Ripclawe said:uh.. The hitler footage is not Bush, its from a ad, its to show the "faces" of the democratic party. This is the web version, the tv version will be cut down to 30 seconds and tighten up even more if used. I think more Howard Dean/Gore should be in it personally. But its just to put an image of the democratic party as being this out of control psycho group willing to say and do anything.
They will probably add Gore' Digital brown shirt comment in it quick.
actually, the stuff probably won't be in it since its mostly internet people who will get that.
This, is of course a lie by our favorite OT forum liar. The Hitler ad was not from The ad was submitted as part of a contest to allow people to make and present a 30s spot, and was posted to that part of the site to allow public review and voting of that ad. MoveOn never endorsed those ads, and as the ads didn't make the cut in the contest, the viewers of repudiated them as well. Again, the ads were not paid for or endorsed by the Voter Fund, nor were they ever promoted as such.
Now if you want to see real funding of such advertising, I point you to the 2002 Max Cleland-Saxby Chambliss campaign in Georgia. What the RNC aired there is something to get upset about-and two Senior Republican senators-McCain and Hagel did just that. You know you cross the line when your own Senators are complaining about ads for a Senate candidate in their own party.