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I am weak :(


I thought I swore off RPGs this gen due to them sucking a huge amount of my life back in the PSX days, but there I was at EB-Games the other day buying copies of FFX, FFX-2, and Xenosaga :(

Now I'm RPG-crazy again and need to catch up on a lot of them.

I'm going to pick up Disgaea as soon as it lowers in price (I'm a poor bitch).

I <3 Atlus. I've been a huge fan of most of their stuff ever since I played Jack Bros. on my Virtual Boy.

Has the Megami Tensei series made it to the PS2 yet? Any of them out here in the US? I LOOOVED Persona and Persona 2.

I want to get Suikoden 3, but I haven't played Suikoden 2 yet. Would that matter?

What are some other must have RPGs for the PS2 (Don't say Grandia 2 BLECH)


Tag of Excellence
MoxManiac said:
If I had bought FFX, FFX-2 and Xenosaga, that would have probably sworn me off videogames completely, ugh :p
HEE HEE, I agree.

But yes Tenguman, those three are good to start off with but you really should explore other types of RPGs to make your current craze complete. Disgea is an excellent start, be on the look out this winter, you aren't going to be dissapointed on the PS2 homefront.


Tenguman said:
Has the Megami Tensei series made it to the PS2 yet?
SMT3 and Digital Devil Saga should be out later this year.

And you may wait a while for Disgaea to drop in price - I believe demand is still pretty even with supply.


Kingdom Hearts?

You also could get two for the price of one when you preorder Shadow Hearts II (get the first one free, I think).

There's also La Pucelle: Tactics and Breath of Fire V

The GC and Xbox are also getting a decent amount of RPGs soon too.


Tenguman said:
I'm going to pick up Disgaea as soon as it lowers in price (I'm a poor bitch).

Buy it now or not at all. It is very unlikely that this game will see a La Pucelle price.
You don't need to play Suikoden 2 before 3, but you should to properly appreciate it.

I definitely recommend it over playing 3 then 2.

3 Also had some fun extras if you have a 2 save, especially with data from 1 tranferred to 2.


I hope to get Disgaea used eventually for cheap.
I'll pick up La Pucelle as soon as I can.

I'm not a HUGE fan of stratagy-RPGs, so those two can wait a bit.

I know most people didn't like Xenosaga, but darnit - i loved the first game and this was ~$12 new :p. FFX was like ~$20 new and FFX-2 was ~$25 used.

Good to hear that some Megami Tensei PS2 games may be on the way
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