Young Link, Fi, Cia and Great Fairy can't have Strong Attack+ and I think it's the same for Midna although her C1 does damage.
Link's Hylian Sword/Master Sword and Zelda's Rapier have a counter if do C1 right after a block, that's why Zelda's Rapier can have Strong Attack+. It consumes an orb and doesn't really worth it.
Zelda's Dominion Rod has Strong Attack+ because its C1 does damage.
On the same subject, Volga's Pike and Link's swords also have a dodge attack (using C1 right after dodging) but only Link can do it while dodging forward, this will initiate his C2.
Here's a good shot of the new costumes unlockable in Boss Mode
Question about the Evil Trio. I read that having the Legendary skill can be useful so you can bypass needing their advanced weapons... but I have yet to get anything with the locked skill. Do they have to have their L3s after all or maybe, do they have to be on a certain level?
Also a little confused about Legendary. I get that they make weaker weapons have a base of 300, effectively making them L3 weapons, but what if the weapon is already a L3?
This I can answer. On a L3 weapon the attack power increase of Legendary is a measly 20 points, since their base attack is 280 (not 300).
Here's a good shot of the new costumes unlockable in Boss Mode
I remember getting a rank 1 weapon with Legendary for Volga very early. It was way before unlocking the higher ranks, I even wonder if I played with him before getting it since I was still playing the first adventure map when they became playable.Question about the Evil Trio. I read that having the Legendary skill can be useful so you can bypass needing their advanced weapons... but I have yet to get anything with the locked skill. Do they have to have their L3s after all or maybe, do they have to be on a certain level?
All the ? slots unlocks are in the first adventure map on clearly indicated stages.Is there a checklist somewhere of all the base game weapon and character unlocks? Got the season pass, the secret Boss Pack character pushed me over the "Ok, I'll get it now" threshold, but now I look at the character select screen and there's sure a lot of ?s there... I should fix that.
And get reacquainted with the controls. Been mainly playing Smash for a few months on my Wii U.
And I suppose the weapons are "Clear the Adventure Mode map, and look up the Legend Mode ones in a FAQ".All the ? slots unlocks are in the first adventure map on clearly indicated stages.
And I suppose the weapons are "Clear the Adventure Mode map, and look up the Legend Mode ones in a FAQ".
I gave Cia's story a spin, she's a somewhat strange character. I suppose press Heavy alone boosts her everything for a short time? Like a weaker Magic Gauge trigger? I tried combining those two, of course. That sure did a lot of damage to the enemy captains.
Of course, the next one there recommends Wizzro. If Cia was odd... yeah he's the quirky one of the group, isn't he?
EDIT: turns out, no. Wizzro is dead simple to play. Pew, pew, pew. If group, hit Heavy now, if single foe, keep shooting.
I still don't quite get Cia, though. She does hit pretty hard, and the summon Dark Links move is neat, but I'm not sure it's her go-to move for... anything.
There's no way to see the recommended level, but, yes, both the Twilight Princess and Majora Masks are designed for extremely high level characters.I used a level 17 Impa; is this map aimed at higher-level characters, since it's DLC that came out well after the game's release? If so, is there a a way of seeing what level is recommended for stages in Challenge mode? Or am I simply playing that particular stage wrong? It seems I get stomped whether I try to attack the Dark character head on or ignore them.
Oh, and is there an easy way of knowing how many kills are required for an A-rank? Ranking you on time taken and kills achieved is counter intuitive if it doesn't provide targets, as you have no idea as to how long you should hang back and rack up kills.
It's not out yet in NA. Maybe that's it? If you're from Europe, then maybe you really need to finish the Legend mode in order to unlock it.I just remembered; where do I access the Boss Challenge mode? Does it not unlock until Legend Mode is complete? I don't mind if that's the case, but I'm just wondering why I don't see it when I have the Hero of Hyrule pack.
I have a few questions about Adventure Mode,
I started up the Termina map and got absolutely destroyed on the very first stage (destroy 400 enemies before the Dark version of you does). I get killed my the Dark character almost immediately.
I used a level 17 Impa; is this map aimed at higher-level characters, since it's DLC that came out well after the game's release? If so, is there a a way of seeing what level is recommended for stages in Challenge mode? Or am I simply playing that particular stage wrong? It seems I get stomped whether I try to attack the Dark character head on or ignore them.
