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I am mildly concerned over the NeoGAF persecution complex. (Not you, of course.)

Is NeoGAF a bit too worked up sometimes?

  • We should chill out a bit.

    Votes: 46 41.4%
  • We're plenty chill. It's just you.

    Votes: 56 50.5%
  • These metadiscussions should all be locked instantly. Also, your hair is bad.

    Votes: 9 8.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Anyone else amused at how many low post count and/or recently created accounts are drawn to this thread like mosquitoes to a porch light? Like, at least become part of the community before criticising it. It’s almost like its own archetype these days: the lazy whiner who contributes nothing but thinks he’s in a position to tear down and remould the place to his liking.
Don't forget the ones that make 4 posts after being away for a couple of years! I sure do love their metacommentary.


Imagine saying this, in the era of cancel-culture, in favourable reference to a community the practices hate, prejudice and spite in actively cancelling, doxxing and attempting to ruin people's lives.

The irony is off the scale.
Cancel-culture believe it or not, is specific to certain countries and hasn't developed in others. It was only here when I heard the term actually and I could see certain actions in my country that could fall in that category but never in the scale that it seems its happening in the U.S.

That specific part you quoted was aimed mainly to the posts beyond the main Resetera OT that only namedrop the forum. The main OT has plenty evidence and examples of what is going in REE, but to shitpost with it in topics beyond does disservice to this forum and yes, it is good publicity if it is not backed up with the evidence found in the OT. Newcomers wouldn't know shit about this forum and this namedroping in every subforum would inevitability create curiosity.

I just don't understand the necessity to talk shit about it all the time even though JordanN showed me plenty of examples to why some people would feel the need. I just have a different approach to all of this. Having suffered REE unjustful ban myself, I prefer to talk my peace and let the place rot and fall by its own weight. The namedrops that occur in different topics throughout this forum are in my opinion poisoning and affecting negatively to every debate happening here. It's not helpful neither to destroy the image of REE nor to the content of this forum where it is that I see is the solution to overcome REE shit culture. I am clearly not the only person that feels this way, hence this thread.

But I guess the solution is to cancel each other out, one by banning, the other by the contentless shitposting about the other. Either way, both communities are suffering by it.
Sounds like you're more interested in winning a debate than discussing the issue objectively, setting up goal posts that can't be reached ("what measure are you using to quantify the lean" - something you know damn well can't be measured or quantified) and getting so caught up on the word "lean" you're missing the forest for the trees. I think anyone who has spent time browsing through the threads and comments in politics know it's more pro-Trump and pro-conservative than it isn't and many people refer to that as "leaning right" whether you like the word "lean" used in that scenario or not.

What topics lean right in politics on GAF you asked? Well, most. Pretty much all political talking points have a much heavier voice to the right in the actual discussion sections and I think it would be intellectually dishonest to claim otherwise. It certainly doesn't bother me since quite a few of these stances mirror my own, but that doesn't mean I'm not also aware of the general trends of the section. I'm willing to call that "spade" what it is - the spade being that the politics section is clearly more pro-Trump, pro-conservative, and pro-republican than anything else.

1. General threads about the issue -

2. Greta -

3. Impeachment stuff -

4. Iran issues last few months -

5. Pelosi/speech rip -

6. General Dem party stuff -

7. Gun control -

8. Climate change -

9. Abortion -

edit - I don't know how to get these damn links to all show the same way, some seem to "unfurl" and others don't.
Asking you to explain yourself -- when you are just another poster whining about lean out of dozens -- is not "more interested in winning a debate than discussing an issue objective". Quite the opposite: getting some objective examples would be a prerequisite to having an objective discussion at all, which is why I asked for them. Thank you for backing up your own standpoints with links.

I don't think the board is pro-conservative. Pro-Trump? Possibly, though we have a wide variety of vocal anti-Trump voices on the forum.

Your mistake, however, is assuming that taking a stance against certain Democrat or far-left viewpoints makes things "right", but that's a gross simplification. Being anti-SJW doesn't make one pro-anything, so being anti-Greta or anti-Pelosi doesn't make one pro-anything either, nor does it imply the forum leans right. There is a distaste for authoritarians and for politicking and in the present time Democrats and far-left ideologues are guilty of doing that more often.

