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I hate people who don’t play videogames.

Pretty long journal entry but skimmed through it.
As someone who loves gaming and somewhat on the midllife adulthood, i think that while gaming can be precious and give you experiences that you won't get on the real life, this is also the case for real life.
So yeah, i think you are wrong by looking down on people who don't value video games as much as you do, because it doesn't seem that you even seriously consider the value on the experiences that video games won't give you.
Also, don't waste your energy and time on resenting others, specially over trivial problems, life is indeed too short and it is already later than you would think although never late enough to attempt anything.

Edit: yeah, i hope this is a joke post, OP seems way to bitter to be healthy.
Hi, just wondering where is your profile pic from?


Billy Crystal Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
This post is either genius or absolutely retarderd. I’m not sure which. The only thing I can think to add is: NEVER blame video games on not scoring with pretty girls. If you can’t, I assure you… it is NOT because you play video games.

My entertainment center is an "open air" one so everything is visible. Which means, that at least one modern console (these days, the Switch) and at least one retro console (these days, an SNES and a Sega Saturn) are very clearly visible. But everything is tasteful, clean, and organized; I'm pretty picky with cable management so practically all cabling is neatly tucked away.

I've done very well in life so far, when it comes to dating attractive girls. When a woman I'm dating comes to my place for the first time, and we're sitting on the couch, either just chilling or watching a movie -- they can very clearly see the video game consoles. About half never made any comments at all; of the other half, a few expressed mild curiosity, a couple of others expressed excitement ("oh my god, a Super Nintendo, that's so cool!") and about 3 of them actually ASKED to watch me play video games.

It's a balance. I absolutely love video games, but I'm not a fucking nerd about it in real life. It's not like I'm out at dinner with a hot chick and start telling her all about the new Mario Kart 8 DLC. That's what I have you guys for, to nerd out over this shit. But usually, the second I close the NeoGAF tab on my web page... that's it, I'm done talking about video games. At the same time, if a chick asks me about it, I'm not going to shy away or be ashamed of it. "Yes, I play video games." Not a single chick in my whole life, has ever, ever, responded badly to me saying "yeah, I play video games." Because I own it. But also because of many other reasons -- I exercise, dress well, speak well, and have several hobbies other than gaming. (In fact gaming ranks relatively low in my list of hobbies.)

A person should never, ever blame video games for any social challenges they may be having. That's like blaming the pencil for failing a test in school.


I tend to dislike most people that play video games that use/comment on twitter.

They are whiny entitled man babies and I am sadly surprised by how grown ass adults argue over a brand.

Anyway if people are telling you to go shower, you probably have poor hygiene, go shower, wash your clothes and improve your hygiene.

Actually the more I read, you're either batshit crazy/insane or trolling, hopefully the latter or you seriously need major help.
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The way I see it, the world’s value can be summed up in one word: yolo. Shakespeare, Leonardo, Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe are so treasured because they are singular, so too are life and nature.

I reject this. What, is value the dream of a shadow, coming as quickly as it goes? No. Value is in being infinite and being infinitely renewed. Infinite game overs, infinite continues.

In my lived experience, those who don’t play games are forever jabbering about their ‘unique’ experiences, their relationship with their busty gf, a funny story in which improbable coincidences happen, or muh meaningfullness because they love or treasure it. It is always either that, or the opposite. What a dull circle of existence! And this dull circle is the sum total of those who do not game’s jabbering. And this is all based on the false idea that something has value because it is singular.

I would be content to let these be, but they have to constantly be trying to pry their fingers into my world. “Why don’t you get a job? Why don’t you get back together with Sheena? Why don’t you take a shower? Why don’t you lose some weight? Come on, time’s a wastin’”. I wish the world and time WOULD waste away.

They just cannot stop themselves from putting their singular false consciousness on me. Some days, it really triggers my ptsd and I have to play Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods: Part 1on ultra nightmare just to stay normal. And they fill my mind up with this filth, and yet my gaming life is totally meaningless to them. They don’t care about my rankings in Dota or Fortnite. When I tell them how many hours I have put into Dark Souls 2 they look at me with sad concern. That’s it, that’s the thing that disgusts me, that fucking look, like they are so much better with their rich collection of irrepeatable experiences in singular places with singular individuals. But I can tell they are lying by the way they try to photograph and video as much of this singularity. Why do they do this?

Because they are attempting to make the passing moment infinite and repeatable. All human action strives toward being like a videogame. By their own action, I can see their lack of faith in the fleeting moment. It needs to be bolstered up just to make it worth doing.

And yet, they go on waging an endless war of invalidation against us gamers, mostly through capitalism. They have manipulated history to put monetary pressure on gamers. If you don’t work, you don’t eat; if you don’t eat, you don’t shit; if you don’t shit, you die. They have used this sophism to create a false consciousness which ‘others’ gamers and legitimizes starving us. In fact, the cruelty is the point.

