Can you do that ?
False test, the real one you aren't touching their hands prior to the drop. It's too easy to sense their muscle letting go before the ball starts to drop, poor science. Yes I understand there are people that can do that real ball drop test without touching, and it's impressive.
A far better "real world" reflex test is this series using decision making vs basic reflex -
Test 1: Person 1 holds a basketball and person 2 flags their arms left or right for person 1 to pass the basketball that direction.
Test 2: Person 1 does the same as test 1 but must pass the opposite direction to what person 2 flags e.g. left = pass right and vice versa.
Test 3: Person 2 now introduces elevation to their flagging e.g. arm left up and arm left diagonally down. Person 1 now has to bounce pass on random flags pointing diagonally down.
Test 4: Person 1 now has to do the opposite to the person 2 elevation flagging and opposite direction as well.
Your reflexes and sanity will go to shit with these real world stimulus input, decision making, reaction output sequences. Protip: this is the type of shit elite athletes and fighter pilots are fucking amazing at and train with constantly.