I don't think GAF has lean at all. Rather, there are some views expressed from both extremes and a lot of views expressed from the middle of the spectrum, center-left and center-right. I could also cherry pick a handful of Left-leaning threads but it wouldn't prove a lean either way. The concern itself is stupid, based on a simple-minded premise, and the number of people who spend time whining about "lean" has grown so large that I no longer give the claims any benefit of the doubt unless someone furnishes proof. It certainly doesn't help when a basic request for one to back up their viewpoint results in several back-and-forth posts and then an unsatisfying handful of cherry-picked examples, but I can't say I'm surprised.


Asking you to explain yourself -- when you are just another poster whining about lean out of dozens -- is not "more interested in winning a debate than discussing an issue objective". Quite the opposite: getting some objective examples would be a prerequisite to having an objective discussion at all, which is why I asked for them. Thank you for backing up your own standpoints with links.

I don't think the board is pro-conservative. Pro-Trump? Possibly, though we have a wide variety of vocal anti-Trump voices on the forum.

Your mistake, however, is assuming that taking a stance against certain Democrat or far-left viewpoints makes things "right", but that's a gross simplification. Being anti-SJW doesn't make one pro-anything, so being anti-Greta or anti-Pelosi doesn't make one pro-anything either, nor does it imply the forum leans right. There is a distaste for authoritarians and for politicking and in the present time Democrats and far-left ideologues are guilty of doing that more often.

I don't think GAF has lean at all. Rather, there are some views expressed from both extremes and a lot of views expressed from the middle of the spectrum, center-left and center-right. I could also cherry pick a handful of Left-leaning threads but it wouldn't prove a lean either way. The concern itself is stupid, based on a simple-minded premise, and the number of people who spend time whining about "lean" has grown so large that I no longer give the claims any benefit of the doubt unless someone furnishes proof. It certainly doesn't help when a basic request for one to back up their viewpoint results in several back-and-forth posts and then an unsatisfying handful of cherry-picked examples, but I can't say I'm surprised.

"Asking you to explain yourself -- when you are just another poster whining about lean out of dozens -- is not "more interested in winning a debate than discussing an issue objective".

Here you misrepresent our previous point of discussion by omitting what I actually said was the main example showcasing your desire to win an argument - the statement "what measure are you using to quantify the lean". This is an impossible goal post set by you since it isn't measurable, and people make impossible goal posts to win an argument. You conveniently ignore that point entirely in this reply though, which isn't surprising. Throw in a low-key ad hominem for good measure, I'm "just another whiner" to in essence say my points have no value. Then, also make a lose-lose regarding sources for my opinions. First it's "bet you won't even reply with any examples to back up your opinions or answer my questions." I do, and give plenty of them. But, of course, they aren't enough, they are cherry picked, if you wanted you could find just as many on the other side. If you give me examples you lose and if you don't you lose = I WIN!

Quite honestly this reply just furthers my opinion that you're more interested in winning an argument than being objective about the issue and having a good faith discussion. Coupled with your consistently haughty and condescending attitude it really kind of just comes across to me as someone completely enamored with themselves that relishes in showing the forum how smart they are while using just as many logical fallacies and bad faith argument discussions tactics as the next guy.
The political section clearly has a right-leaning bias. There are more right-wing posters than left, and more moderates posters than left. Key word consistent posters.
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People here are not banned for being conservative. They are not banned for being liberal. They are not banned for being socialist. We do not doxx people. We do not insult them, promote their death, harass, or celebrate the misfortunes of others based on their immutable characteristics. We primarily talk about video games, with some forays into popular culture and politics, though both are completely optional and hidden in their own subforums.

The reality is, most people here are adults from all walks of life. LGBT, straight, white, black, asian, young adult, middle-aged, twilight years, muslim, christian, conservative, liberal, etc. We are all equally worthless here and we all have one thing in common: the love of video games. Most people here do not give a rat's arse about politics and especially don't like it when it is used to push political agendas. NOTE: This is not the same as games having politically inspired plots, such as the kind you would see in a Hideo Kojima release. This particular point is important to state as certain folks try to purposefully misconstrue the "no politics in gaming" as being the latter, when it has always been the former. Do things get heated? Of course they do. Put a group of people who are truly passionate about anything in a room and there will be heated arguments, debates, and discussions.