How many games have been ruined because of financial concerns? Answer: ALL the bad ones. Any game that is rushed or has content cut is a victim of monetary concern. Money is used as a pretext to inflict cruelty on gamers and to rob them of existence. Even worse, we can see by the many recurrent failures of game preservation that there are many who are indifferent at best, and sadistic at worst toward gamers. Failure to preserve games is an attempt to erase gamers. The first step in a genocide is allowing history to be erased. This is exactly what the Nazis did, and if you think I am making this up, just ask any random person, “Does it bother you that the only legal way to play Metroid Fusion is on the Wii U store, and Nintendo is trying to cancel even that?” I promise, You will see their true colours.

So you will forgive me, Papa, if I deign not to answer “Are ya winning son?” I know what you really want. Incidentally, the whole premise of this question is an absolutely infuriating display of bad faith.

The premise is that if I am winning in a game I will able to transfer that ability to ‘real life’, so the false consciousness presupposition is built INTO the question.

Plus winning is highly overrated. While pwning n00bs does give the old cpu a nice boost, it’s not it. Neither is it about high scores, though those aspire to be infinite. What it all comes down to is time.

The feeling of time passing makes my skin crawl, like I am being slowly encircled and squeezed by a serpent. I want the perfect game, the game that will kill time once and for all. Oh games, take me again into your womb and undo me to nothing but semen, or if not, smother me beneath your pendulous bosoms!

This is also why I am so intolerant of flaws in games, because anything that takes me out of the immersion reminds me of my decaying body and brain, and thus, time. If a game is anything less than 120 fps, it is like being itself that is slipping back into primal chaos and I can see cthulhu stretching eternity and sticking me with time. Graphical flaws in general remind me of my eyes and these my body and the serpent of time devouring me. In general, all flaws break immersion and make me fall again into this disgusting world of time and body. A corpse is viler than a dunghill. This world of body and time and people who mocked my asthma fill me with revulsion.

Good old games are a bit of a tricky area because a game must match what it was in my memory plus nostalgia. A bad remaster is a corrupted eternity and this is, by definition, hell.

And don’t even get me started on Nintendo, who go out of their way to remind me of time, “maybe you should take a break.” What really gets me heaving is their business practices. Just like every company, they are only in it for the money. No one has a pure motivation. The whole industry is like this, just filled with whiners whining about non-existent hours and their yolo lives and yolo loved ‘ones’. I have seen the vacancy of their world since I crossed my first uni directional highway in the first level of Frogger. The whole industry is based on the idea of winning in the so called ‘real world.’ This world is set forever against my existence. And so, those who are of this impure world are set against me. Against non-gamers, I declare eternal enmity.

Gamers, I call you from out the world, into the world of games and images. Baptize your senses in 24k 120 fps and burn away the encrusted impurities. There is no place in this world for you, and there never was. But if we strive, maybe one day there will be no place or time in this world for this world, and our purified souls will be free to dwell forever on gaming ambrosia.

EDIT: This is clearly a satire - I didn’t realize people were taking it seriously. Honestly well done tho to OP. Well written.
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Imo cringe, go out and get laid. What happened to your life that you have to sit in a room and play videogames or sit at a computer for non job related purposes? I hardly even play videogames anymore. Meditate, fast, do yoga, learn more about "yolo" cause there's more than just "yolo".


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I’ve sort of stopped playing video games. Come at me OP. Nowadays I feel that video games are at the fast food tier of life experiences, good when there is nothing else. I won’t judge people who play video games, but I mostly only do it for nostalgia sake or in a social setting.
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Well ain't that something. It's not every day you get to witness the birth of a new copypasta.

And the feckless few posters who actually took it seriously :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I don't know about very cheap my man. Lets go with affordable and that can be a stretch. It popular because it's fun and if you can afford it the possibly seem endless.
It's extremely cheap if you are smart about it. You can buy cheap Xbox all digital and some Game Pass on black friday. So buying shoes for running is more expensive than this. Almost everybody has some kind of TV in house anyway.


Neo Member
Wow, one of the best quality shitpost i've read for a long time, and definitely the funniest thing in this forum. Your mastery of words and rhythm is way out of league. I am entertained.
Hopfully, this is a troll. If not, seek help brother.

“Why don’t you get a job? Why don’t you get back together with Sheena? Why don’t you take a shower? Why don’t you lose some weight? Come on, time’s a wastin’”

Dunno who the fuck Sheena is but the rest sounds like good advice mate. If you dont have a job, odds are your lifestyle comes at the cost of someone else. If thats the case all your doing is crying. When you are entirely independent and not reliant on anyone else, then you have the right to bitch and moan about others invading your life and questioning your life decisions. If you don't have a job how are you paying for games? If you dont earn, how are you constantly eating in excess to where ppl are telling you to lose weight?

People like you are the reason gamers are looked down on. You are the mascot for gamers that are considered wasters. Even worse you are trying to project that everyone around you is wrong for wanting to experience life, while you want to sit in your room playing games forever.

Some of us work, fuck, shower and stay healthy all while playing 1000s of hours of games every year. Some people in here have full on families, do you really expect sympathy from them? If you want to stop being treated like a dumbass, stop acting like one.


