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I are serious fox (post pics of funny animals)


Tom_Cody said:

Does this count?
Does that confirm that Megan Fox likes Pussy?


AndyD said:
What is he saying in the Ibex video? Its hilarious, I wonder if its any better if I knew what he says.
The guy talks really quickly for me so it took a bit of rewatching to catch everything. And I still may have gotten it wrong. But it's good practice for me. Most of it:

We're going to ask this resident what he thinks is happening ???? (this is a word that he repeats several times, but I can't understand - if anyone else knows, please inform). *Ibex turns away*

Listen. Listen. Sir. Don't turn your back to me. *Ibex turns around*

What's happening in your Canary Islands? *Ibex spits, shouts*

Zapatero. What do you think of the government of Zapatero? *Ibex spits and yells at reporter* :lol

What do you think of the Canary Islands government? *Ibex yells*

And the thoughts of the island? *Ibex spits*

We're going to ask him if he's received a subsidy from the government. *turns to Ibex* Have you received a subsidy from the government?

*a bunch of similar stuff*

Come here. Let's see. Please. Don't turn your back on us. *more questions*

*Ibex yells* It's that he's saying "Juan", but there's no Juan.


DonMigs85 said:
The video itself is kinda morbid, but the commentary got me :lol

The other 2 fishes don't even want to get close to it..... :lol

Desiato said:

YT comments get me every time

Untrained ears are a common misconception of the complex art this genious dog was trying to express with such a top-notch improvisation reminiscent of the american jazz music back on the late 60's.


Misterinenja said:
Looks scared. His owner probably beats him.

Our dog always does that when she's happy and she's getting stroked under her chin.

Edit: That being said, the ears going all the way back.. I dunno.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Maxirugi said:
You got me, you son of a bitch.

You got me.
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