What @bigol has stated is partially true, but not for the reasons they so desperately want it to be. There is a primary target against "left-wing" and SJWs around here. The "left-wing" in this case being the authoritarian left, not the general left which many posters have been shown to be. There is an ongoing culture war in the medium and one that has caused strife and prevented the visions of developers from being shown. "Journalists" such as Kotaku, Eurogamer, Polygon, and others have doxxed, harassed, and promoted attacks against their opponents, not based on the games but based on their own political tribes. They promote and utilize forums known for REAL racism, sexism, transphobia and defend notable members of the industry that have pushed people to suicide. They have demanded and succeeded in forcing developers and directors to change their vision of their product over perceived slights or non-existent attacks (such as the non-homophobic jokes in Persona 5, or Erika in Catherine). These are not "progressives", but simply an authoritarian cult that has taken the name for themselves. Just as had happened in Feminism.

There are definitely issues with NeoGAF. The pathetic and childish attempts at console-warring (seriously, some of you folks should go look at Matt's console wars thread). The over exaggerative "it's shit" attitude that tends to pervade topics (though that can also be linked to the console-warring tribes). The lack of love for small breasted women. However, the push against authoritarians and ignorant children playing slacktivist at their keyboards, preventing developers from releasing their visions? That is not one of them.

Not giving a “rat’s arse about politics,” a system of interconnected decisions that figure so prominently in our quality of life, seems rather odd unless you live under a rock. Why do I have a sneaking suspicion your views fall well right of center?

Dr. Claus

Not giving a “rat’s arse about politics,” a system of interconnected decisions that figure so prominently in our quality of life, seems rather odd unless you live under a rock. Why do I have a sneaking suspicion your views fall well right of center?

I am a democrat. I play games. I come here to talk about games, not try to inflate my fragile little ego that is so heavily tied to their political tribe like some limp dick mental reprobate like you. You seem to forget that NeoGAF is a VIDEO GAME FORUM. That is its primary goal. That has always been its primary goal. That will always be its primary goal. The owner, mods, and community all agree on this point.

Please fuck off.


Not giving a “rat’s arse about politics,” a system of interconnected decisions that figure so prominently in our quality of life, seems rather odd unless you live under a rock. Why do I have a sneaking suspicion your views fall well right of center?
Seriously, why do people like you come to a forum like this one. There are plenty of forums like dailykos or resetera that are left wing echo Chambers. Why come to a place like neogaf that is explicitly not one?
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The political section clearly has a right-leaning bias. There are more right-wing posters than left, and more moderates posters than left. Key word consistent posters.

You cunts wouldn’t know real right wingers if they were thumping bibles in your face. While there are a few self-described conservatives like appaws appaws mcz117chief mcz117chief DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi and a few others I’ve no doubt missed, most are classical liberals who are exasperated with how far left the current overton window has drifted. Just because you lot are playing around down in the bottom left quadrant of the horseshoe doesn’t mean the rest of us have changed position to accommodate. We may appear far to the right of you, but that doesn’t make us right wing. Most of us want free speech, equality of opportunity irrespective of immutables, and to be left the fuck alone by authoritarian cunts on either side. If that makes us right wing then you’re painting yourself into an ideological corner.

This goes for any other dumb cunt who thinks we’re a right wing echo chamber just because we don’t censor conservatives.
You cunts wouldn’t know real right wingers if they were thumping bibles in your face. While there are a few self-described conservatives like appaws appaws mcz117chief mcz117chief DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi and a few others I’ve no doubt missed, most are classical liberals who are exasperated with how far left the current overton window has drifted. Just because you lot are playing around down in the bottom left quadrant of the horseshoe doesn’t mean the rest of us have changed position to accommodate. We may appear far to the right of you, but that doesn’t make us right wing. Most of us want free speech, equality of opportunity irrespective of immutables, and to be left the fuck alone by authoritarian cunts on either side. If that makes us right wing then you’re painting yourself into an ideological corner.