Also, does anybody know of any clear guides/description of the rules of Adventure Mode? I get the gist of it, but a few things, such as the unlock system, are a bit unclear.
Oh, and is there an easy way of knowing how many kills are required for an A-rank? Ranking you on time taken and kills achieved is counter intuitive if it doesn't provide targets, as you have no idea as to how long you should hang back and rack up kills.
There's no way to see the recommended level, but, yes, both the Twilight Princess and Majora Masks are designed for extremely high level characters.
1200 KOs for A ranking, less than 4000 damage, less than 15 minutes for time. The map types without a full open map with bases and such don't have a KO ranking though. Some of those also have small time rankings, although I can't remember what it was.
It's not out yet in NA. Maybe that's it? If you're from Europe, then maybe you really need to finish the Legend mode in order to unlock it.
Thank you! Though how many hearts is 4000 damage? And I assume that grabbing hearts/healing doesn't "undo" damage incurred?
And I live in the UK. Although I downloaded the Hero of Hyrule Pack about 2 weeks ago. Actually, come to think of it, Boss Rush wasn't out then. Does anybody know if the packs download automatically when released, or do you need to go to the e-Shop and download them individually (for free, obviously) when released?
C2 and C3? Um... what? There's no C button on the controller. I use the Legend of Zelda style controls. B is light, Y is heavy, X is special move.Are you kidding? Cia's C2 and C3 are great. Stomping your foot on the ground while clearing out everything around you feel pretty awesome. And her C1 isn't a magic gauge trigger, it adds darkness element to her moveset.
C2 and C3? Um... what? There's no C button on the controller. I use the Legend of Zelda style controls. B is light, Y is heavy, X is special move.
Her light attack combo does end up juggling single targets unless they block it, so that's pretty useful, even if they go completely offscreen rather fast.
Well that's going to mess with my mind a bit since I'd count the basic Heavy as C0. The Dark Link summon on Cia is firmly entrenched as "3" in my mind. Hit three times, then do the thing.Lol, first time in this thread (or any Warriors thread)? In your case:
C1 = Y
C2 = B Y
C3 = B B Y
The reason everyone uses the C-terminology (C stands for charge) is because it makes posts less cluttered, more understandable and also because some people pick Zelda-style controls; this way we can speak with each other without having to type everything twice because of the two different control schemes.
By the way guys, if HW2 happens and I'm still around, I'll make a way better and much bigger OP where I explain all of this as well as the small things like auto-picking items, instant running and every other common question.
Need help with an adventure mode level. It's the one where you're in the cavern and have to KO 700 enemies in 10 minutes. The plant boss that keeps spawning is super annoying though and I always run out of time with less than 50 enemies left.
Coming back to the game after a bit of a break; outside of the rupee glitch (which I'm not going to do, or at least not right now) is the best way to grind XP still the bottom-left map on Master Quest? If so, what's the trick to doing this one? I'm seeing people say you should clear around 8 or so levels a go, but I'm only getting about 5. Are people ignoring the giant bosses? If not, what's the trick there? The dragon is easy to take out, but the plants are a bitch, even if you're using your spirit attack to expose their weak point gauge immediately. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not, especially since I'm seeing people say they can do this map at very low levels.
That said, you should already be around 40 to do this easily.For Manhandla, stay at mid range with your shield/lock up. It completely negates its most dangerous move, the seed machinegun. If the heads form a square it's going to do that; block it and try to mash boomerang to hit as may heads as possible. If they form a line it's going to do the bite attack but it takes ages and you can hit all four heads easily with a single boomerang throw. At that range you should be safe from all its other attacks (dodge backwards the spinning top attack). A single Manhandla is quite easy but two can be a nightmare.
I have a few questions about Adventure Mode,
I started up the Termina map and got absolutely destroyed on the very first stage (destroy 400 enemies before the Dark version of you does). I get killed my the Dark character almost immediately.
I used a level 17 Impa; is this map aimed at higher-level characters, since it's DLC that came out well after the game's release? If so, is there a a way of seeing what level is recommended for stages in Challenge mode? Or am I simply playing that particular stage wrong? It seems I get stomped whether I try to attack the Dark character head on or ignore them.
