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I am now a fan of Tuna, what foods have you changed your mind on?

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Salad, when I was a kid.

Fake meat, and the idea of just not eating meat has grown on me the past few months. My GF is vegetarian, and I decided to try it (at least when around her). Been going pretty well.
Also, how on this earth could you possibly hate cheesecake?

I hate cheesecake. Come at me bro. It's too.... tangy for me. That's the only way I can describe it. Maybe I just haven't tried the right kind, but I'm not hopeful. Give me good ol' fashioned pie any day.

As for me.

-Spicy food. I despised spicy food as a kid. I remembered when we would get pizza I'd have to make sure mine had no jalapenos. Now? Spicy food is regular for me. I've even done the Buffalo wild wings Spicy challenge with ease.

Something more recent:

Avacados. I've always like guacamole for taquitos but never liked avacados with anything else. Now I find them delicious.


Most recent food I can think of are bell peppers, especially the green ones (they looked like monsters to me). Now however, I love them so much I eat them raw. I put raw bell peppers on my hamburgers.

Man, thinking about it, I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self all of the things I'd end up liking. Tomatoes, soy milk, cashews, apples (yes I hated apples, but god bless the honeycrisp), shredded wheat, vegetable and fruit smoothies, iced coffee... Fuck cucumbers though. Hated them before, still hate them now.


I hate cheesecake. Come at me bro. It's too.... tangy for me. That's the only way I can describe it. Maybe I just haven't tried the right kind, but I'm not hopeful. Give me good ol' fashioned pie any day.
You are inhuman.

Should you ever actually be curious enough to try it again, try a New York style cheesecake. Probably won't taste as tangy to you. With or without a sweet, delicious raspberry sauce and... and... excuse me, I need to go find a cheesecake.

Ah, and I just remembered another food I've changed my mind on. Macaroni and cheese. Couldn't stand it before, but then I ate some macaroni goulash made by my mother. It was amazing, and got me into macaroni and cheese that is better than what comes in the blue boxes.


I hated most vegetables as a kid but now I love them.
Also didn't like fish much as a kid but now I love tuna, salmon, sardines and whitefish.
Always hated onions, still not a fan of big chunks of onion but red oniony chopped up fine and fried with balsamic vinegar is now an essential starting point for a lot of my cooking

Same! I used to despise them. Now the only time I have trouble with them is huge ass chunks in bolegnese (sp) that crunch, yet strangely im totally fine with Onion rings.

Caramalized onions/shallots are the best though. Some of that in gravy with sausages and sweet potato mash is amazing.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I used to hate parsnips and broccoli. Now I love them

I still loathe onions with every fibre of my being, though.
crispy pork.


I usually hate fatty meat, but these, which are properly crispy and slightly burned, are heavenly with the right sauce.


Olives. Used to hate them, now I love them.

Single malt whisky - had to learn how to aprecieate them. Now they're by far my favorite alcoho.


Will Eat Your Children
Just make sure you eat the right kind. Don't want to load up on mercury after all :p.

Along the same line, I used to think canned herring was disgusting. It still LOOKS disgusting, but it tastes AMAZIng.

Brunswick herring is the best.

Haven't eaten canned herring before, but regular herring for me went from absolutely uneatable to most delicious food ever. Probably gonna have some today again

Asparagus, my grandma made me eat it when i was young from the can (same with spinach) and for those that don't know canned asparagus is fucking vile.

However fresh cooked asparagus with a little butter & coarse sea salt... I could eat like french fries. I love broccoli and it tastes similar to that with a slight after taste. Makes your pee smell funny tho.

however im 50/50 italian and german, and I hate olives of all kinds (but like olive oil), and hate sauerkraut (but i like bratwursts!).... I fail.


Brussels Sprouts.

Hated them as a child, now love them. It's all just the degeneration of your taste buds.


Just make sure you eat the right kind. Don't want to load up on mercury after all :p.

Along the same line, I used to think canned herring was disgusting. It still LOOKS disgusting, but it tastes AMAZIng.

Brunswick herring is the best.


Dude! Try the lemon and cracked peppercorn one, you won't go back to tomato!

I used to despise avocados but now I can't get enough of them. With tuna, on a burger, in a salad - and really healthy.
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