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i dont know what bush is thinking with this ad

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Ripclawe said:
uh.. The hitler footage is not Bush, its from a moveon.org ad, its to show the "faces" of the democratic party. This is the web version, the tv version will be cut down to 30 seconds and tighten up even more if used. I think more Howard Dean/Gore should be in it personally. But its just to put an image of the democratic party as being this out of control psycho group willing to say and do anything.

They will probably add Gore' Digital brown shirt comment in it quick.

actually, the moveon.org stuff probably won't be in it since its mostly internet people who will get that.

This, is of course a lie by our favorite OT forum liar. The Hitler ad was not from MoveOn.org. The ad was submitted as part of a contest to allow people to make and present a 30s spot, and was posted to that part of the site to allow public review and voting of that ad. MoveOn never endorsed those ads, and as the ads didn't make the cut in the contest, the viewers of MoveOn.org repudiated them as well. Again, the ads were not paid for or endorsed by the MoveOn.org Voter Fund, nor were they ever promoted as such.

Now if you want to see real funding of such advertising, I point you to the 2002 Max Cleland-Saxby Chambliss campaign in Georgia. What the RNC aired there is something to get upset about-and two Senior Republican senators-McCain and Hagel did just that. You know you cross the line when your own Senators are complaining about ads for a Senate candidate in their own party.


I was worried about the hype in this thread causing the ad to let me down but... jesus that was fucking sublime. Bonus marks for having the clip of Moore saying the bit about Bush 'leading us to war for fictitious reasons'.... does Bush really want people being reminded of the whole WMD/al Queda in Iraq thing?!


Is it ever clear what this moron is thinking? While watching this ad Im thinking...uh did the site get hacked or something?
That really is a wretched ad. I guess they're trying to rile up their base with the commercial, but they picked people who aren't thought of as extremists (other than Moore) saying things that ring true for a lot of Americans. Seems like seeing the Democrats fired up would please some moderates/liberals who feel the Democratic party is too meek and wimpy. Also, for people who miss the very beginning of the ad or aren't paying attention right off the bat, the commercial is going to leave them confused.

It's rather amusing to see a Bush/Cheney commercial chastising Democrats over their "pessimism and rage" right after Cheney lashed out with the f-bomb.
I just got an e-mail about it from johnkerry.com titled "Disgusting".

Yesterday, the Bush-Cheney campaign, losing any last sense of decency, placed a disgusting ad called "The Faces of John Kerry's Democratic Party" as the main feature on its website. Bizarrely, and without explanation, the ad places Adolf Hitler among those faces.

The Bush-Cheney campaign must pull this ad off of its website. The use of Adolf Hitler by any campaign, politician or party is simply wrong.


If he were a real leader, George Bush would be talking about his first-term accomplishments -- and his second-term vision for America. But he has cast aside that opportunity because he has nothing to offer except a string of broken promises and a steady stream of fear and deception.

Continues more about fundraising... but I don't see a reason to post that.


Reminds me of The Onion story Point / Counter Point where its the guy talking about how America is pushing terrorism and stuff, all detailed and thought out. And the counterpoint is just "No it's not. You are wrong. None of that will happen."

Damn, they went subscription. Can't link to the story.

Ill Saint

This continues the Bush Administration tradition quite nicely -- A monumental fuckup, but with plenty of embarassing and unintended laughs along the way.
My connection is being ass and the sound isn't working anyway so I don't have a response to this ad. However, thought I'd share another ad where I wasn't sure who it was supposed to be promoting until I read the small print.



JoshuaJSlone said:
My connection is being ass and the sound isn't working anyway so I don't have a response to this ad. However, thought I'd share another ad where I wasn't sure who it was supposed to be promoting until I read the small print.




I find it comical that the left wingers think this ad is anti bush.

Bush is not the one squaking off like Hiltler.

Which is the point of the ad.


