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I am mildly concerned over the NeoGAF persecution complex. (Not you, of course.)

Is NeoGAF a bit too worked up sometimes?

  • We should chill out a bit.

    Votes: 46 41.4%
  • We're plenty chill. It's just you.

    Votes: 56 50.5%
  • These metadiscussions should all be locked instantly. Also, your hair is bad.

    Votes: 9 8.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Does coom mean ejaculation?



Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
This place is vastly better than ReeeeERA. But the topic of politics does creep in way too much imo. As others have mentioned, it can be very hard to discuss films sometimes. You see a film, you enjoy, you want to discuss, then you log into GAF and see 'IT'S FUCKING WOKE MAN, FUCK HYPOCRITE HOLLYWOOD. FUCK THERE ARE NO GOOD MOVIES".

Back in the 2000's, a movie could be about women or have a character and no one would blink an eye.
While I agree there's definitely a level of "checkboxed" and "forced" diversity so to speak in today's entertainment, the whole anti-sjw behavior can get nearly as bad as sjw behavior. It was what really hurt movements like Gamergate that really pushed narratives like that instead of focusing on "journalism ethics" (but if you ask me GG should have been about bad practices in the industry instead but I digress)


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Tolerance is fascism to progressives. The only thing I see being banned is intolerance.
This place can be pretty damn hostile I'm finding out BUT people here can speak freely at least.

Old NeoGaf I felt like I was walking on eggshells. Good to see that's not the case anymore.

I wouldn't touch the other place if I was protected by ten layers of anti contamination suits at a Coronavirus gathering.


I think people on here take similar attitudes to resetera when it comes to politics - just on the opposite end - which can be annoying when skimming through posts. Not sure if I'd call the place right wing though. Regardless, here I don't feel like I'm stepping on eggshells everytime I post or about to get dogpiled for not wording a thought with the upmost caution, and that's good.

I used to post on a forum with like <100 members and that place was full of jokes and people saying whatever they wanted. It was comfortable and I had peace of mind - things I didn't even think about at the time, because that's what a forum should be. Honestly the last thing I want when visiting a fucking game forum in my spare tme is to feel anxious about posting. I get anxious and frustrated just reading Resetera most of the time because you know any innocuous post from some poor soul is one reply away from the "really? we doing this now?" & "you aint slick" dogpile.
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Ah yes this old chestnut...

I cant help but notice it almost always one particular type of poster who plays the "dur Gaf are right wingers" card over and over, progressive posters seem to think anything right of far left is right wing lol.

Gaf leans predominately to the left of center, classic libs make up the masses, with a sprinkle of rights, centers and far lefts tossed in here and there, and this is shown in the political compass thread (at least as far as politics goes) We have had a few far left loons banned, but the same applies to far right nuts as well.

As far as the "anti SJW" "anti woke" rhetoric, well yeah of course free thinkers (the whole trashheap of us ;) ) we would be against this as it isn't being discussed through rational debate, but rather thier side resorts to threats, doxing, physical violence and harassment! The thread that started all of this (no right wingers allowed in game journalism) is a ripe example of this behavior, people aren't being blacklisted because of thier personal actions or qualifications, but rather their political ideals and that's disgusting to any rational person.

There in lies the rub though, progressivism is no longer a school of rational thought or moving forward politically, but rather a pseudo religion of idealism and identity run law that makes these poor saps literally eat thier own, they operate in a dangerous manner pushing kind words like diversity and inclusiveness while practicing the exact opposite!

Here on Gaf we'll go after any stupid line of extremist thought be it the old school foolish idealouge like Thompson or far right religious nut bars saying comics, movies and games are raising killers, or the sad current push of progressive ideology thats being forced into media of every sort and if you dont agree you're a nazi chauvinist sexist racist etc etc

Gaf isn't pro far right, or pro far left...we're pro Gaming and pro freedom!


