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Did I miss the yearly "This heat is so hot. I hate the weather" thread?


Gold Member
The Office Reaction GIF

I gave up complaining mid June after the first two weeks of hell. It is what it is. We're all going to die a horrific death.

To all of you "ermergerd it's way hoter outside my airconditioned house in the fucking desert, why do you guys complain?":

1) These temperatures are not normal. In Vienna we've been having about 36° every single day for the last weeks. Used to be once a year.

2) Get a normal temperature scale

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UK here with no aircon.

It's been hot, but it doesn't bother me unless it's too hot at night to sleep.

However my tactic of sleeping naked and on the sheets, rather than under has been working a charm.


Look at the history of these claims....

By 2011 Florida underwater?

That was the big fear in 2004.

I've driven over a bridge in the ocean for 30 years, know where the water level is?

Exactly where it was in 2004.

Who is goofy? I'd argue it's the people writing these climate models 🤣

The fear in the 80s was a global ice age.
Sea levels have risen just over 8 inches over the past three decades and is accelerating. The fear in the 80s was never an ice age, it’s a myth drummed up by inaccurate news reporting in the 70 regarding potential cooling effects from Aerosols, global warming has been a concern since the the early 60s. There are plenty of other signs of global warming occurring but since they manifest over decades your average person would be hard pressed to notice them.


Last night was pretty murderous here in the UK, to be honest. Easily the hottest and most humid night. Slept like shit.

And Peggies Peggies is absolutely right. I sleep like a baby in Australia, even when it's 28 degrees at night, because everywhere has air-con and the buildings are built to let heat escape. In the UK, a humid 20 degree night can keep me awake very easily, thanks to zero fucking air-con (unless you count my portable unit which sounds like a plane taking off) and an apartment building that's designed to keep heat in.
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Fair enough!

Really I'm arguing that this "fear" about warm summer is misplaced and really just narrative / politics / agenda and not factual.

Weird. I thought it was the other way around, with global warming backed by scientists and denying it having nothing that you couldn't explain as being...narrative / politics /agenda.

A factual basis comes from scientific instruments, not how you "feel" about it. lol


Gold Member
I went jogging with a black hat and some big headphones (the ones I have in my pfp) and it felt amazing. People are soft. I dread the fall/winter.


Gold Member
I sleep like a baby in Australia, even when it's 28 degrees at night, because everywhere has air-con and the buildings are built to let heat escape. In the UK, a humid 20 degree night can keep me awake very easily, thanks to zero fucking air-con (unless you count my portable unit which sounds like a plane taking off) and an apartment building that's designed to keep heat in.
Exactly! Life's become pretty insufferable here in the summer. I don't know why so many tourists do that to themselves.

Well I guess once they stay away, politics will start to react.


Weird. I thought it was the other way around, with global warming backed by scientists and denying it having nothing that you couldn't explain as being...narrative / politics /agenda.

A factual basis comes from scientific instruments, not how you "feel" about it. lol

My point is warming is good, not that it isn't happening. Earth is too cold and against the historical record via ice core samples Co2 PPM is too low. Under 200PPM and plant life is threatened. We're about 400PPM now.

The fear is the narrative, not the measurements.

More heat + more Co2 == better food growth and more livable space (not that we have a problem with livable space, the vast majority of earth is uninhabited)

That doesn't mean:

- pollution isn't a problem
- dumping waste into rivers is 'good'

It does mean:

- burning oil and using oil for pharmaceuticals, energy, plastic is good and not a problem. Earth naturally filters it out via the O2 - Co2 dynamic.

Ocean levels are not a concern. Look at a picture of Ellis Island from the early 1900s. Exact same level as today. (same with every bridge I frequent which goes through the ocean, no measurable difference in 30 years)
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My point is warming is good, not that it isn't happening. Earth is too cold and historically Co2 PPM is also too low.

The fear is the narrative, not the measurements.

More heat + more Co2 == better food growth and more livable space (not that we have a problem with livable space)

Well since we were tiny kids we had a strong hint about things being in a careful equilibrium/homeostasis with the knowledge that our body temp raising by two degrees was a huge deal. It's not a huge leap for an intelligent person who sees how the whole ecosystem is interconnected to be concerned what would happen if the whole fucking world's higher avg temperature raised too high.

Ice sheets losing mass is another scientific measurement. Last I heard crops like heat but they dislike being flooded even more. Not great for living space either lol.

Many of the problems may not hit critical mass until after we're dead so we have the luxury of pretending they don't exist and fucking future generations.


Well since we were tiny kids we had a strong hint about things being in a careful equilibrium/homeostasis with the knowledge that our body temp raising by two degrees was a huge deal. It's not a huge leap for an intelligent person who sees how the whole ecosystem is interconnected to be concerned what would happen if the whole fucking world's higher avg temperature raised too high.