This goes for any other dumb cunt who thinks we’re a right wing echo chamber just because we don’t censor conservatives.

You are right wing you fucking auzzie. You're no different than any other American right winger.

I'm right-wing as well, but I call a spade a spade. Apparently no right-winger here can do that. You all have this Tim Pool deniability fallacy fantasy.
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Not giving a “rat’s arse about politics,” a system of interconnected decisions that figure so prominently in our quality of life, seems rather odd unless you live under a rock. Why do I have a sneaking suspicion your views fall well right of center?
This statement says far more about you than your subject.


What is the definition of "right-wing"?

Even amongst the Republican Party, there is still varying beliefs and elements. Hell, the 2016 Republican primary was more diverse than the Democrats own (i.e just Hillary and Bernie Sanders back then).

It is still possible to be right-wing but also be center or even center-left. The inverse also exists.

There are people who are actually left-wing but still strongly support some laisez-faire ideas. Like davidjaffe davidjaffe is liberal, but people still call him Nazi for defending free speech.

The lines can blur sometimes where left isn't always left and right doesn't have to mean bleeding heart conservative.


You are right wing you fucking auzzie. You're no different than any other American right winger.

I'm right-wing as well, but I call a spade a spade. Apparently no right-winger here can do that. You all have this Tim Pool deniability fallacy fantasy.

Substantiate your claim, midwit.


In reality people’s opinions are too layered and nuanced for right wing/left wing to be a catch all. Also, we’re a global community here on GAF and so right and left will have slightly different meanings depending on where each person is from. If you want to criticise someone’s ideas then go for it but you can’t just criticise the label you attach to that person yourself.

Kagey K

You'll be waiting a long time for an answer from the accusers of people being right-wing that cant be destroyed in a nanosecond.
I saw you post that pic in the other thread. So I’m just going to run the scenario.

All right wing republicans get nuked, or blasted off the earth or Thanos snapped.

Extreme left wing: We should do this......

Moderates : No we should do this

Extreme Left: All right Nazi

Moderate left: No I’m Not.



First up, the mods here do a good job and as a whole GAF is doing fine. *looks upthread* Heated chatter and all.

What I notice is when woke stuff etc comes up there are a small number of posters that get really worked up about it. It doesn't bother me so long as it stays civil. I mostly worry about their blood pressure.

Some of it is about legit interesting topics and some look like overreactions. I normally don't get involved because that's not what I'm here to talk about.

The whole right/left era/gaf crap is as entertaining as it is exasperating. Imma sit on this fence with my popcorn.


NeoGAF is probably more conservative (small c). I notice it mainly cause I'm a liberal chap and quite often don't agree with certain ideas put forward here. It doesn't matter much though because people are people and, you know, are allowed to have different opinions. I think as long as that's the attitude you have then you can get along fine in different social circles and accept the range of different viewpoints you'll find in society.

Humour and a good nature go a long way.
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Substantiate your claim, midwit.

Everytime it pops up going forward I'll like your posts or point it out. I'm not going to retroactively look at all your positions on family values/culture, abortion, welfare, general economics, healthcare (even though that thread was funny "but the rest of the world suffers without your R&D so keep your higher costs and lack of healthcare sorry guys"), immigration, etc.

Right now you're thinking "I just hate the far left looney shit" but that's not true. You seem more like an "I got mine" type.
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Even if Gaf was right wing... so?

1: Left-wingers can speak their piece and contribute without being banned. Even the most awful leftist posters that engage in slander and lies on a regular basis, generally post free, their punishment being their own reputations.

2: There is literally almost nowhere else to talk about right wing things, because just about the whole lot of you are hypocritical, authoritarian pieces of shit, and have banned and censored everything you’ve got your hands on, then want to cry when you encounter a different opinion here.

Not a peep about any other places doing the reverse, though, and far worse. Wonder why that is?

3: Instead of bitching that a community and culture naturally formed, be the change you seek, and bring left-leaning points of view to Gaf. Just don’t be surprised and scream oppression, if you go full loony with it and get appropriate treatment.
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So not liking woke culture is "persecution complex"?

