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I hate New York weather.

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...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
The city folk know what just happened, and understand my discontent. It just rained furiously here and the thunder was some of the loudest I've heard in my 19 years of life. 15 minutes later, what's next? The rain stops, the sun is beaming out and all is fine in this retarded city.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yea I got soaked on my way back from the grocery store and now looking out the window its sunny ...fuck the weather gods! >_<


The SF Bay Area is worse for most people - rainy, foggy, windy. It's rarely sunny out here. But I like cold weather. :)

aoi tsuki

AlphaSnake said:
The city folk know what just happened, and understand my discontent. It just rained furiously here and the thunder was some of the loudest I've heard in my 19 years of life. 15 minutes later, what's next? The rain stops, the sun is beaming out and all is fine in this retarded city.
You just described weather her in NC, except it does this every day with highs in the 90s.

DJ Sl4m

I know what you mean, here in Louisiana (and also Texas) we go through these damn extremely HOT droughts, then when the rain comes it's damn near non stop to the point of flooding.


and i was rooting for the rain too...thinking it would allow me to stay inside and i would have an excuse to not go out to change my car's oil and shit.


Hollywood Square
I don't live in New York, but I can assume it's not a fun place to live with the Green Goblin and Doc Ock and whatnot. That kind of shit seems to happen to New York every other year.
I'd say Chicago is the most erratic. It was really hot out the other day, poured the next day (although there were tons of breaks... hard rain for 30 minutes, sun for 10, rain again, etc), then it was warm out.

For some reason today is cold.
I hate hot weather. So muggy here right now... my computer's idling at 146.3 so I can't do much with it.

*needs to fiddle with cooling an possibly buy a new fan and heatsink*


AlphaSnake said:
The city folk know what just happened, and understand my discontent. It just rained furiously here and the thunder was some of the loudest I've heard in my 19 years of life. 15 minutes later, what's next? The rain stops, the sun is beaming out and all is fine in this retarded city.


Live upstate for awhile, preferably around the Albany area. Sudden thunderstorms are nothing compared to hearing on the news "Yeah, it was really nice today, but tomorrow expect about a foot of snow. By noon."
xsarien said:

Live upstate for awhile, preferably around the Albany area. Sudden thunderstorms are nothing compared to hearing on the news "Yeah, it was really nice today, but tomorrow expect about a foot of snow. By noon."

Have you ever BEEN to Rochester? Puts Albany and downstate NY to shame.

I remember at least two seperate occasions this year when it was like 70 or 80 one day and snowing the next.


I was napping when the storm started, but i was lmao because the noon news(CBS) said that there wouldn't be any rain until after 4pm, and to "enjoy the window of opportunity". Then around 2pm, it pisses down like crazy....HAHAHAHAHAHHA. No barbeque 4 U! Oh, and the loudest thunder i've ever heard here in NYC still goes to that night a few days after Sept. 11th. Good lord!


The SF Bay Area is worse for most people - rainy, foggy, windy. It's rarely sunny out here. But I like cold weather. :)

I don't know what you're smokin, the weather here is perfect almost all the time. You've got the warm summer with the occasional day in the 90's (100's inland, but all the rich folk can afford A/C) and then the slightly cooler 'rainy season', where it really rains once a weak or so...

My first winter out of the Bay Area had me dyin for my old home in Fremont...


Unconfirmed Member
A couple years ago in April, it was 85º on Tuesday.

We had a blizzard that Friday.

The midwest is absolute shit for weather. The winters are TERRIBLY cold, and the summers are hot and humid as hell. Though this summer it's been like 60º and cloudy every day. What the fuck. I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and I'm thinking I need to climb back under my blankets. Cold :(


Thaedolus said:
I don't know what you're smokin, the weather here is perfect almost all the time. You've got the warm summer with the occasional day in the 90's (100's inland, but all the rich folk can afford A/C) and then the slightly cooler 'rainy season', where it really rains once a weak or so...

My first winter out of the Bay Area had me dyin for my old home in Fremont...

I'm on the coast though. Fremont is generally much warmer. Daly City is sometimes called Fog Town for a reason. :)


The city folk know what just happened, and understand my discontent. It just rained furiously here and the thunder was some of the loudest I've heard in my 19 years of life. 15 minutes later, what's next? The rain stops, the sun is beaming out and all is fine in this retarded city.

Try England. That happened 4 to 5 times a day last week rain, sunshine, rain, sunshine... damn annoying, especially if you're watching Wimbledon.
AlphaSnake said:
The city folk know what just happened, and understand my discontent. It just rained furiously here and the thunder was some of the loudest I've heard in my 19 years of life. 15 minutes later, what's next? The rain stops, the sun is beaming out and all is fine in this retarded city.
Vancouver's weather > New York's weather

Frozen tundra my ass!


Last winter in Boston, we had the weather change once an hour a few times - sun, rain, sun, snow, sun again. And those lovely "70 degree high, 2 feet of snow at night" days were always a bit confusing, too.

Out of nowhere thunderstorms are pretty much the norm wherever it's hot and muggy, so that's nothing special.
New York weather, is one of the main reasons I moved to California. In San Diego, it's around 50-60 at it's coldest in the winter, and high 80's in the summer.
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