Ice sheets losing mass is another scientific measurement. Last I heard crops like heat but they dislike being flooded even more. Not great for living space either lol.

Many of the problems may not hit critical mass until after we're dead so we have the luxury of pretending they don't exist and fucking future generations.

Perhaps. Define average temps though... we're historically low right now. ~Half the earth freezes 8 months per-solar-orbit.

If you look at Co2 PPM going back millions of years, it goes up and down pretty dramatically, along with temperature (presumably).

IF the solution from the "fear camp" is "we need to stop using plastic, pharmaceuticals and energy" then they must be resisted, because even if we conclude that this minor amount of warming is 100% human caused, then it is also 100% worth the cost.

We're also in a strongly shifting solar cycle (and even talk of pole flips) which is causing a weaker magnetosphere. Also a cycle.

I'm inclined to argue that the majority of any supposed change in temperature is caused by the sun and not man.

Peer reviewed paper on the solar minimum we're in, the fear-camp doesn't want you to know about this (because really they are just the tired old Thomas Malthus crowd that believes there are too many people on earth):

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We actually had a pretty mild summer. 2 weeks where it was in the mid to upper 30s but that’s it. Easiest summer in a while. But dry right now though.


Perhaps. Define average temps though... we're historically low right now.

If you look at Co2 PPM going back millions of years, it goes up and down pretty dramatically, along with temperature (presumably).

IF the solution from the "fear camp" is "we need to stop using plastic, pharmaceuticals and energy" then they must be resisted, because even if we conclude that this minor amount of warming is 100% human caused, then it is also 100% worth the cost.

We're also in a strongly shifting solar cycle (and even talk of pole flips) which is causing a weaker magnetosphere. Also a cycle.

I'm inclined to argue that the majority of any supposed change in temperature is caused by the sun and not man.

Peer reviewed paper on the solar minimum we're in, the fear-camp doesn't want you to know about this (because really they are just the tired old Thomas Malthus crowd that believes there are too many people on earth):

If you go back millions of years, yeah CO2 levels changed dramatically, but that was in the context of an Earth changing composition from activity of microorganisms and inbalances, and you wouldn't have had a good time being around for the ride. 300 million years ago CO2 was low so we had an ice age. Then the PPM raised to over double where it is today because volcanoes erupted everywhere. It's not like levels were shifting around while you wouldn't be able to tell the difference and host a BBQ.

They can more accurately measure more recent CO2 levels using very old pockets of air trapped inside ice. Here is a chart from NASA.


As you can see we broke the highest PPM record within the last million years in 1950, and only steadily rising past its range. You indicated in your post that you assume signifiant swings in CO2 caused temperature changes in the past. If this is true, AND your paper is true there is some sun cycle thing I don't currently understand, then it only says we have a double-whammy due to an extra variable outside of our control.

I'm not a climate change hippie or anything I just face facts man. I mean I wouldn't stop myself from having a greenhouse but I wouldn't delude myself over it either. Really I woudn't give a shit about the peasant amount of CO2 I create enough to make some feel-good story in my head when really it's big companies destroying the enviornment for profits.
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Your chart is way too short term (NASA is fully embedded into the Thomas Malthus fear mongering)

Long term 400PPM is VERY low:



Do some research on the solar minimum and decreasing electromagnetic protection cycle we're in it is the known-known but hidden component that NASA and the Thomas Malthus acolytes don't want you to consider.

(sort of a "duh" moment, the sun is the primary cause of these cycles)

But let's just say "humans are causing the rise in Co2". OK, and what is the problem with that? MORE plant food. Better winters, more flourishing.

Remember, the fear-group is ALWAYS wrong. It was "2011 Florida is underwater" in 2004, now its "2030 and we're all going to boil".

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Your chart is way too short term (NASA is fully embedded into the Thomas Malthus fear mongering)

Long term 400PPM is VERY low:



Do some research on the solar minimum and decreasing electromagnetic protection cycle we're in it is the known-known but hidden component that NASA and the Thomas Malthus acolytes don't want you to consider.

(sort of a "duh" moment, the sun is the primary cause of these cycles)

But let's just say "humans are causing the rise in Co2". OK, and what is the problem with that? MORE plant food. Better winters, more flourishing.

Remember, the fear-group is ALWAYS wrong. It was "2011 Florida is underwater" in 2004, now its "2030 and we're all going to boil".


OK, admittedly I can't say much about these assertions and charts without a lot of research lol, but I already admitted levels swung around greatly in the period prior to NASA's chart, so it's not like you are hitting me with some gotcha I didn't address, unless it's buried in here somewhere. Are we low now compared to all of Earth's history? Well sure, but what else happened? Like I said the argument "levels changed then and things were fine" doesn't really hold up, even without direct correlation, because things just weren't always fine. The period with the biggest swings in the chart also has stuff like all the oxygen leaving the ocean killing everything in it.