No no, it’s just a matter of degree. Around here it’s largely preaching to the choir. We can call out totalitarian leftist thinking, but it’s more useful to model the alternative. I think GAF is actually pretty good at both; it’s just a question of emphasis.

Someone suggested a “game politics” sub-forum under gaming to hold the “can you believe these people?” sort of threads. That’s probably too convoluted to happen, but I find the notion appealing.

There is literally almost nowhere else to talk about right wing things, because just about the whole lot of you are hypocritical, authoritarian pieces of shit, and have banned and censored everything you’ve got your hands on, then want to cry when you encounter a different opinion here.

I’m not sure if this is directed at the topic or at a universal other, but if you think we disagree you’ve misunderstood me.
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It's always been fascinating to me, mostly the metadiscussion between the forums. You see it on both sites, much more pronounced on GAF of course where it is allowed with some restriction. It's very much a culture war of sorts being played out on perhaps the most inconsequential battle lines possible (hobbyist forums), which is why the fare mostly just devolves into complaining and making fun of "the other side." Schadenfreude is a powerfully entertaining emotion, I'm sure we can all agree.

There is a "right leaning bias" in the politics forum like others have said, mostly because it's the same few dozen or so folks driving the discussion. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that, no reason to pretend that isn't the case. It's mostly in the aforementioned vein of criticizing and mocking "SJWs," "the regressive left," and the Democrats. It is far less hostile, generally speaking, to Republicans and conservative ideology. Asking for hard statistical accounting isn't necessary to observe this, and it operates along the same lines as the premise of this thread. Again, it isn't necessarily a bad thing. A loosely moderated forum has produced this culture, and confirmation bias solidifies the members who frequently participate in discussion. There is an in group, and an out group. The community has spoken, and is speaking.

This pushback to the concern broached in the OP about GAF becoming a right-wing echo chamber mostly stands on the foundational argument that the mods won't ban "dissenting voices." (Which in itself an acknowledgement of a right-leaning base.) It is true, mods let most opinions air without argument. But it relies on the assumption that an echo chamber can only be enforced by hard resistance to bubble and outside thinking. There is a passive cultural barrier that is certainly in the politics forum and - by testimony from the OP and several responses - possibly observable throughout GAF. There is little incentive for left leaning people to participate in discussion currently. Anecdotally, I've witnessed several posters stop engaging throughout the months and years.


maybe be a better driver of discussion, gibberish id or class pol should be hanged and burned



There is a "right leaning bias" in the politics forum like others have said, mostly because it's the same few dozen or so folks driving the discussion. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that, no reason to pretend that isn't the case.
I get annoyed by this statement, because it generalizes or dismisses the real arguments that take place in the politics section.

There's not much a right leaning but rather an "anti-bullshit" bias.

As I mentioned in the first page of this topic, Jack Thompson for years was doing the same type of swindling that the modern left has been come to known by, yet how many right-wingers do you know are actually on Jack's side?

I believe the same nuance exists on the rest of GAF. People will challenge the status quo and side with issues that sound reasonable rather than it being "Trump MAGA 2020" 24/7.
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I get annoyed by this statement, because it generalizes or dismisses the real arguments that take place in the politics section.

There's not much a right leaning but rather an "anti-bullshit" bias.

As I mentioned in the first thread of this topic, Jack Thompson for years was doing the same type of swindling that the modern left has been come to known by, yet how many right-wingers do you know are actually on Jack's side?

I believe the same nuance exists on the rest of GAF. People will challenge the status quo and side with issues that sound reasonable rather than it being "Trump MAGA 2020" 24/7.

that's exactly what it is, it's anti-bullshit

i hope it stays that way


I get annoyed by this statement, because it generalizes or dismisses the real arguments that take place in the politics section.

There's not much a right leaning but rather an "anti-bullshit" bias.

As I mentioned in the first page of this topic, Jack Thompson for years was doing the same type of swindling that the modern left has been come to known by, yet how many right-wingers do you know are actually on Jack's side?

I believe the same nuance exists on the rest of GAF. People will challenge the status quo and side with issues that sound reasonable rather than it being "Trump MAGA 2020" 24/7.