Hollywood Square
Mustang said:
I find it comical that the left wingers think this ad is anti bush.

Bush is not the one squaking off like Hiltler.

Which is the point of the ad.

I'm a registered Republican and I think this ad is Anti-Bush. It's a horribly hilarious ad.
Mustang said:
I find it comical that the left wingers think this ad is anti bush.

Bush is not the one squaking off like Hiltler.

Which is the point of the ad.

I don't see anyone who thinks the ad is anti-bush. Most people seem to be confused by the ad more than anything else. It's hard to focus on the point of the ad when you're laughing that fucking hard.

And no, Bush isn't squaking off like Hitler. He is invading other countries for absolutely no reason like Hitler. Well, every lunatic has a "reason," but I'd like to hear one that makes sense.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Mustang said:
I find it comical that the left wingers think this ad is anti bush.

Bush is not the one squaking off like Hiltler.

Which is the point of the ad.
Ahh yes, because giving an intense, emotive speech about the evils of our President makes them Hitler. No...no.....it makes them pessimistic!
demon said:
Ahh yes, because giving an intense, emotive speech about the evils of our President makes them Hitler. No...no.....it makes them pessimistic!

This isn't a time for pessimism and rage. It's a time for optimism, steady leadership, and progress.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Cerebral Palsy said:
This isn't a time for pessimism and rage. It's a time for optimism, steady leadership, and progress.

Would it really have been that difficult to find a picture of Dubya not making a face indicative of mental retardation?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Leon said:
Wow...I'm kinda shocked that absolutely nobody got the point of Hitler in the ad.

God knows that I would be the first guy voting against Bush. But the Hitler thing ties in with the message the ad wants to give out. It doesn't compare Kerry to Hitler or anything of that sort...What this ad does is show all the accusations that are made against Bush one after the other, in order to end the ad with the line "it's not a time for pessimism and rage". Accusations from Gore, from Dean, from Moore...And one popular accusation used by a surprisingly high number of anti-Bush people is comparing Bush to Hitler, which explains why there's a shot of Bush raising his arm right after Hitler is shown. The subtitle when Hitler speaks is to further reinforce how absurd this comparison is. The ad basically says "These guys are even comparing us to Hitler! See how pessimist and enraged they are? This is no time for that.". That's all there is to it.

Admittedly though, the ad is very poorly edited. It could've used a little more work to make the message clearer.
duhh, why the fuck else would they put footage of HITLER in a BUSH ad? Like you said, the editing is fucking awful, and it's such a poorly made and confusing commercial that it's absurdly hilarious.


oh my god, it looks like cheney's getting ready to eat a baby in that picture. what a terrible shot


Unconfirmed Member
For anyone still unconvinced that the hitler imagery especially was not insanely stupid regardless of ad intent (which I understand). Here is a parable:

The president, Mr. B. M. Gush, of the ASU does not fuck barnyard animals and like men's anuses while giving them handjobs. But some nut on the internet decided to photoshop images of Mr Gush's face onto pitures of people fucking sheep, horses and cows, and liking the nether reagions of other men. In his bid for re-election Mr. Gush decides to run a campaign ad that features prominently the fake images for almost a minute, with 5 seconds at the end dedicated to Mr Gush's actual image and the message "This is not the time for jokes, its time to get serious"

Potential voters got a laugh out of the ad and mostly remembered the images associated with strong emotion (laughter, anger etc.) and not the two lines of text at the end. This ad was a bad idea, and Mr. Gush loses the election.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I thought the Daily Show segments were a riot, but this is hillarious!


Nice ad. It basically says, "Aren't the democrats so pessimistic? Yeah, that pessimism is justified, but ew! Pessimism is so gross! Vote steadiness!"

I don't think that's really Bush's site. It's some political comedy site, isn't it? Or Bush made the wrongest wrong ever wronged when trusting that ad agency. You know, I think this whole 'Bush' thing is totally fictional. Doesn't exist.
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