Glad to hear you recovered man, this COVID19 is really no joking matter, I finally see to which the extent of this virus will go
Got some questions bro:
1) When during your flu did you decide to get tested for COVID19, to rule it out?
2) Being extremely honest with yourself, how fit and healthy of a life do you lead? Any conditions that you have that might affect the severity in which COVID19 attacks your body?
3) Did you at anytime doubt your ability to survive this flu? Like were there moments where you panicked and had thoughts in which you questioned if you were going to make it out alive? Was the virus’s affect on your lungs severe enough to where you though, this virus is powerful, I’m in a real struggle between life and death with this one? Or was it just an extremely bad flu to you? What worries me the most is you saying that each step up stairs made you feel as if you had to stop. Very alarming stuff bro
What do you think helped the most during your recovery? Is this a virus where you can sleep it off in time, or would it be a losing battle without vegetables, water, soup, maybe natural medicines, and a ton of water? Just wondering because the flu I always just played it by ear. But this corona virus might actually call for everything you can throw at based off your symptoms, right?
Thanks for your time man, just trying to gauge this pandemic and the virus itself
Hey man:
Firstly, I never personally tested myself, as the doctor's didn't want me in just in case I was a risk.
I only found out that I definitely had it once my whole family got ill and my father had to be hospitalised and he was tested positive during his time, so the doctor's said it confirmed that we as a household had the virus.
Secondly, I am a big guy, I've always been big structurally but I do love my food and drink and despite me doing exercise quite regularly, I still have a spare tyre on me which affects my health obviously, take into effect I also smoke weed regularly and that all adds up so I wasn't in my prime condition to fight it.
Thirdly yes. I doubted my ability to fight the virus multiple times, and when my dad was hospitalised the stress and the illness together made myself feel ten times worse, it felt like at times that I had someone sitting on my lungs and cutting off all my air, and any breaths I'd make were laboured and painful. But whenever I felt at my lowest I'd stock up on water and sleep, the sweats were a pain but the virus rendered me bed bound for a vast majority of the time.
And lastly man, I'd say everything is needed but at the right time.
Don't take paracetamols until you need them, don't take vitamins daily but stagger them every day, eat plenty of fruit and veg and drink plenty of water.
My biggest rule is not to take ibuprofen, luckily none of my family did so but friends I know have been hospitalised by taking it when they've been perfectly healthy.
Soup is an essential meal, and due to just how tired I felt, anything that needed chewing actually tired me down, so I had to cut fruit and veg down to it's minimum and eat a lot of wet foods like soup.
The most important thing is just to keep wary of what's around you so you don't risk yourself getting it, and just to make you aware my virus episode lasted 3 weeks, it was longer than the expected 14 days and doctor's have said that more and more people are having this form of the virus.
One week symptomless/very mild symptoms, one week heavy symptoms followed by recovering by end of week two, then a final week with very severe symptoms.
This means that we need to keep extra safe and be extra considerate in self isolation.
I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and I hope I did a good enough job answering your questions man, it's 2:30am here so I'm half asleep writing this!