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I don't really understand the Captain Marvel hate

She's always been an uber powerful white female in the comics.
I'd hate to be that guy, but this -- focusing on the bolded -- is objectively and certifiably false. Even before "Captain Marvel" became a Marvel thing (it used to be DC; see GeekyDad GeekyDad 's post I quoted below), several characters were known as "Captain Marvel" way before Carol Danvers, the white chick we know from the movies. The very first Marvel Comics hero known as Captain Marvel was actually a dude; Mar-Vell, who for some reason was made a chick in the movie. The second Captain Marvel was Monica Rambeau, a black chick (the same Monica Rambeau that has shown up in the Captain Marvel movie as a kid and WandaVision as an adult). Etc etc... It wasn't until the 4th or 5th hero that Carol Danvers became Captain Marvel.

I guess older folks like myself always thought of this guy when we thought of Capt. Marvel:



I'd hate to be that guy, but this -- focusing on the bolded -- is objectively and certifiably false. Even before "Captain Marvel" became a Marvel thing (it used to be DC; see GeekyDad GeekyDad 's post I quoted below), several characters were known as "Captain Marvel" way before Carol Danvers, the white chick we know from the movies. The very first Marvel Comics hero known as Captain Marvel was actually a dude; Mar-Vell, who for some reason was made a chick in the movie. The second Captain Marvel was Monica Rambeau, a black chick (the same Monica Rambeau that has shown up in the Captain Marvel movie as a kid and WandaVision as an adult). Etc etc... It wasn't until the 4th or 5th hero that Carol Danvers became Captain Marvel.


His point still stands, she has basically always been an uber powerful white female in the comics. Granted, she started out as being head of security for a military facility for a number of years before being powerful. She has been super powerful in the comics for far longer than Mar-vell and longer than Monica Rambeau as well. Carol Danvers got her powers in about 1977 where as Monica Rambeau showed up in the comics in about 1982.

And I'll say right now, IMO, the original Captain Marvel comic sucked and it was even cancelled in 1970 so other people must have felt the same. There is a 2 year gap between #21 and #22. Changing Mar-vell to a woman for the movie works because it would be weird if her mentor and idle was a male in a movie about female empowerment. Also, in both the comics and the movie, Mar-vell doesn't stick around and stay alive for long.
Mar-vell's comic was printed from 1968 to 1970 and then 1972 to 1979. What's that, only 9 years? Then a few cameos and then killed in 1982.
I didn't hate it, but it was one of the weakest MCU movies. It had several big problems, but I think a major one is it just didn't have any real sense of danger to it. It's a prequel so we know all characters we know, like Fury, are 100% safe, and the planet is still around, so its safe too. Carol is constantly showing she's completely out of the league of all her opponents in the movie, so there was no tension there either. It just felt like a bad fanfiction where the lead is OP as hell and has no real challenges. All the other issues I think I could have forgiven but this lack of real stakes completely robbed the movie of any real energy.


The very first Marvel Comics hero known as Captain Marvel was actually a dude; Mar-Vell

That first captain Marvel may have been my first favorite hero as a kid. I remember reading old "Strange" comics in kindergarten, and thinking that "knock your wrists to transform" move was so cool.


Anyway as for the "other Captain Marvel" movie, I really disliked it, but only because it was dull and forgettable. I don't even remember what the motivation of Captain Marvel was, but I do remember that I didn't care about it. The only thing I can remember is the Nick Fury / evil cat / refugees side plot, which was actually ok-ish.
I'm aware that some people hate it for whatever progressive agenda it may have tried to push, but I didn't care for that either (nor really noticed it).


I think part of it was hearing comments from Brie Larson back then and the other half was the movie. Like their really wasn't a threat in the movie that could harm her. She was just being brain washed. So she was never really in any danger and she could have just straight up wrecked all the bad guys. The movie makes no sense when you think about it. Why would they use her as a basic soldier instead of just killing her if it required brainwashing to keep her as a soldier if she was a possible threat. Plus I just found her boring in the movie.