The internet today is like walking a tightrope. Say something offensive or don't accept a 'narrative' and you're bound to fall down. I've been unfriended on Facebook for expressing a political opinion that some 'enlightened' folks thought was insulting. Fuck that. This isn't China or even the United Kingdom (very sad that). I've still the right to express my political stance that may be counter to others.

NeoGaf, thankfully, isn't a tightrope. It's stable ground that allows me to voice an argument without getting piled on by IdPol crazies like the ones on RetardEra. Just don't be an asshole.


Gold Member
I get what OP is saying. Ultimately the stats don't lie and you can say GAF has become a victim of its own success. Everyone will point to politics as an example of how more right leaning topics are discussed. That's true but this doesn't visually represent the state of GAF. Honestly, I think summing up GAF (as a whole) is

Left to moderate
Apolitical, generally
Really opposed to the practise of using games as political vehicles

I think that;'s it. No one objects that they have to play as Chloe or Lara etc. No one has any issue playing as Zara in BF1 or having Farah lead the game in Modern Warfare. What people don't like is the over the top teen fanfic nonsense, or reductive way these things are treated - like the prosthetic braveheart women in the BF V reveal. If these things are just in the game, then no one really cares. It's the constant need for 'give me cookie' from these developers, and also the side eye comments against people who are tired of their blatant misuse of politics to suddenly appeal to all these demographics. World of Warcraft is probably one of the nerdiest games ever, yet the split of m:f avatars was something like 65:35 back in the day.

Everywhere you look, twitter, reddit, era people who have views that contest 'progressive' views are hidden, shutdown and those people exiled or silenced. So naturally people will gravitate towards a place where those views can be discussed. Right now, GAF disproportionately allows that. I mean mentioning Trump gets you a ban on RPGNet........who the fuck cares. So it causes a visual imbalance where people who want to discuss those topics from a wider perspective will frame them here while a lot of people just don't care and stick to gaming.

I think a few people coming in might find some of GAF hostile but they're not aware of established members who clown like that all day, every day. Also, if you say something stupid you have the option to edit your post, admit you were wrong or move on. The mods here don't seem to come in and make the argument only follow their line of opinion. In fact, I don't think they police what's allowed - but can't say much to that effect. Sometimes when I check bans it's mostly spam, console wars gone too far or new/returning people labelling everyone as shit

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
My problem with the anti-sjw sentiment is when several few posters misuse it and/ or misjudge the situation to call out any product, fictional character or artistic decision they don't like. It does get a bit tiring, as it can dominate discussion, while being sometimes bornt out of ignorance.

Not all PoC, strong female characters or progressive settings are a result of woke culture. And if you don't get too blinded by anti-woke rage, it's sometimes easy to understand when those decisions are truly genuine, and when they are forced upon for the sake of political correctness.

Edit: As the poster above me said, it's overcompensation. I expect things to tone down and get chiller in one year or two.
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The entire failure of Bigols line of reasoning is the fact that because these opinions are largely censored or excised at sites like Era, then they seem out of the norm and extreme. He's failing to see the censorship .


Just posting this here to all those who still insist we're just a "Right Resetera".


A friendly reminder that comments like these are common on Resetera where anyone from users, to "verified" and moderators are happy talking about slaughtering the other 63 million Americans alive today.

Meanwhile, GAF can criticize censorship practices and the world will survive.

The Pleasure

Gold Member
This place is chill cept for Afro Republican. He gets off too much in his topics. Sony needs to tell him he did enough for boondocks 2020 revival. They need to cut his check.


I meant more the OT side of things. I don’t usually post in Gaming but it’s still pretty decent to jump in and see what people’s opinions on various games are or keep up to date on news. I was more meaning people posting in threads on the OT side with replies speculating (or actually posting) what Resetera thinks about the subject. Or that the Resetera community thread is always the most popular one in that section. It would be like if people were always trying to tell me what GameFaqs posters thought about something. I don’t visit there so their opinions don’t matter to me.

