, obviously a line of thought that runs contradictory to popular opinion on the first game and to what has been expressed so far in the early reviews of the sequel."

Good fucking LORD! You are being stupid now. You do know that the only multiplayer in Half-Life 2 is CS right? I mean, that's a fact, not an opinion. Go look it up, it was just confirmed the other day. And wtf does part 1 have to do with anything? lol. I mean, you are truely confused now. I don't really think you know what you're saying... "popular opinion on the 1st game?" I mean, wtf... this isn't the first game dude. And I said that *to me* Halo 2 will have legs and Half-Life 2 will have to rely on mods for depth in multiplayer - which is all true. Out of the box Half-Life 2 will pale in comparison to Halo 2.

Half-Life 2
- single player
- multiplayer consisting of CS

Halo 2
-single player
-co-op splitscreen
-co-op online singleplayer
-co-op online large scale warfare
-mutliplayer consisting of every known multiplayer mode ever created and then some, including all of the old modes (DM, CTF, LMS, LMOTH, Assault etc etc just to name a few).

^^ this is what I was talking about when I said that dumbass.

"Then you say something tantamount to mod communities producing buggy, unbalanced and down right poor game mods that cannot ever hope to match the games they're based upon; even though it has been shown time and time again that high quality mods have been released for many games on numerous occasions, and have greatly increased the original games longevity, increased sales and improved developer support. Not to mention that I, like many others have spent many a day and night playing some really great and fun game mods."

Ok stop, just fucking stop with this bullshit. Either fucking learn to read, learn to comprehend or just quit fucking posting and making an ass out of yourself. None of what you claim is what I said... your mind is completely imagining shit now. I said that in my personal OPINION, I would prefer to play a game that had in depth multiplayer and options built in, than to have to wait for mods to come out and fill in those voids... and that I personally do not enjoy messing around with mods, because "MOST" of them end up sucking for me (which is true) and they are a bigger hassle than their worth when *I* could just play a different game instead. I also said that Halo 2 will almost assuredly have more polish and balance than some low level group of hacks throwing together a mod. You are beginging to annoy me with this shit... I mean if you want to misconstrue shit, just fucking leave me out of it.

"To tell you the truth though I couldn't give two shits about your preference of Halo 2 over HL2, rather it's the sort of nonsense I just mentioned that makes you look stupid IN MY OPINION (since you seem value them so highly, and hide behind them so quickly)."

lol, I certainly don't value anything you write... and you obviously gave some shit about what I said, otherwise you wouldn't have drug me into this fucking moronic conversation by asking me to answer you fucking stupid ass question.


Unconfirmed Member
Half-Life 2 for me.

I've never been a console FPS fan on any system.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh yes, this comparison has made me wonder...

Has the save system ever been discussed in Half-Life 2? I would REALLY love to see a well designed checkpoint system. I'm so tired of quicksaves...


Half-Life 2. If we're judging by the first games, HL had the better story and was a hell of a lot more immersive. I didn't really care for multiplayer in either game (kinda dull), but if you throw in CS, I gotta go with HL again.

The only area Halo 2 will trump HL2 is co-op imo.


Quicksaves are one the freedoms we have on the PC that i hate not having. IT does 2 great things:

1. By choosing the amount of saves i do i can kind of set my own difficulty level, and also save at points that i think are really cool and want to play again.

2. I can leave the game whenever i want. I friggin hate not being able to save when i get a phonecall or have to run out of the house for something. I hope consoles start letting you save at any point next gen.


HL². But only because Gabe gave me a free signed poster :lol Both games will kick copious amounts of delicious ass though. BEST YEAR FOR FPS FANS EVER!


xabre said:
Look I'll grant to you right now that Halo 2 multiplayer will be an excellent experience and if you want it for that reason then good for you, but don't go comparing the single player games because Halo 2 just can't compete.


If your going to call people stupid over and over, how about not making baseless claims. We have limited knowledge about the single player experiences, and I doubt anyone here has played through both full games.


Half-Life 2 without a doubt. Besides the fact that Half-Life is better than Halo, first-person shooters are always better on PC. Keyboard and mouse, baby!

Though I am somewhat excited for and will be buying Halo 2.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
LAMBO said:
Quicksaves are one the freedoms we have on the PC that i hate not having. IT does 2 great things:

1. By choosing the amount of saves i do i can kind of set my own difficulty level, and also save at points that i think are really cool and want to play again.

2. I can leave the game whenever i want. I friggin hate not being able to save when i get a phonecall or have to run out of the house for something. I hope consoles start letting you save at any point next gen.

Here's how I see it:

When using checkpoints properly (as in Halo), the game design itself is radically changed. Using Halo as an example, it is clear that the areas between each checkpoint are very specific scenarios with a certain set of challenges for the player. It is never explicitly implied, but these "mini-objectives" really add a great deal of substance to the experience. Recall the infamous transport bay encountered immediately upon arriving onboard the Truth and Reconciliation. That room has several varying waves of enemies and essentially presents you with a very simple objective, but achieving victory is difficult and requires you to LEARN the room. When you finally complete it, you have really accomplished something. Throw in quicksaves, and the entire aspect of mastery is tossed out the window. You kill an enemy, you save. If you lose a bit of precious life, you reload and try that EXACT moment again. You are no longer attempting to complete the entire room...

The checkpoint system has more in common with classic action games of the olden days, and that is part of what makes it appealing to me. It is a superior game design to those who appreciate a little challenge.