She should have been introduced after end game.


Yeah it's one of the weakest MCU movies, but there were even worse ones like Thor: The Dark World and people just mocked how bad it was, and not outright hate it.

Wasn't another reason people hated Captain Marvel was because how successful it was and that it made a billion dollars, despite it being bad? I think people were bitter that it kind of rode the coattails of Infinity War and people went to see it just because they couldn't wait for Endgame. But I feel that's sort of unfair, I mean they could have just screened a 5 minute preview of Endgame and a billion people would have paid to watch that as well. It seems like a silly reason to criticize a movie.

Ulysses 31

All the other issues I think I could have forgiven but this lack of real stakes completely robbed the movie of any real energy.
You don't mind the retroactive character assassinations like how Fury got scarred and lost his eye was because he trusted someone in Winter Soldier but here it's a joke that a alien cat scratched his eye? :lollipop_confounded:

Or maybe Fury was just joking around in Winter Soldier and we just didn't know it. 🤡
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Bland movie with a boring character presented as someone above everything and everyone.

Tbh I never like the character. I rather prefer her to be absorbed by Rogue and stay in coma at the hospital. Its a better story than see her as invincible badass. Rogue has a batter story and her nightmares along with her powers being a curse made for an excellent balanced character.


Gold Member
It kinda broke the humour formula. Basically every other MCU hero pokes fun at themselves with self deprecating humour, Iron Man screwing up building the suit, Cap having things go over his head, Thor taking himself overly serious then screwing up, Spider-man being awkward and screwing up, Dr Strange messing around with the artifacts and fighting with the cape, Black Panther getting ribbed by Shuri etc. But when Captain Marvel comes along she‘s always above the joke and never the butt of it, and the character just comes across as wooden, humourless and boring compared to the others.
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It kinda broke the humour formula. Basically every other MCU hero pokes fun at themselves with self deprecating humour, Iron Man screwing up building the suit, Cap having things go over his head, Thor taking himself overly serious then screwing up, Spider-man being awkward and screwing up, Dr Strange messing around with the artifacts and fighting with the cape, Black Panther getting ribbed by Shuri etc. But when Captain Marvel comes along she‘s always above the joke and never the butt of it, and the character just comes across as wooden, humourless and boring compared to the others.

Totally agree, although Spider-man movie is rather bad at it. Everyone there is joker, even people who you don't give a shit or dunno who is makes jokes or snarky smart remarks at every opportunity. I had a hard time watching this new Spider-man with Tom, his bland face didn't help.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It's on my too watch list. I'm sure I'll get around to it any second. Gotta watch that, Black Widow, and Ant Man New.

Most of the controversy around CM from what I saw was around the political / SJW commentary surrounding the actress in nearly every interview, along with the very obvious efforts to put her at the head of the entire Marvel Universe in terms of power level nearly overnight.
His point still stands, she has basically always been an uber powerful white female in the comics.
(Setting aside that it's starting to seem to me like I can't write many posts in MCU related things without you showing up unsuccessfully trying to "correct" me...)

His point really doesn't stand, though. The superhero known as "Captain Marvel" has not always been a white female. It's an objective fact. Carol Danvers has always been white and female, yes, but she hasn't always been "Captain Marvel."

Anyway, back to the main point of the thread: it seems that we've talked about her being unlikable very recently. I initially didn't remember, but in the process of writing this post I just finally remembered that it was a gaming-side thread about Brie Larson featuring in a Nintendo-sponsored social media ad for Metroid Dread. So go to that thread to get an idea of what people think.

I disagree with the more extreme criticisms towards her, which can sometimes border on vitriol and can be excessively and irrationally hateful. But she (Brie Larson) hasn't done herself any favors with the way she carried herself in promotional interviews and whatnot (I think there were some examples posted in that Metroid Dread thread), and because of that I myself find her somewhat unlikable.