Also, does anybody know of any clear guides/description of the rules of Adventure Mode? I get the gist of it, but a few things, such as the unlock system, are a bit unclear.
Oh, and is there an easy way of knowing how many kills are required for an A-rank? Ranking you on time taken and kills achieved is counter intuitive if it doesn't provide targets, as you have no idea as to how long you should hang back and rack up kills.
I just remembered; where do I access the Boss Challenge mode? Does it not unlock until Legend Mode is complete? I don't mind if that's the case, but I'm just wondering why I don't see it when I have the Hero of Hyrule pack.
C2 and C3? Um... what? There's no C button on the controller. I use the Legend of Zelda style controls. B is light, Y is heavy, X is special move.
Her light attack combo does end up juggling single targets unless they block it, so that's pretty useful, even if they go completely offscreen rather fast.
Well that's going to mess with my mind a bit since I'd count the basic Heavy as C0. The Dark Link summon on Cia is firmly entrenched as "3" in my mind. Hit three times, then do the thing.
What's the terminology for a combo that uses the Heavy attack, then? Like Cia's... C2? That's Light, Heavy, Heavy, Heavy for all three stomps.
I'm not entirely sure what her C3 is, if C4 is Links and C5 is "Hey, I'm standing still over here, come hit me!" then what's C3?
I'm saying that her foot stomp combo combos on HEAVY not on Light. One Light attack followed by one Heavy attack starts the combo. Two more Heavy attacks ends it. If C2 is "B,Y" in Zelda style it means she stomps once. What's the term for stomping three times? That is, what's "B, Y, Y, Y" called?I have no idea what you're second paragraph is saying, and as for the third, it's been so long since I played that I really don't remember what her C3 is, other than that everyone on GAF said it was awesome. Why not just try it yourself?
I'm saying that her foot stomp combo combos on HEAVY not on Light. One Light attack followed by one Heavy attack starts the combo. Two more Heavy attacks ends it. If C2 is "B,Y" in Zelda style it means she stomps once. What's the term for stomping three times? That is, what's "B, Y, Y, Y" called?
Then what's stomping once called? "C2, but only pressing heavy once?"The entire move is still referred to as C2.
I'm saying that her foot stomp combo combos on HEAVY not on Light. One Light attack followed by one Heavy attack starts the combo. Two more Heavy attacks ends it. If C2 is "B,Y" in Zelda style it means she stomps once. What's the term for stomping three times? That is, what's "B, Y, Y, Y" called?
Then what's stomping once called? "C2, but only pressing heavy once?"
Then what's stomping once called? "C2, but only pressing heavy once?"
I'm trying to understand this thing... it doesn't make sense to me if it can't tell the difference between different variants of the same move.
Need help with an adventure mode level. It's the one where you're in the cavern and have to KO 700 enemies in 10 minutes. The plant boss that keeps spawning is super annoying though and I always run out of time with less than 50 enemies left.
I'm not joking, although that was a bit of a comedic exaggeration. The whole system just makes my mind go tilt since it counts differently than I do when playing. It counts the heavy activation button as part of the count, but I don't.
You know, "Light, Light, Light, Heavy." 3 Lights, 1 Heavy. In my mind that's Combo 3. And yet it's written as C4? Or just neutral Heavy. Why is that even called a combo? It's one button.
Does this come from anywhere in one of the games? It just seems so arbitrary to me.
Ah well, I'll just make a note to subtract one every time I see a C notation.
I'm not joking, although that was a bit of a comedic exaggeration. The whole system just makes my mind go tilt since it counts differently than I do when playing. It counts the heavy activation button as part of the count, but I don't.
You know, "Light, Light, Light, Heavy." 3 Lights, 1 Heavy. In my mind that's Combo 3. And yet it's written as C4? Or just neutral Heavy. Why is that even called a combo? It's one button.
Does this come from anywhere in one of the games? It just seems so arbitrary to me.
Ah well, I'll just make a note to subtract one every time I see a C notation.
Well, I've learned both Street Fighter and Soul Calibur notations and those don't get much more different. Actually, going from Tekken to Soul Calibur is the worst. 4 is a kick in Tekken, but "hold backwards" in SC.It's just what the "Warriors" community agreed upon for ease of description. It's like in fighting games seeing QCF notation is for Quarter Circle Forward. I can understand not agreeing with it but to ease discussion a standard was needed, it just happened to be this one.
