Both GT7 and EW are on sale right now, and I also gathered enough points in that PlayStation Stars thingy to redeem a $25 gift card, so the grand total for those two games was about the same as I would've paid just for Callisto Protocol alone without any discounts.
Yep, I bought GT7 and Evil West, and I'm pretty happy with my choice. I already played a couple of races in GT7 last night and I'm digging it so far but first I'm gonna play through Evil West, which is also pretty fucking sweet. I held off on it initially because I heard some bad things about it but idk what all the fuss was about. Yeah it can be a bit tough in places but it's a pretty sweet action game regardless. I don't recall any other game in recent memory that would do this particular style of gameplay with an over-the-shoulder camera and equal parts melee and shooting combat. It feel pretty unique and it's fun as hell.