That's the Brie Larson part. The other part is that the Captain Marvel movie itself is somewhere between average to below average. People keep saying how awesome of an actress Brie Larson is, and that may well be true, and I don't have a problem with her as an actress. But the movie does NOT show off those acting talents; she comes off as wooden and displays a narrow range of emotion during the movie. That may not be the fault of the actress, that may be a combination of script and direction -- two important aspects of the movie that are clearly very underwhelming.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
(Setting aside that it's starting to seem to me like I can't write many posts in MCU related things without you showing up unsuccessfully trying to "correct" me...)

His point really doesn't stand, though. The superhero known as "Captain Marvel" has not always been a white female. It's an objective fact. Carol Danvers has always been white and female, yes, but she hasn't always been "Captain Marvel."

Anyway, back to the main point of the thread: it seems that we've talked about her being unlikable very recently. I initially didn't remember, but in the process of writing this post I just finally remembered that it was a gaming-side thread about Brie Larson featuring in a Nintendo-sponsored social media ad for Metroid Dread. So go to that thread to get an idea of what people think.

I disagree with the more extreme criticisms towards her, which can sometimes border on vitriol and can be excessively and irrationally hateful. But she (Brie Larson) hasn't done herself any favors with the way she carried herself in promotional interviews and whatnot (I think there were some examples posted in that Metroid Dread thread), and because of that I myself find her somewhat unlikable.

That's the Brie Larson part. The other part is that the Captain Marvel movie itself is somewhere between average to below average. People keep saying how awesome of an actress Brie Larson is, and that may well be true, and I don't have a problem with her as an actress. But the movie does NOT show off those acting talents; she comes off as wooden and displays a narrow range of emotion during the movie. That may not be the fault of the actress, that may be a combination of script and direction -- two important aspects of the movie that are clearly very underwhelming.
She's not a terrible actress, but she's definitely oddly cast as a superhero. Probably would be fine as a lawyer, or doctor or something. Just not really able to sell physical combat, or superhuman charisma.
Movie itself was ok. Not great, but not better than your average Marvel movie. I'm just not a fan of Brie Larson's acting, felt wooden and flat to me. But the 90's aesthetic was well done and the story itself was cool how it mostly organically sets up future movies without having to try and get too muddled up with what was currently happening with endgame.


She is too overpowered, too few flaws. Just a power fantasy that doesn't fit into the scheme of Marvel heroes.

And that movie was a 2 out of 10, and her acting was very lackluster, she might have some good roles in the past but she is terrible as a superhero.

Ulysses 31

She is too overpowered, too few flaws. Just a power fantasy that doesn't fit into the scheme of Marvel heroes.

And that movie was a 2 out of 10, and her acting was very lackluster, she might have some good roles in the past but she is terrible as a superhero.
And questionable moral fiber with her stealing a motorcycle because the guy asked her to smile or killing lots of Kree in excitement of who she doesn't know of if they're being mislead like she was before.
Funny that Captain Marvel seems to lack charisma. Even when the writers and directors really want to audience to like Captain Marvel. There's a scene in Avengers: Endgame that perfectly illustrates this. My recollection of the dialogue may not be 100% accurate so don't sue me 😂

Endorsement by Iron Man
Tony: "what are we, the A-vengers, right!? Do our best work after the fact? Not the Pre-vengers!? "
(Points to Captain Marvel) "You are great by the way, we need you, you're new blood..."
(Back to Cap): "Bunch of tired old mules, I've got nothing for you..."

