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I Am Addicted To Tiger Woods 2005 - X-Box


As soon as the wife and baby go to sleep... I go down to the basement and load up Tiger Woods 2005. My character is currently 75% POWER and 70% for all other attributes.

I love this game, I love playing offline, I love playing 3 mini-holes challenges online.

I love the create-a-player, it looks really close to me...

I really like a lot of the positive and negative animations...

Great game!


Chili Con Carnage!
Someone said theres no online in this game for Xbox in europe so FUK TAT!

seriously wtf.


Is the game still way too easy? I had a lot of fun with Tiger Woods 2003, but I refuse to buy another until they up the challenge. When you can shoot in the 50's everytime, it's just not realistic. Even the pros don't shoot in the 50's.


You can play with Tour Difficulty which basically turns off the caddy tips and makes the courses very difficult.

I want to learn with the putting grid before I change the settings...
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