Gold Member
Meanwhile, the UK has had the worst fucking weather I can ever remember in a summer, with only this week really feeling like it’s appropriate for the time of year.
Same in the Netherlands. It’s been a horrible summer until this week. Thank god I took holidays in Portugal in June and going to Greece in September. It’s been bleak here.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills....people complaining about 100 Fahrenheit which is like 37/38 degrees Celsius when here in Romania last week we've had like 4 consecutive days with 41/42 degrees Celsius and the rest of the week for the past 3 weeks it was 38/39 degrees with high humidity.

Welcome to Europe also known as the scorched lands.

the sun wow GIF

37 degrees is like winter for me now.
Calm down, I empathize with you but Houston had 23 consecutive days of triple digit heat in 2023 couple that with humidity. I'd gladly take where you are.


Summer is the worst season, I tolerated it when I was young but temperatures were much lower in the nineties.

Phobos Base

Just got back from a trip within the UK, the hotel I was staying in had no air con and barely any ventilation. I was getting cooked in my own sweat every night, horrid experience.

Air con is really rare in the UK, almost unheard of in houses (not that anyone could afford to run one). Plus we only ever sell circular fans which just blow hot air around, box fans would be much better but don't fit in the windows.


I got my first ever sun burn and I sit outside on every beautiful day. Despite using tons of lotion. It's like my skin got stabbed by a million little needles. Fuck man, I believe in Global Warming and all but this is the first time it geniunely, physically fucked me, it seems. Must've gotten hit by particularly bad UV rays or some shit. I wasn't even in the sun for that long.

This was last week in The Netherlands when it was around 31 Celsius


Too hot here in the UK. Even entered riot season as a result.

Yeah, yeah, call it freezing all you want. We aren't used to this shit and two weeks tops is more than enough for us.

It's surprising how I've already changed from having adapted to Japan. Though Japanese summer never stopped being the absolute pits - don't miss it at all.

The only good thing is that the summer dresses are out in full force. ❤️
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I live in south texas and the humidity here is insane. Can't stand very long outside.

The other day we came in to the car after grocery shopping. Said outside was 115F.

Thankfully we have a neighborhood pool and I submerse myself in cold water. Heat doesn't bother you with cold ass water up to your chin.

That being said. I prefer the cold after living in this heat all my life. We are moving to colorado springs. After visiting it in november. It was so beautiful seeing the mountains with snow. A ton more beauty than San Antonio, Texas.

Also i will be near a microcenter in denver. Which is like heaven for pc gaming.


Gold Member
Air con is really rare in the UK, almost unheard of in houses (not that anyone could afford to run one). Plus we only ever sell circular fans which just blow hot air around, box fans would be much better but don't fit in the windows.
Yea I know I live here :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It’s just that Premier Inn hotels tend to have decent air cons built into the rooms, and this one didn’t have a functioning one. It just had like you say those crappy circular fans that circulate hot air. I was literally dying in my room.


Bucharest here.

So far this summer has been the absolute worst.
I have never experienced so much disconfort caused by extreme heat in my life (45 yo).
It literally felt like my brain is frying.
We had a week of milder weather, but seems like the hell is returning.
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Air con is really rare in the UK, almost unheard of in houses (not that anyone could afford to run one). Plus we only ever sell circular fans which just blow hot air around, box fans would be much better but don't fit in the windows.

Smaller box fans? I have one about 12" that spends its life against the side of an open PC tower.


Gold Member
I live in south texas and the humidity here is insane. Can't stand very long outside.

The other day we came in to the car after grocery shopping. Said outside was 115F.

Thankfully we have a neighborhood pool and I submerse myself in cold water. Heat doesn't bother you with cold ass water up to your chin.

That being said. I prefer the cold after living in this heat all my life. We are moving to colorado springs. After visiting it in november. It was so beautiful seeing the mountains with snow. A ton more beauty than San Antonio, Texas.

Also i will be near a microcenter in denver. Which is like heaven for pc gaming.
Make sure you take a trip up to Pikes Peak.
Make sure you take a trip up to Pikes Peak.
I definitely will. I only saw mountains once in my life. They are very beautiful. I plan to do a lot of exploring the parks and fishing.

Before i was born my parents took a train up Pikes Peak i believe. I was jealous when i heard them talk about it. I think the train is now defunct.

I saw Garden of the Gods. Very cool rock formations.

When it snowed here in San Antonio in 2017, it was the first snow in 30 something years. First time ive seen snow here in my life. My parents and I loved it so much. We decided to move to Colorado springs where it snows quite often.
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