Endorsement by Captain America
Captain Marvel: (in her usual arrogant way) "I'm going to kill Thanos"
Rhodes: "Look, new girl, we're all about that superhero life, but if you don't mind me asking, where the hell have you been all this time!?"
Captain Marvel: "There are a lot of planets out there, and unfortunately they didn't have you guys."
(Captain America looks at Rhodes with a "she's right, and she's awesome" nod of approval)

Endorsement by Thor
( Thor gets up from his chair and stares down Captain Marvel. He summons Stormbreaker in a way that's meant to be menacing/intimidating, only to be met with a mildly arrogant smirk from her)
Thor: "I like this one"

So just within a couple of minutes, you have the "big three" heroes of the MCU telling the audience "please please please like Captain Marvel, she's cool and awesome." What is meant to be a passing of the torch instead comes across as forced and awkward, in large part due to just how unlikeable the Captain Marvel character is.

To reiterate a great point made earlier in the thread: Most other heroes in the MCU can laugh at themselves, can fail, can be vulnerable or flawed. Captain Marvel is not only none of those things; she actually goes to the other extreme. She's infallible, flawless, self-serious, and in some cases even arrogant. Doesn't make for a likable superhero if you ask me.
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ChatGPT 0.1
I watched it and was mystified how the most powerful super hero ever made things so hard for herself, I don't disagree with the problems with Captain Marvel, she came out of nowhere, no real memorable villains. Here's the thing about Marvel movie they're a good opportunity to showcase a comic but they aren't as good as we all thought they would be.


I liked it and my wife loved it and she used to not really care for action movies too much. For all the hate they get the Marvel movies are a good generic gateway for folks to introduce comic book/fantasy/whatever else to people that may not really care for the genre. She actually watched Dune with me and thought it was ok. When we first got married almost 9 years ago I couldn't imagine that ever happening so I'll give credit to the MCU for being her "gateway drug."


Funny that Captain Marvel seems to lack charisma. Even when the writers and directors really want to audience to like Captain Marvel. There's a scene in Avengers: Endgame that perfectly illustrates this. My recollection of the dialogue may not be 100% accurate so don't sue me 😂

Endorsement by Iron Man
Tony: "what are we, the A-vengers, right!? Do our best work after the fact? Not the Pre-vengers!? "
(Points to Captain Marvel) "You are great by the way, we need you, you're new blood..."
(Back to Cap): "Bunch of tired old mules, I've got nothing for you..."

Endorsement by Captain America
Captain Marvel: (in her usual arrogant way) "I'm going to kill Thanos"
Rhodes: "Look, new girl, we're all about that superhero life, but if you don't mind me asking, where the hell have you been all this time!?"
Captain Marvel: "There are a lot of planets out there, and unfortunately they didn't have you guys."
(Captain America looks at Rhodes with a "she's right, and she's awesome" nod of approval)

Endorsement by Thor
( Thor gets up from his chair and stares down Captain Marvel. He summons Stormbreaker in a way that's meant to be menacing/intimidating, only to be met with a mildly arrogant smirk from her)
Thor: "I like this one"

So just within a couple of minutes, you have the "big three" heroes of the MCU telling the audience "please please please like Captain Marvel, she's cool and awesome." What is meant to be a passing of the torch instead comes across as forced and awkward, in large part due to just how unlikeable the Captain Marvel character is.

To reiterate a great point made earlier in the thread: Most other heroes in the MCU can laugh at themselves, can fail, can be vulnerable or flawed. Captain Marvel is not only none of those things; she actually goes to the other extreme. She's infallible, flawless, self-serious, and in some cases even arrogant. Doesn't make for a likable superhero if you ask me.
Most hero stories are about redemption and growth. Captain Marvel was just about validation, the lesson was that she was just super amazing and it was time everyone recognized it.
Looking back, what was so controversial about Captain Marvel that made her so hated?

She's always been an uber powerful white female in the comics. None of that changed when they brought her to the movies. She didn't become gay or black or whatever.

Yeah sure she just kinda luckily got blessed with powers, but who else in the MCU didn't besides maybe Iron Man?

I guess people didn't like Brie cuz of her politics? But she shares the same views as Ruffalo and probably many other MCU actors.

