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i dont know what bush is thinking with this ad

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Banstick Emeritus
My God...that is hilarious. And not in the way they intended, either.

Bush/Cheney goes from strength to strength.


GAF's Bob Woodward
The tinkle at the end is just too funny. And yes, this does more favours for the democrats than it does Bush!


How does this guy manage to tie his shoes. You know I think we should do, make ads that make me look like Hilter then send people to the polls. LOL


Holy Fucknuts.

I was worried about this campaign season, but if this is gonna be how they handle it then Kerry might as well start picking out drapes for the West Wing now. Guess I can go back to bed and sleep now!


keep your strippers out of my American football
That is horrible. It spends 90% of the time bashing Bush and offers no response other than, "Please ignore these people, k thx." Not smart at all. Why in the hell would you use Hitler in your ad campaign then go to a picture of Bush in a Nazi-like pose?


dskillzhtown said:
That is horrible. It spends 90% of the time bashing Bush and offers no response other than, "Please ignore these people, k thx." Not smart at all. Why in the hell would you use Hitler in your ad campaign then go to a picture of Bush in a Nazi-like pose?

uh.. The hitler footage is not Bush, its from a moveon.org ad, its to show the "faces" of the democratic party. This is the web version, the tv version will be cut down to 30 seconds and tighten up even more if used. I think more Howard Dean/Gore should be in it personally. But its just to put an image of the democratic party as being this out of control psycho group willing to say and do anything.

They will probably add Gore' Digital brown shirt comment in it quick.

actually, the moveon.org stuff probably won't be in it since its mostly internet people who will get that.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Ripclawe said:
uh.. The hitler footage is not Bush, its from a moveon.org ad, its to show the "faces" of the democratic party. This is the web version, the tv version will be cut down to 30 seconds and tighten up even more if used. I think more Howard Dean/Gore should be in it personally. But its just to put an image of the democratic party as being this out of control psycho group willing to say and do anything.

They will probably add Gore' Digital brown shirt comment in it quick.

Unfortunately..an increasing number of people are seeing things from the Gore/Dean/Kerry point of view (or closer to their POV at any rate). Reminding people of all these allegations etc. won't do Bush any favours, especially when many are already increasingly ill-disposed towards him.


Ripclawe your not actually trying to defend this are you? It is Hitler and it is Bush how can you spin it we have eyes.


Unconfirmed Member
Ripclawe said:
actually, the moveon.org stuff probably won't be in it since its mostly internet people who will get that it is bad idea to have your campaign ad feature you next to Hitler regardless of message.


Lol. More own goals then Euro 2004.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
What a fucking HORRIBLE ad.

Great message too. "In these divided and tumultuous times, this is not a time to question your leadership! Now here's another picture of Hitler."


keep your strippers out of my American football
Ripclawe said:
uh.. The hitler footage is not Bush, its from a moveon.org ad, its to show the "faces" of the democratic party.

Uh...I am aware of that. I understand what they were trying to do. But why would you want to use an image of Hitler in your ad campaign at all. Why do you want Hitler to be associated with your campaign? It is a terrible idea and a terrible ad. But someone thought it was a good idea.
Hahahahahaha, Youou have to love the picture of Bush thrown up right after the Hitler bit...


"Sieg Heil!!!"

I love the switch to the heart warming music at the end of the commercial too hahahaha


that commerical is absolutely hilarious.

the ad agency must be secretly anti-Bush...

"Here's the pitch, alright? I think that in this time of controversies and shit-hitting-the-fan, all people want is some twinkling music and optimism"


they call me "Man Gravy".
I think the general purpose of that commercial is to confuse people, because I have no fucking clue what that ad was about.


Hollywood Square
I would've typed a reply quicker, but I've been sitting here laughing for five minutes now. Seriously.
What's funny is they start it of with the "Gore Roar"-had Gore been anything remotely that animated and passionate during his 2000 campaign the fraudulent claims of mendacity would never have stuck.

Then they harp on a "ad" from MoveOn.org that MoveOn never paid for or aired in any fashion, and was on their website as part of a constest where people submitted their own ads and voted on them. The ads were in no way endoresed or promoted by MoveOn and is a distortion of the truth, making me wonder, when coupled with the poor construction of the work, if Sean Hannity was involved.

Then they show Howard Dean, who is still enormously popular with the Dem base and not unfavorably with the nation at large, despite the RNC noise machine's insanity over the Dean Scream. They then show Michael Moore, who will be getting is getting millions of Americans to pay to see his op-ed and is having most of the promotion of the movie done by the meda, espeically the aforementioned RNC appartus.

Then they finish it off with a quote from John Kerry that's badly out of place and doesn't seem to have any effect other than him saying the word "ass". Then some happy-fun-I-drank-the-kool-aid music and a picture of the preznit.

Truly, I haven't seen such clear and coherent work in advertisement since this:


That being said, they did get one thing right. They showed Dick Gephart and he said something about "miserable failure", I looked away and wasn't paying attention at that point but I figure that whether he was talking about Bush or himself he's pretty much right.


Self-ownage. Complete and utter self-ownage. They should really fire whoever made that for him. It smells like sabotage to me. PEACE.
"God told me to strike at Al-Qaida and I struck them and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did."

Wow. That's almost insulting to a religious person.


Fragamemnon said:
That being said, they did get one thing right. They showed Dick Gephart and he said something about "miserable failure", I looked away and wasn't paying attention at that point but I figure that whether he was talking about Bush or himself he's pretty much right.
hahaha A+


Idle Will Kill said:
"God told me to strike at Al-Qaida and I struck them and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did."

I`m speechless, these words are actually in this ad!
If this ad is real, just wow.

Get this nutcase away from power, he`s fucking insane.


Gregory said:
I`m speechless, these words are actually in this ad!
If this ad is real, just wow.

Get this nutcase away from power, he`s fucking insane.
yah that's a genuwine quote from the bushmeister himself
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