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I am now a fan of Tuna, what foods have you changed your mind on?

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Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
For years I was completely against tuna, didn't like the texture or quality, but my mom sent a care package with about 4 cans of tuna included and I wasn't sure what to do with it until I looked up how to prepare a quick tuna sandwich.

a bit of mayo, lemon juice, thyme and s&p... toasted some bread and I'm in heaven (
also kinda high

Same thing happened about 6 months ago at a wedding where I found out I like cheesecake after years of hating the stuff.

What about you? Any foods that you've found new love for that you used to not enjoy?


Just make sure you eat the right kind. Don't want to load up on mercury after all :p.

Along the same line, I used to think canned herring was disgusting. It still LOOKS disgusting, but it tastes AMAZIng.

Brunswick herring is the best.



Eggs. Used to despise them.

Then I ate deviled eggs. Also, how on this earth could you possibly hate cheesecake?


Pineapple, used to taste disgusting to me.

Then long days of varsity football in the hot sun happened
and the school doing some Free Fruit program thing afterschool happened.

Then I got addicted. Happened.
Always hated onions, still not a fan of big chunks of onion but red oniony chopped up fine and fried with balsamic vinegar is now an essential starting point for a lot of my cooking


I don't really care for tuna anymore.

Foods I have come to enjoy. Hot sauces and Sushi. Sushi that doesn't have tuna of course.
I would say the most recent one would be eggplants. Wouldn't even attempt to try them when I was younger, but I tried stuffed eggplants one day while having dim sum and was hooked.


Junior Member
Tuna is one of the best. Glad you've come to realise.

when i was like 8 i didn't like spaghetti

then i became a man.

Yeah this for me, mainly because of the tomatoe sauce. I used to have a secret cloth under the table so i'd take down each spaghetti or macaroni and whipe it white. Love the shit now.

On the other hand, I used to like Cheese (and other dairy products) a lot as a kid. But now I absoloutely despise it and the meer smell of it can make me throw up. I can only tolerate it on a Pizza Hut pizza or a dry cheese sarnie. Annoys me because it now makes me anxious whenever someone invites me around theres for dinner.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Eggs. Used to despise them.

Then I ate deviled eggs. Also, how on this earth could you possibly hate cheesecake?

It was maybe the idea of making cheese into a cake that freaked me out. Like I'm not big into curdled cheese stuff, cottage cheese makes me gag, so the idea of cheese being baked into cake form completely destroyed my mind and I never really bothered having any.

but this particular cake was cooked by one of the most amazing women in the world and it was drizzled in this peach/strawberry flavor and the crust was so flaky...guh...

need to go change my pants...

Just realized that this new revelation has opened up new sandwiches for me to enjoy at my local spots...FUCK, IM EXCITED


Mashed potatoes. I used to be discussed just by the thought of it, but I finally realized that mashed potatoes together with meatballs and lingonberry jam is absolutely delicious.


lacks enthusiasm.
Bell peppers and some kinds of onions. Also mushrooms, which I wish I had started eating a lot earlier because they are now one of my favorite foods.

I'll pretty much try anything nowadays.


Mushrooms. I used to hate them, but I ate them once on accident, and fell in love. I actively go out of my way to incorporate them into whatever I'm eating.


I used to refuse to eat Buffalo Wings and didn't really like spicy food at all. Then I was taken to a wing place my NY-born friend swears are as good as anything he had back in Buffalo. I gave them a try and fell in love. Now I'm a wing freak and really enjoy spicy food. In fact, my mouth is watering like crazy just thinking about those wings. Might have to make a trip to that place this afternoon.
Tuna is amazing, extremely good for you and delicious.

I remember hating Baked Beans as a kid, so I held that opinion despite not remembering what they even tasted like. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, I notice I randomnly have a can in the pantry. I thought "This actually looks alright, maybe I'll enjoy it now?" Well, I tried it and I must say I've been missing out. So yum.

The Boat

I thought about this yesterday, as I'm getting older I notice that I start to like or at least tolerate lots of stuff that I couldn't eat if my life depended on it. Mostly vegetables, I find that with certain dishes even bitter stuff like broccoli can go down pretty well.


aka Cabbie
I was the same, then I tried Spicy Thai flavour.

I'm on a cut right now, so that and sardines are my lunchtime protien. Started eating sardines about two months ago out of curiosity and love them dearly.


Milk and Cranberry Juice, iicck. Actually to be honest I still hate milk but at least it doesn't make me gag anymore, lol.
I'm a really picky eater so I still haven't changed my mind on a lot of foods... but I guess I can say I'm sorta warming up to onions, SORT OF...


aka Cabbie
Is that true anymore. Doesn't tuna the fish with the highest amount of mercury in it?

Skipjack has less, it's yellowfin you have to worry about.

And even then, you'd have to eat quite a bit to be in danger.

Basically if you want the highest omega-3 content to mercury ratio, go with sardines. They have alot of omega-3, but because they are small, virtually no mercury.
Tuna from a pouch or starvation!

I used to hate onions and now I can't eat a burger without them. Still can't stand grilled onions though.


Will QA for food.
Hated peanut butter growing up, but enjoy it quite a bit now. There's really no foods I won't at least try now.
Squash and Eggplant.

Nothing is as delicious as steamed, charred or grilled squash or eggplant. Especially if it is seasoned well/properly.
I've come a long, long way with cheese.

An early dislike for American cheese quickly blossomed into an aversion for all things cheesy except for mozzarella. I pretty much avoided anything with any kind of cheese (except pizza) until my early twenties or so. I missed some good times, for sure.

I still don't like heavily cheesy dishes, and I still can't stand processed cheese, but in the latter case I just turned out to have a sophisticated palate, I think. :)

But holy lord did I deprive myself of some delicious delicious Mexican food for waaaayyyy too long in my life.


On the other hand, I used to like Cheese (and other dairy products) a lot as a kid. But now I absoloutely despise it and the meer smell of it can make me throw up. I can only tolerate it on a Pizza Hut pizza or a dry cheese sarnie. Annoys me because it now makes me anxious whenever someone invites me around theres for dinner.

Just noticed this and I feel your pain, or at least I did. Growing up I always had to worry about eating out or at someone else's house because most sane human beings like cheese, apparently, and goddamn is it on a lot of things. (I was also just a picky eater in general). I had forgotten about that low-level anxiety I had as a kid and young adult, it was very liberating to suddenly realize I would generally like (or at least be able to eat) whatever was being served.
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