Maybe people were just upset they were passing the torch of the Avengers to her? But she was actually not a bad choice. Who else would they rather pass it to? She Hulk?

Most of the hate I saw was just blind "wimmenz ebil!" and people who hate Brie.

Considering Mark Ruffalo was inferior to Edward Norton, and he's a pedo protector (check his post Rittenhouse trial tweets), I'd cancel Hulk before Cpt. Marvel.

Most hero stories are about redemption and growth. Captain Marvel was just about validation, the lesson was that she was just super amazing and it was time everyone recognized it.

Not really - for her it was about becoming more human and caring. She was always a devil-may-care dickhead... her evolution was the opposite - figuring out how to be caring.

(At least that's my read)
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Gold Member
It kinda broke the humour formula. Basically every other MCU hero pokes fun at themselves with self deprecating humour, Iron Man screwing up building the suit, Cap having things go over his head, Thor taking himself overly serious then screwing up, Spider-man being awkward and screwing up, Dr Strange messing around with the artifacts and fighting with the cape, Black Panther getting ribbed by Shuri etc. But when Captain Marvel comes along she‘s always above the joke and never the butt of it, and the character just comes across as wooden, humourless and boring compared to the others.

To expand on this (since I’ve been thinking about it). You look at Thor Ragnarok with the Valkyrie’s first scene and her entrance being all badass till she drunkenly stumbles off the platform, and then casually continues the badass walk after she gets up, and she’s a likeable badass the whole rest of the movie. You can have female heroes be comedic FFS and being comedic is the reason Marvel sells on their movies and DC doesn’t.

The whole formula for MCU (at least comedy-wise) is if the movie takes itself too seriously, throw in a joke pointing out how ridiculous it is, since the plot is already ridiculous (basically point it out before the audiences own suspension of disbelief falls off). They worked it almost to perfection with the Thor character….but then you get a Captain Marvel that is basically a female version of Thor, but they depict her without any humour, or at least humour directed at them, so it’s basically Thor without the comedy.

It makes total sense that she would act wooden, since she’s a soldier twice over and brainwashed, but something has to at least come from the awkwardness of that comedic-wise….and it was just left on the table.
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To expand on this (since I’ve been thinking about it). You look at Thor Ragnarok with the Valkyrie’s first scene and her entrance being all badass till she drunkenly stumbles off the platform, and then casually continues the badass walk after she gets up, and she’s a likeable badass the whole rest of the movie. You can have female heroes be comedic FFS and being comedic is the reason Marvel sells on their movies and DC doesn’t.

The whole formula for MCU (at least comedy-wise) is if the movie takes itself too seriously, throw in a joke pointing out how ridiculous it is, since the plot is already ridiculous (basically point it out before the audiences own suspension of disbelief falls off). They worked it almost to perfection with the Thor character….but then you get a Captain Marvel that is basically a female version of Thor, but they depict her without any humour, or at least humour directed at them, so it’s basically Thor without the comedy.

It makes total sense that she would act wooden, since she’s a soldier twice over and brainwashed, but something has to at least come from the awkwardness of that comedic-wise….and it was just left on the table.
This is a really excellent point.

It's not like the MCU has a shortage of badass female superheroes. It's in that "female power" montage in the final battle of Avengers: Endgame.

You gave a fantastic example with Valkyrie. Two other great examples are Gamora and Nebula. Gamora in particular started out as a very "self serious" chick, who kicked a lot of ass. She spoke robotically and only focused on the mission. But by the time the Guardians segment is first introduced in Avengers: Infinity War, that same Gamora is bobbing her head and lip syncing to "The Rubberband Man." But that doesn't mean she is any less fierce; Thanos mentions that she became "the fiercest woman in the Galaxy." She is surrounded by absolute morons but she loosens up and still kicks ass while absorbing fun energy from the aforementioned morons.