Then it is not equitable "anti-bullshit." I didn't use any terms along those lines because that's loaded language. If it's "anti bullshit," the politics section is more concerned with "left-leaning" bullshit by a wide margin. Hence, why people observe it to be a right-leaning meta, and is the reason for this thread.

Again, there's no real need to defend that. You call it anti-bullshit, which is not an objective statement, but rather your personal view. And it is seemingly shared by the principle drivers of discussion in that forum. That's all well and fine, but the (light) criticism of this thread is how it may be leading to an echo chamber by way of passive barriers, with certain posters taking their disdain of the "other side" into perhaps not-chill dimensions. And if the community cared about it, there could be reflection upon that possibility. And if the community doesn't care and/or prefers the status quo, then it is what it is.
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Then it is not equitable "anti-bullshit." I didn't use any terms along those lines because that's loaded language. If it's "anti bullshit," the politics section is more concerned with "left-leaning" bullshit by a wide margin. Hence, why people observe it to be a right-leaning meta, and is the reason for this thread.
Because there's more left-leaning bullshit to begin with?

I keep challenging people but very few want to take the offer. If you see something right-wing that deserves to be called out, post it.

Otherwise, complaining does nothing but makes us look right (no pun intended).

Again, there's no real need to defend that. You call it anti-bullshit, which is not an objective statement, but rather your personal view.
I mean, when even criminals are surprised the left-wing system refuses to punish them, it is objective.

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Again, this relies on the self-reinforcing belief that your view of the world is the correct one, which is quite literally the definition of an echo chamber.
Unless I'm shown counter-evidence (which I keep asking you to do), why wouldn't I believe they're mostly correct?

Do you think it's controversial if I believe murder is wrong? Is it an echo chamber if I've done the research and can't come up with an argument to justify why it has to be good?
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I get annoyed by this statement, because it generalizes or dismisses the real arguments that take place in the politics section.

There's not much a right leaning but rather an "anti-bullshit" bias.

As I mentioned in the first page of this topic, Jack Thompson for years was doing the same type of swindling that the modern left has been come to known by, yet how many right-wingers do you know are actually on Jack's side?

I believe the same nuance exists on the rest of GAF. People will challenge the status quo and side with issues that sound reasonable rather than it being "Trump MAGA 2020" 24/7.

I’d say even more than that, it’s anti-authoritarian, and right now the authoritarians are mostly on the left. I’ll admit that overall, we’re right of current_year left, but we’re still slightly left of 10 years ago centre. The left’s slide into ideological territory is not our problem, and we can’t let their fragile egos guilt us into accepting it as ours.

Remember that thing your mother would always say and you’d roll your eyes? “If your friends all jumped off a cliff, would you follow them?” Well, we’re refusing to follow them. But it wasn’t a cliff, it was just a ledge, and they’ve landed in a rotten swamp below. They’re all splashing around getting filthy, some are drowning, but in unison they’re yelling out “come on in, the water’s fine! You’re a Nazi if you don’t!” I’m inclined to just point and laugh with my legs dangling over the ledge as more and more of them drown though.


Again, this relies on the self-reinforcing belief that your view of the world is the correct one, which is quite literally the definition of an echo chamber.

that's literally not the definition of echo chamber, most everyone suffers confirmation bias in every moment

it's more to do with the encounters of beliefs not your own


Unless I'm shown counter-evidence, why wouldn't I believe they're mostly correct?

Do you think it's controversial if I believe murder is wrong? Is it an echo chamber if I've done the research and can't come up with an argument to justify why it has to be good?

Echo chambers are not validated by whether their topics discussed within the in group are "correct." This is why I'm not using loaded language like "correct" or "bullshit" to describe the situation. The Politics forum content is mostly criticizing/mocking entities and people most would refer to as being "left leaning." That doesn't seem to be a controversial statement. In the zealous manner of doing so, the forum's meta may skew - and be perceived to be - "right leaning." That's what this topic is about. Of course you and several others will think your ideology is correct, that tautological reasoning doesn't matter in this case. But you thinking your ideology and your criticisms are correct does not preclude them from constructing an echo chamber passively.