Charge? know what, fine. I have no idea where charge even comes from as part of the game's own terminology, but fine. As I said, I'll just subtract by one to get the move I want. C4 is three lights and a heavy.Again, C stands for charge and not combo.
I didn't agree with what you said earlier, but I too count the same way you do, however you must understand that it doesn't work that way when discussing on forums. C1 being just heavy attack makes sense, otherwise we're back to square one with confusion. This isn't rocket science, man.
I'm not joking, although that was a bit of a comedic exaggeration. The whole system just makes my mind go tilt since it counts differently than I do when playing. It counts the heavy activation button as part of the count, but I don't.
You know, "Light, Light, Light, Heavy." 3 Lights, 1 Heavy. In my mind that's Combo 3. And yet it's written as C4? Or just neutral Heavy. Why is that even called a combo? It's one button.
Does this come from anywhere in one of the games? It just seems so arbitrary to me.
Ah well, I'll just make a note to subtract one every time I see a C notation.
Charge? know what, fine. I have no idea where charge even comes from as part of the game's own terminology, but fine. As I said, I'll just subtract by one to get the move I want. C4 is three lights and a heavy.
Is there any other terms to watch out for? Are the super moves called anything tricky?
Ah. So that's where it comes from. C4. "Hit Charge as the fourth." That makes sense.C doesn't stand for combo. It mean charge.
Strong attack is called charge in some games
Well, you never know. I thought they might have been Musou attacks, or how you spell that. Giving it a 50/50 chance of it actually being called that in the Japanese versionYes, special moves are called TP3Z if they attack enemies in front of you and TP3L if they attack enemies all around you. On that note, the dash/dodge button is called DDR, activating a weak point smash is called RDR and defeating Ganon is called Super Mario Galaxy.
No. Calm down, dude.
With a lot of characters it's kind of hard to tell how many times you've hit the button cause they do so many fancy things with each tap, so I've stopped paying attention to the actual "number" for the combos I want to do the most, and just pay attention to animations. For example, I know it's time to hit X for Darunia's big firey rock-throw combo when he does a stomp on the ground with one foot. Midna too, I hit X after she hand-slaps the ground, to kick off her running slap attack. Until I see those indicators I just mash Y without much thought. Some people it's easier to count the number of times I hit Y, Zelda's rapier I do that with cause she does a lot of little movements that are harder to track visually, but a lot of the time I'll just watch those animations.
Well, you never know. I thought they might have been Musou attacks, or how you spell that. Giving it a 50/50 chance of it actually being called that in the Japanese version
Unless you can kill it quickly it's best to avoid the giant bosses on those levels. Focus on the Transport captain groups, and the generals, again if you can take them out quickly. I don't remember if that one is character restricted but if it is choose someone with good area clear (Summoning Gate Lana, Gauntlet Link, Ganondorf) and go to town.
You can also create a potion that makes your sub-weapons permanently powered-up for the whole level. The KO missions are way easier when you can throw lots of big bombs.
Well, I got the answer I was looking for. I would never have guessed it was Charge 4 if you hadn't explained it.
Sometimes, terminology on long running series can be pretty confusing for a newcomer. Like the DP notation for Street Fighter. Short for "Shoryuken" references the moves needed to pull off a Shoryuken. Forward, Down, Down-forward. Shown as Z in the games. I mean... seriously?
Ah well, less terminology explanations, more 1 vs 2000 fights with over the top moves and frantic running around because everyone else on my side can't be trusted to tie their own shoes, let alone anything strategically important.
Make the out of the way Goron mask in Snowhead respwan by playing levels adjacent to it. Resetting time doesn't guarantee item respwan then use that mask to get the two Zora Masks in great bay. This really is the most linear adventure map yet as without doing those two steps you are getting nowhere.I got to a dead end while playing the Termina map:
To advance I need goron masks, the only squares that give goron masks need zora masks to make enemies appear, and the ones that give zora masks need goron masks to unlock the ability to play them.
So, I guess I'm screwed and I have to reset the map :|
I'm not enjoying this map at all (and it probably has to do with the +300 hours played and still feeling underleveled for most characters).
Again, C stands for charge and not combo.