Of course, this also walks hand in hand with Halo's excellent rechargable shield system. Need to quickly relocate yourself? A bullet or two isn't going to cause permanent damage, so you can cleanly transition. As I was playing Doom 3 recently, I found myself using the quicksave all the time. If I took one too many hits during a run and gun, I'd feel that it's entirely possible that it could cause problems for the next segment. In order to keep my health in prime condition, I'd have to reload my game upon taking any significant damage in order to pass the segment with minimal life lost. Due to the nature of quicksaves, a difficult situation will often find you pressing the damn quicksave key after each enemy is killed in order to prevent lost progress. You might say "why use it, then"? To you I say "The game is designed for it!". As I said earlier, you don't simply choose one type of system...you design your entire game around it. Checkpoint games that failed to realize this have, well, failed.

It's just that I enjoyed the system SO MUCH that I've been disappointed at the general lack of similar setups. For me, quicksaves are like the random battles of FPS games. I still enjoy RPGs with random battles (Shadow Hearts 2!!), but I'm sitting there the entire time wishing that they weren't there and feeling as if my experience is somehow being damaged by their existence. That's how I feel about the quicksave. I can't help but use it, but I hate the way games are designed around them.

I've been an enemy of the quicksave ever since complaints forced them to be added to Alien VS Predator. The game COULD have used a couple checkpoints rather than forcing a level restart, but the action was just SO much more intense due to the lack of a quick save. You learned the level very well and had accomplished much by the end. When you can save around every corner, something is lost. The intensity of the experience is down the drain...

I HIGHLY doubt that I'll ever be able to convince anyone here of this. Go ahead, quote this post and tell me how wrong I am. I'm not trying to convince anyone that they are wrong here, I'm simply stating how I feel. It isn't as if there is any point in making anything out of it, you already won. Quicksaves are EVERYWHERE. They DOMINATE the FPS genre...

I may as well map the damn thing to my right mouse button and be done with it. :(

but don't go comparing the single player games because Halo 2 just can't compete.

How incredibly unfair. So, let me guess...you didn't like the single player campaign in Halo? That certainly means little, in the grand scheme of things. Fact is, many people have enjoyed Halo's single player mode more than Half-Life's. I expect both of them to be fantastic and feel that anyone claiming that one or the other will be crap in that regard has an opinion which should be taken with a grain of salt. I mean, I HATE Super Smash Bros. Melee...but that does mean the game itself is CRAP? No way.


dark10x said:
I HIGHLY doubt that I'll ever be able to convince anyone here of this. Go ahead, quote this post and tell me how wrong I am.
you don't have to convince me.. i agree with you. hell, i even liked the checkpoint system in far cry, even though the save ai wasn't as good as halo's.


And I said that *to me* Halo 2 will have legs and Half-Life 2 will have to rely on mods for depth in multiplayer - which is all true. Out of the box Half-Life 2 will pale in comparison to Halo 2.

You didn't even mention multiplayer in that post, you just said the game lacks depth and needs mods to make up for it, nothing about multiplayer. Typically when one says a game lacks depth they refer to a games single player aspect, i.e. the game is short, the combat is simplistic, the difficulty is easy. If you want to specify multiplayer then you obviously say the game doesn't have any and needs mods to make up for it; essentially you were half-arsed in your wording. Now I now you were probably referring to the games multiplayer (or lack thereof) but I figured I'd throw in a mild smartarse comment for some xbox zealot antagonising fun and that's what I got along with a heap of childish name calling that showed off your level of maturity, so thanks for the laugh.

I also said that Halo 2 will almost assuredly have more polish and balance than some low level group of hacks throwing together a mod.

See with this you prove my point by implying that because a mod is not being put together by a professional developer it lacks polish and balance and by extension the multiplayer experience offered by Half Life 2 will pale in comparison to Halo 2. This may well prove to be the case (I disagree though) but you neglect the fact that the mod community has produced many high quality game mods of high polish that are just as fun and enjoyable, not to mention as well developed as any commercial game. Thus, as I originally said, what you seem to be saying is "tantamount to mod communities producing buggy, unbalanced and down right poor game mods that cannot ever hope to match the games they're based upon". You prove my comment correct.

lol, I certainly don't value anything you write... and you obviously gave some shit about what I said, otherwise you wouldn't have drug me into this fucking moronic conversation by asking me to answer you fucking stupid ass question.

The question made sense though, a console game that can "keep giving" and a PC game that how can’t which so happens to be the sequel to a game with an absolutely mammoth mod community is a dead-set moronic thing to say.


Still Tagged Accordingly
open_mouth_ said:


How incredibly unfair. So, let me guess...you didn't like the single player campaign in Halo? That certainly means little, in the grand scheme of things.

Yes I am being a bit unfair as I am drawing an assumption from the first games of both series. By that token I don't think Halo 2 can compete, Half Life is the original epic FPS, strongly story driven, intense and packed with tension and excitement. Halo doesn't really compare favourably with this IMO. Should the sequel better develop the variety of game play in terms of combat situations and level design the potential is there for a very decent game. The fun and fluidity of Halo's combat system and the games AI gave it a heap of potential that was let down by repetition and poor level design, it was, in many respects, a rough gem. I would expect these shortcoming to improve significantly with the sequel, now that bungie has had more time to devote to these aspects of the game. That said, I just cannot see it competing with Half Life 2 in terms of an all-encompassing and immersive single player experience. The early reviews of Half Life 2 already paint it as something special and Halo 2 would have to be a pretty astonishing deviation from the original to come close.
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