Captain Marvel was surrounded by that one funny Kree dude*, by Nick Fury, and my (mom) Rambeau, 3 charismatic people; and she STILL couldn't form any major chemistry with any of them. She remained boring, wooden/stiff, and with a "I'm better than all of you" attitude. Like... How unlikeable do you have to be to not play off something that Samuel L. Jackson says!? Hell, Maria Hill has more chemistry with Nick Fury in the few and short scenes they share throughout the MCU, than Captain Marvel has with him in AN ENTIRE MOVIE.

*EDIT: I think I meant "Skrull" dude, not Kree dude... Getting my Captain Marvel galactic races mixed up 😂

Nebula had a similar trajectory to Gamora, starting as a cold blooded, "sadistic" (in the words of Stark) killer, to...

Nebula: "Rhodey, be careful on reentry, there's an idiot in the landing zone." (Referring to Scott Lang)

Which also reminds me, I smell bullshit on the post right above yours saying that the Captain Marvel complaints are "oh noes womenz" or whatever borderline illiterate way people write it up. Captain Marvel got hate, sure, but did

- The Wasp
- Scarlet Witch
- Okoye
- Gamora
- Nebula
- Valkyrie
- Black Widow

..... etc etc etc. You get the point; did any of those other heroines get anywhere near the amount of hate that Captain Marvel did? I don't recall seeing almost any hate for those other heroines.
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To expand on this (since I’ve been thinking about it). You look at Thor Ragnarok with the Valkyrie’s first scene and her entrance being all badass till she drunkenly stumbles off the platform, and then casually continues the badass walk after she gets up, and she’s a likeable badass the whole rest of the movie. You can have female heroes be comedic FFS and being comedic is the reason Marvel sells on their movies and DC doesn’t.

The whole formula for MCU (at least comedy-wise) is if the movie takes itself too seriously, throw in a joke pointing out how ridiculous it is, since the plot is already ridiculous (basically point it out before the audiences own suspension of disbelief falls off). They worked it almost to perfection with the Thor character….but then you get a Captain Marvel that is basically a female version of Thor, but they depict her without any humour, or at least humour directed at them, so it’s basically Thor without the comedy.

It makes total sense that she would act wooden, since she’s a soldier twice over and brainwashed, but something has to at least come from the awkwardness of that comedic-wise….and it was just left on the table.
There is a fine line between a brainwashed, amnesiac, etc type character and the charisma black hole that was whatever Larson's Captain Marvel was supposed to be. Now it isn't all her fault as the script actively sabotaged the character from the get go but still. The thing is you can absolutely make this thing work as you say. Just look at Peter Weller's Robocop. Even at his most robotic they still manage to create a personality that the audience can connect with so that once the Murphy elements start developing the audience is invested in that rebirth.


Gold Member
There is a fine line between a brainwashed, amnesiac, etc type character and the charisma black hole that was whatever Larson's Captain Marvel was supposed to be. Now it isn't all her fault as the script actively sabotaged the character from the get go but still. The thing is you can absolutely make this thing work as you say. Just look at Peter Weller's Robocop. Even at his most robotic they still manage to create a personality that the audience can connect with so that once the Murphy elements start developing the audience is invested in that rebirth.

To be fair Robocop had better comedic bits than Captain Marvel, and created a narrative people could care about within minutes (his family, his partner, seeing his arm blown off etc.), and he was the butt of multiple jokes. I would have compared it to Soldier with Kurt Russle.

I don’t think Brie Larson was bad, but was just denied a chance for the role of an MCU hero she should’ve had, with the proper comedic bits. Some of the best comedians are the straight-men and it worked with Thor and it worked with Drax in GoTG, they can use some straight-women too.

And to be clear I meant ‘straight’ as in comedy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_man …..Resetera is going to kill me.
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Saint Nic
It just felt...Boring and unnecessary. Wife and I didn't hate it, but we've never had a desire to re-watch it.