Things are definitely on the right track. And personally speaking I know I should try and make more threads to try and spark more of the kinds of conversations I want to see. I shouldn’t just expect others to do it.

Before that, get an avatar.


I think we also shouldn't forget where we've been reborn from.

Lots of members got unreasonable bans for SJW mods, even EviLore EviLore was personally attacked by people of that way of thinking, and NeoNeoGAF just whiped out any kind of censoring to opinions and views and let freedom of speech rule the forum. Luckily, now we have the best mods in the whole internet, I can assure that, and thanks to that, we can have here lots of debates and intense discussions, there may be some heat, but everything ends in a civil way and the forum does not turn into shit and everything continues to flow nicely.

Its like, even if you have arguments with your SO, that doesnt mean you dont love each other.
Even with its not so comfortable discussions, GAF is the best place to be.
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People are sick to death of SJW culture and are over compensating to counter it.
I suspect most would generally be quite moderate.

But that's the root of the problem really. The Reason why political and ideological stances are drifting to extremes is precisely because "they're trying to compensate the opposing trend". It means it pushes people away from being moderate.
Most people should learn to think about their own ideas and what they really stand for, instead of defining their actions based on others. Or the arguments will just become dumber and dumber, we're already at the point where most discussions are just calling people name and using 4chan memes and clichés.


I get where you're coming from OP. The anti-sjw mentality here is no secret, which while I don't agree with, is usually within relevant threads in off-topic or politics. It has started to bleed into the gaming side some though. Mostly it's fine but the "lol sjw" type posts that are almost desperate in reaching to get a dig in, ain't a good look. Stuff like that just gives places like reset more ammo to try and paint neogaf as a alt-right den, which isn't true.

Thankfully this place isn't a totalitarianship like reset, and everyone can voice their opinion (so it's already better in that sense). I do think chilling out with the sjw stuff, especially on the gaming side or when it's really not needed, couldn't hurt.

The internet today is like walking a tightrope. Say something offensive or don't accept a 'narrative' and you're bound to fall down. I've been unfriended on Facebook for expressing a political opinion that some 'enlightened' folks thought was insulting. Fuck that. This isn't China or even the United Kingdom (very sad that). I've still the right to express my political stance that may be counter to others.

NeoGaf, thankfully, isn't a tightrope. It's stable ground that allows me to voice an argument without getting piled on by IdPol crazies like the ones on RetardEra. Just don't be an asshole.

That's the thing though, just as much as you have a right to express your view (and you're right), others have a right to reject it or want distance themselves because of it. That's the other side of freedoms like this, it goes both ways, just like you don't have to deal with someone that's got stances you're against.

That said, I don't think that's helping anything, since working to an understand the other person is more productive, but at the same time I still think that's a right either person has regardless of their view.
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Sometimes, but only sometimes, it feels like posters here are a bit too fast on the "THIS IS WOKE/SJW"-train.

I resent woke and SJW shit like almost everybody else here, but not everything is immediately woke and SJW just because a woman directed or starred in a movie/game/whatever, or because it has a transsexual in it.
We simply shouldn't fall into the same trap that those people we resent fall into, and be above that.

Thanks god for that..
Felt like you were just creating threads cause you were bored or needed attention.


Sometimes, but only sometimes, it feels like posters here are a bit too fast on the "THIS IS WOKE/SJW"-train.

I resent woke and SJW shit like almost everybody else here, but not everything is immediately woke and SJW just because a woman directed or starred in a movie/game/whatever, or because it has a transsexual in it.
We simply shouldn't fall into the same trap that those people we resent fall into, and be above that.

You know woke when you see it, but I agree that too many people are calling media woke because it has women and minorities in it. It's being set off by fart sniffing old media looking for clicks and not the content creators IMHO.

Rat Rage

I'm branching this from a Gaming topic because it's something I've felt myself and I want to get it aired out without derailing other useful discussions. I find these kinds of metadiscussions as annoying as you likely do, so feel free to Ignore Thread (or Ignore User, I don't judge).