You seem to be concerned mostly with the moral underpinnings of that possibility, but going back to my earlier statement, it's simply a function of the community structuring itself, so there's no need to pretend it is anything but that.


maybe the 'left leaning' should argue better

don't argue retarded points, don't get mocked, don't roll over and show your belly every time someone says please
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Echo chambers are not validated by whether their topics discussed within the in group are "correct." This is why I'm not using loaded language like "correct" or "bullshit" to describe the situation. The Politics forum content is mostly criticizing/mocking entities and people most would refer to as being "left leaning." That doesn't seem to be a controversial statement. In the zealous manner of doing so, the forum's meta may skew - and be perceived to be - "right leaning." That's what this topic is about. Of course you and several others will think your ideology is correct, that tautological reasoning doesn't matter in this case. But you thinking your ideology and your criticisms are correct does not preclude them from constructing an echo chamber passively.

You seem to be concerned mostly with the moral underpinnings of that possibility, but going back to my earlier statement, it's simply a function of the community structuring itself, so there's no need to pretend it is anything but that.
There are still people with dissenting ideas who come to the politics section. No one is even 100% the same in that forum.
You are upset that left-leaning topics are over represented when it comes to being anti-bullshit, but I'm telling you that's just the nature of the world right now.

Just as how there was a time when Mortal Kombat and GTA were all being targeted by Conservatives. Take your anger out on the modern-left who are giving us ammo to criticize them more, instead of point blank calling us an echo chamber.
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it is indeed the nature of the world

wanting for the world to stay the same is wanting for no world at all
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There are still people with dissenting ideas who come to the politics section. No one is even 100% the same in that forum.
You are upset that left-leaning topics are over represented when it comes to being anti-bullshit, but I'm telling you that's just the nature of the world right now.

You are projecting feelings and emotions on to me that I am not presenting. All I did was offer my perspective, and summed up that the overall meta is for the community to decide. It's a simple enough takeaway, and your thesis that "left ideology is more bullshit than its counterpart is reality" is only tangential to the topic at hand.

People are voicing their opinion that GAF comes off as a right leaning echo chamber sometimes. Claiming that it's not right leaning, but rather "anti bullshit," does not really seem to address the claim in any direct way, especially since being "anti bullshit" and "right leaning" are not mutually exclusive concepts.
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You are projecting feelings and emotions on to me that I am not presenting. All I did was offer my perspective, and summed up that the overall meta is for the community to decide. It's a simple enough takeaway, and your thesis that "left ideology is more bullshit than its counterpart is reality" is only tangential to the topic at hand.

People are voicing their opinion that GAF comes off as a right leaning echo chamber sometimes. Claiming that it's not right leaning, but rather "anti bullshit," does not really seem to address the claim in any direct way, especially since being "anti bullshit" and "right leaning" are not mutually exclusive concepts.
And I explained why this is wrong.

1. I keep reaching out. I'm literally begging. I ask people to post more anti-right wing news and they all run away. That's not our fault if they refuse to engage.
2. You don't know what's right-leaning. I'm debating right now in politics section that my arguments about immigration are in fact, coming from an anti-capitalist point of view. Another user even agreed with me that the Democrats (who are suppose to be left-wing) actually have more far-right views than the Republicans.

The modern left is too globalist. They've killed the idea of worker's rights or saving the environment when their idea of a nation is to remove all borders completely.

It's a weird twist of irony but the Democrats represent end stage capitalism. It's no wonder when you look at places like California or New York, they don't practice what they preach.

Inequality is at its greatest, only the 1% who live in those places live comfortably. Now imagine voting for a Democratic President and making all of America look like San Francisco or New York City? No thanks.
You know, I see more Republicans using the term "open borders" than Democrats. It's a sign that's not literally what would happen.

I will say, adding to your previously mentioned irony, that the concept of total freedom of movement across borders is indeed very much in line with free market capitalism.

There is tons of nuance that can't just be summed up as "right leaning echo chamber". It tells me that you might not actually read the arguments that are there in depth.
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Then it is not equitable "anti-bullshit." I didn't use any terms along those lines because that's loaded language. If it's "anti bullshit," the politics section is more concerned with "left-leaning" bullshit by a wide margin. Hence, why people observe it to be a right-leaning meta, and is the reason for this thread.