Also, I think Brie Larson's commentary outside the film is what aided in the hate campaign.


To be fair Robocop had better comedic bits than Captain Marvel, and created a narrative people could care about within minutes (his family, his partner, seeing his arm blown off etc.), and he was the butt of multiple jokes. I would have compared it to Soldier with Kurt Russle.

I don’t think Brie Larson was bad, but was just denied a chance for the role an MCU hero she should’ve had, with the proper comedic bits. Some of the best comedians are the straight-men and it worked with Thor and it worked with Drax in GoTG, they can use some straight-women too.

And to be clear I meant ‘straight’ as in comedy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_man …..Resetera is going to kill me.
I wouldn't have made the comparison either, since CM is nowhere near Robocop's league , but Marvel were throwing it out there themselves during promotion for the film.


(Setting aside that it's starting to seem to me like I can't write many posts in MCU related things without you showing up unsuccessfully trying to "correct" me...)

His point really doesn't stand, though. The superhero known as "Captain Marvel" has not always been a white female. It's an objective fact. Carol Danvers has always been white and female, yes, but she hasn't always been "Captain Marvel."

Pramod didn't say anything specifically about the mantel of Captain Marvel, just that the character (Carol Danvers) has always been super strong in the comics. Which is basically true, whether she is Ms. Marvel or Captain Marvel.


Gold Member
Easy. It has a female lead character., hence the hate. People are stupid.
While yeah some of it is probably sexist bullshit:

I don’t hate the fact that it has a female lead character, I hate the fact that it excludes her character from the comedy almost entirely unlike every other MCU hero.

The first Wonder Woman movie was brilliantly well done, and with some comedy; having her go out in the 1914 women‘s clothing to be inconspicuous, but end up being more than conspicuous because she ends up carrying the sword and shield out of the clothing store.…hilarious…and that’s a DC movie.

The fact Marvel can’t live up to that as far as their main superheroine is concerned is kind of a travesty….she’s just boring.
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While yeah some of it is probably sexist bullshit:

I don’t hate the fact that it has a female lead character, I hate the fact that it excludes her character from the comedy almost entirely unlike every other MCU hero.

The first Wonder Woman movie was brilliantly well done, and with some comedy; having her go out in the 1914 women‘s clothing to be inconspicuous, but end up being more than conspicuous because she ends up carrying the sword and shield out of the clothing store.…hilarious…and that’s a DC movie.

The fact Marvel can’t live up to that as far as their main superheroine is concerned is kind of a travesty….she’s just boring.
I blame the lack of comedy on Brie Larson. She’s doesn’t have a comedic bone in her body.


1. She is so powerful and over the top there was never any risk to her. Further, her obscene power diminishes the other MCU flicks and characters. At the end of her movie she casually annihilates a Kree battlefleet led by Ronin the Accuser. That guy was like "nope I'm out". She made one of the cooler MCU villains from GoTG look like a total bitch out the gate. When she shows up in End Game she instantly made everything lopsided and nearly over powered Thanos.

She can't lose, nobody can touch her. It's absurd, especially when you look at Cap, Iron Man, Hulk and Thor- never mind Hawkeye and Black Widow.

Her problem is just like Visions but magnified. Spoiler: I didn't like Vision either, though I freely admit I love his actor and the character outside of his absurdity.

I dislike Superman because of this stuff, so naturally I dislike Captain Marvel. Iirc, the directors of Infinity War/Endgame admitted they needed to find reasons to keep her away from the story, otherwise she'd just ruin all the tension. Personally I think this means the character of Captain Marvel just isn't much good for the MCU.

2. Her character isn't super likeable, which isn't really a deal breaker but didn't help. She's stand offish, blunt, rude. Her interaction with other heroes, when they happen, is curt and stiff. I mean her appearance at Iron Man's funeral was so hilarious and typical. Just standing like a monolith, no emoting.
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