Take a deep breath, and try not to have a knee-jerk reaction. I'm on your side, really.

Here's what @bigol said somewhere else:

Well, it seems like Neogaf is the right wing Resetera. Despite you guys claiming you just want to have fun with videogames, i can see politics and SJW related articles on gaming side growing at an alarming rate.

For a place that wants to be chill and just have fun you have quite the persecution complex and are obsessed with destroying progressives, just like the other forum is obsessed with destroying "nazis".

bigol is not wrong. I think it feels like that sometimes around here. On the other hand, I think ALL political discussion should be banned from gaming side.
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If you don't know what a slide post/thread is then you aren't equipped to handle the modern internet trash-flingers.

I'm at the point where anyone who sneaks in a petty "oh look at what GAF has become" or "oh look at how GAF leans such-and-such way" is not really worth the time or effort, since they usually lack the emotional/mental maturity to back up their claims anyway. Complainers who complain are gonna complain.

Mock them if you have to, but don't expect intelligent discourse, if they even bother to reply to you at all. I have much respect for the comments made by Cybrwzrd Cybrwzrd Scopa Scopa and Schrödinger's cat Schrödinger's cat on this topic in the past so hopefully they chime in.
I mention Bernie Sanders in almost every post I make here lol. Hypothetically if I were a Trump supporter at Resetera and posted anything like what I do here for Sanders, I'd be banned within the hour.

Gaf absolutely seems to lean right much more than left from what I've seen, but at least when I post an opposing opinion here there aren't 15 mod protected Trump supporters crying and reporting every post to get me banned.

Here I could agree that yes both sides need to chill out. If I said that at Era I'd be banned with the reason that I'm a piece of shit nazi defending racism/homophobia etc...

And I see that side, I really do. They're fed up with the very real racism and homophobia and so on that still permeates society. It has to stop. I just don't think their extremism is the right answer to make it stop. They're fighting extremism/intolerance with their own brand of extremism and intolerance. Again, it's understandable and they're trying to get the right results, they're just going about it in the wrong way imo.
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Watching GAF evolve over the last two years has been interesting., There is a lot of "SJW", woke, fuck reeeee type shit posted and I can see a certain aspect of why one might see that as going more right. The issue is that the system of left versus right has become so convoluted and mixed up that we forget that there is not just left or right. There are degrees from centrist/moderate to extreme in each direction you go on the scale but the internet/society has in large part forgotten that.

GAF to me has become more vocal and obnoxious about certain topics that were taboo a few years ago. Honestly I would not have it any other way as the allowance of free speech ultimately makes the place more realistic to what one encounters in life outside the internet versus the extreme moderated fascist bubbles that are popping up all over the internet.

There are a few posters that make my eyes roll hard from time to time but I appreciate their overzealous nature towards certain subjects and the fact that they can post freely.

GAF to me is socially liberal fiscally conservative and honestly that is how most of America is if we stopped lumping everyone as Right or Left.


Anyone thinking this is the right wing resetera hasn't been to resetera lately
I sometimes wish it was, because then it would mean the game industry could go back to being moderate instead of listening to far-left voices.

The main difference however, is I don't actually want to kill anyone over this.


Far right wing people are dangerous morons. Far left wing people are dangerous morons. Let's meet somewhere in the middle(that sentence is going to make Resetera users' minds explode as they see visions of Boogie dancing in their tiny unused brains). I asked for my ERA account to be closed because I was embarrassed to be associated with a lot of the posters there as well as the dumbshit mods who ban people at the drop of a hat. Find Jussee Smollet's story hard to believe in the slightest? BANNED. Want to wait for more info to come out before you're willing to throw Johnny Depp under the bus? BANNED!

