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I bet these vandals are voting for Bush.

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"Yes, because everyone who is anti-Muslim must be a Bush supporter."

Yes, because everyone who disagrees with Bush hate America.
ShadowRed said:
"Yes, because everyone who is anti-Muslim must be a Bush supporter."

Yes, because everyone who disagrees with Bush hate America.

What does that have to do with what I said? Oh that's right, nothing.


in that article they mentioned someone painted a swatstika in a mosque? wtf?

i also like how near the end they mentioned that one man who wrote turn them in. lol since 2001 all attempts on terrorism within the US have been stopped and i doubt it was done without the help of some muslims giving leads. and what does the man want? to turn in terrorists who are in the middle east?

and i hate to say this but if i had to guess the political affiliations of these people i would venture that they would vote republican.

edit: i love how thse people got so riled up for these brutal beheadings by terrorists but dont get this angry when these same terrorists kill iraqis and other non americans? tons of people are dying over there daily...innnocents, soldiers, and terrorists (althought no one should weep for the last one), but all people care for are the 2 beheadings?


Scary Euro Man
Meh. Probably the ones who can't find anyone extreme to vote for will be Bush supporters. But there are dangerous idiots who vote for just about every party - it's not like Bush has a monopoly on them.
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