Again, there's no real need to defend that. You call it anti-bullshit, which is not an objective statement, but rather your personal view. And it is seemingly shared by the principle drivers of discussion in that forum. That's all well and fine, but the (light) criticism of this thread is how it may be leading to an echo chamber by way of passive barriers, with certain posters taking their disdain of the "other side" into perhaps not-chill dimensions. And if the community cared about it, there could be reflection upon that possibility. And if the community doesn't care and/or prefers the status quo, then it is what it is.
That's because the only authoritarians of any significance are from the left. Sure there are some on the right but they are not in positions of power. Meanwhile, the authoritarian left has a hold on education and media. It's pretty fucking simple why they're the focus
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Joe T.

There is little incentive for left leaning people to participate in discussion currently.

Why do you believe that's the case? That kind of thinking would worsen the situation, not improve it.

When the default position is "Trump is an existential threat" there's really only one direction to go.

The media is disproportionately liberal and tries to attach Trump to as many stories as they can because they believe it will increase views/ratings/engagement. We've also gone through 3+ years where the Dems tried to remove him from office which only made the overexposure worse. That during a period of time where the media in general is behaving more like tabloid reporting than informative investigative reporting - sensationalizing everything - and it stands to reason that there's a disproportionate amount of push back against pro-Dem/liberal viewpoints here. It doesn't happen at RE because, in my experience, it can't.

I've found myself advocating for some of the same policies as Trump. In your eyes that alone might be enough to deem me a Trump supporter/apologist, Republican, conservative or maybe even far/alt-right, but those are also ideas the Democrats were advocating for just a decade ago. Maybe the window's moved further than I have over the years and turned me into a current day conservative, if that's the case I have no reason to fight it. I am who I am.

I do know one thing for sure, and I think most reasonable people, regardless of their political party affiliation, know it deep down themselves: Trump isn't the monster he's been made out to be. If we could all concede at least that much it would give us a more inviting field for discussion.


Are we really using the politics forum to gauge the whole sites opinions? There's obvious flaws with that.

Bottom of page 1 in Gaming is 3 hours old. Bottom of page 1 in Politics is 2 and half days old. It's a subset of the community and what do you think happens when the other big gaming sites make conservatives feel unwelcome. They post all their stuff here. And even then the political compass survey showed a clear left lean. Maybe it's time for another poll.

I expect a lot of people don't go in there. I rarely do. For all I care the politics forum could be three people talking about Trump cosplays.

Dr. Claus

Are we really using the politics forum to gauge the whole sites opinions? There's obvious flaws with that.

Bottom of page 1 in Gaming is 3 hours old. Bottom of page 1 in Politics is 2 and half days old. It's a subset of the community and what do you think happens when the other big gaming sites make conservatives feel unwelcome. They post all their stuff here. And even then the political compass survey showed a clear left lean. Maybe it's time for another poll.

I expect a lot of people don't go in there. I rarely do. For all I care the politics forum could be three people talking about Trump cosplays.

I don't know why so many of these ignorant types are trying desperately to push that GAF is a political site. We are a gaming site. We talk about games. No fucking shit you see the same handful of people talk about politics in the politics board which doesn't have a tenth as much activity as gaming because that is not why people are here.
It's interesting, isn't it?

In the same way that people with a reputation for dishonesty and disingenuous engagement attach themselves and try to subvert or control a conversation elsewhere, the very same people are trying it here.

Either these people genuinely believe their type of engagement and rhetoric is beyond being challenged, or they believe they're some Machiavellian-level masters of cunning and subterfuge and nobody can see these efforts for what they are.

When in doubt, express 'concern', use the term 'echo chamber' and blow some smoke.
Leave it a week. Then come back and repeat.


I don't know why so many of these ignorant types are trying desperately to push that GAF is a political site. We are a gaming site. We talk about games. No fucking shit you see the same handful of people talk about politics in the politics board which doesn't have a tenth as much activity as gaming because that is not why people are here.

I dunno man, I came here 10 years ago for the games but these days I’m all about the honks and lols
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