Posting here means you can express yourself freely without really worrying about being banned for having a contrarian opinion. The worst that will happen is other users will call you out. That's a good thing. Whereas at ERA every post might be your last. Fuck that mindset and fuck those people who are fostering it.
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It is what it is. A large portion of discussion here is focused on anti-sjw/woke stuff. It can really dominate things and leave a lot of subjects undiscussed. If I go see a new movie GAF is no longer somewhere I can go to find a bunch of people talking about it, unless people are discussing how woke its trying to be. But if people here want to talk more about that kind of stuff then that’s up to them. They should be able to do that. I’d rather the mods don’t crack down on it as used to be the case. I do wish the Resetera talk was kept within the community thread for that, as the thread title asks people to do. I don’t visit Resetera so having GAF constantly comparing itself to there gets pretty tiring because it’s not something I care about at all. I’d rather GAF define itself as something more than just not being Resetera.
Well, seems like GAF is only ahead of times seeing this is getting Pretty Mainstream (see Ricky Gervais speech during the Globes).


Seems like all this complaining is based on 2 things. 1 Do you have a sense of humor and 2 How sensitive are you

Either you can engage in conversations you may not agree with or choose not to. Or there's option #3 which is shit in your pants and complain about it. Participate or walk away seems like a mature approach!


the issue is there are many heavy posters that will always skew what you think the site thinks like. There is definately an anti swj bias and definately a lot of group think. There have been many members that are perfectly excused for their behaviour and many banned for the same things - which does make this a lot like reset just not as pronounced.
Seems like all this complaining is based on 2 things. 1 Do you have a sense of humor and 2 How sensitive are you

Either you can engage in conversations you may not agree with or choose not to. Or there's option #3 which is shit in your pants and complain about it. Participate or walk away seems like a mature approach!
I don't think it is based on individual senses of humor and sensitivities.

There appear to be people who are genuinely offended and upset that the mod team doesn't punish Wrongthink. This is not unique to GAF but is a plague across the internet at large.

So they show up to GAF and feign shock at "what this site has become" and "what kind of things the mods are letting go unbanned", almost as if they've never had their own viewpoints challenged in the real world. Alas, 'tis the side effect of spending most of your time in echo chambers: you think the existence of opposing viewpoints is a symptom of an alt-right conspiracy.

EviLore EviLore mentioned it earlier but the struggle isn't really between Right and Left on GAF. It's a battle between people who think authorities should enforce a proper opinion and people who don't think authorities should enforce a proper opinion.

Even the smears are collectivist in nature. They are too cowardly to call out any individual posters so instead resort to broadbrush claims about "this forum".



Is this supposed to be an insult? Is free thinking a bad thing now?

If you don't know what a slide post/thread is then you aren't equipped to handle the modern internet trash-flingers.

I'm at the point where anyone who sneaks in a petty "oh look at what GAF has become" or "oh look at how GAF leans such-and-such way" is not really worth the time or effort, since they usually lack the emotional/mental maturity to back up their claims anyway. Complainers who complain are gonna complain.

There is nothing like a poster who hasn't popped up in months, only to throw out a virtue signal when someone or something is getting dunked on. Always suspicious. The other thing I see often are freshly minted accounts making 100 or so posts about Nintendo or some other generic game to qualify for member status only to immediately make their next 100 posts in a political thread about Impeachment, with the goal of hijacking the discussion with a stream of fallacies. That shit needs to be called out early, as a few dozen of said accounts is enough to effectively control the forum.


Is this supposed to be an insult? Is free thinking a bad thing now?
Resetera can be likened to toddlers in a daycare. They cannot think for themselves, they need someone else to spoonfeed them, change their diapers, and tell them to not stick their hand on the stove.

That's the only way their mental asylum can survive. I made it a point in the discussion thread that Resetera cannot even cover news stories without the moderators having to read it to them.
On Neogaf, no such phenomenon exists.





So yes, they do think "freethinking" is a bad thing. You wont ever see a Neogaf thread on Resetera because their website was never designed to dismantle narratives. They can only invent new ones and then threaten to kill anyone who disagrees.
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