Nah... Hate is a strong word. But o find annoying folks that say that gaming is for kids or too time consuming when they go and binge watch seasons and seasons of series on streaming services.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Hey man, I understand that you hate Era people, but not all non gamers are like them chill homie.


Reseterror Resettler
Conclusions I've come to in this thread:

-What the fuck?
-Elliot Rogers apparently is ghost dadding some GAF users.
-Seriously though, what the fuck?
-Reading people's manifestos feels like discovering your parents' sex tapes.
-Sheena is this dude's final boss.
-Also, what the fuck?


I just had a thought. What would my life be like if I never played video games. I've probably played thousands of hours in 40 odd years. Shiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!


Reverse groomer.
The OP is actually a fucking chad.
He went onto GAF, wrote a 15 paragraph troll post, and then dipped
and somehow 50+ people took the bait
I salute you, OP

Dr. Claus

Hopfully, this is a troll. If not, seek help brother.

“Why don’t you get a job? Why don’t you get back together with Sheena? Why don’t you take a shower? Why don’t you lose some weight? Come on, time’s a wastin’”

Dunno who the fuck Sheena is but the rest sounds like good advice mate. If you dont have a job, odds are your lifestyle comes at the cost of someone else. If thats the case all your doing is crying. When you are entirely independent and not reliant on anyone else, then you have the right to bitch and moan about others invading your life and questioning your life decisions. If you don't have a job how are you paying for games? If you dont earn, how are you constantly eating in excess to where ppl are telling you to lose weight?

People like you are the reason gamers are looked down on. You are the mascot for gamers that are considered wasters. Even worse you are trying to project that everyone around you is wrong for wanting to experience life, while you want to sit in your room playing games forever.

Some of us work, fuck, shower and stay healthy all while playing 1000s of hours of games every year. Some people in here have full on families, do you really expect sympathy from them? If you want to stop being treated like a dumbass, stop acting like one.

I don’t know what is more hilarious. The blatantly obvious joke post or folks like you who can’t tell that it is a completely obvious joke post.

Seek help, brother.
I don’t know what is more hilarious. The blatantly obvious joke post or folks like you who can’t tell that it is a completely obvious joke post.

Seek help, brother.
I've legit met ppl with this opinion in real life. More than one sadly. This could easily true.

Sincerely hope it's a troll but in 2022 anything is possible.


I don’t know what is more hilarious. The blatantly obvious joke post or folks like you who can’t tell that it is a completely obvious joke post.

Seek help, brother.
Honestly, I felt it was a big joke because of its ridiculousness. But I'm 5% worried it's a manifesto because I duno what to expect these days.


You got me. I lol'd.

It frankly bugs me too when I find out one of my friends doesn't play video games. You simply cannot work all the time. Most of my friends have hobbies like fishing or golf, but even those you can't spend all your free time on.

I don't game nearly as much as I used to, but the people I know who don't play any video games or games period I find to be rather dull individuals. It's not like I expect everyone to play Zelda or Dark Souls, but to not play any video games is the same as not watching any TV shows. Just plain dull.
The way I see it, the world’s value can be summed up in one word: yolo. Shakespeare, Leonardo, Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe are so treasured because they are singular, so too are life and nature.

I reject this. What, is value the dream of a shadow, coming as quickly as it goes? No. Value is in being infinite and being infinitely renewed. Infinite game overs, infinite continues.

In my lived experience, those who don’t play games are forever jabbering about their ‘unique’ experiences, their relationship with their busty gf, a funny story in which improbable coincidences happen, or muh meaningfullness because they love or treasure it. It is always either that, or the opposite. What a dull circle of existence! And this dull circle is the sum total of those who do not game’s jabbering. And this is all based on the false idea that something has value because it is singular.

I would be content to let these be, but they have to constantly be trying to pry their fingers into my world. “Why don’t you get a job? Why don’t you get back together with Sheena? Why don’t you take a shower? Why don’t you lose some weight? Come on, time’s a wastin’”. I wish the world and time WOULD waste away.

They just cannot stop themselves from putting their singular false consciousness on me. Some days, it really triggers my ptsd and I have to play Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods: Part 1on ultra nightmare just to stay normal. And they fill my mind up with this filth, and yet my gaming life is totally meaningless to them. They don’t care about my rankings in Dota or Fortnite. When I tell them how many hours I have put into Dark Souls 2 they look at me with sad concern. That’s it, that’s the thing that disgusts me, that fucking look, like they are so much better with their rich collection of irrepeatable experiences in singular places with singular individuals. But I can tell they are lying by the way they try to photograph and video as much of this singularity. Why do they do this?

Because they are attempting to make the passing moment infinite and repeatable. All human action strives toward being like a videogame. By their own action, I can see their lack of faith in the fleeting moment. It needs to be bolstered up just to make it worth doing.

And yet, they go on waging an endless war of invalidation against us gamers, mostly through capitalism. They have manipulated history to put monetary pressure on gamers. If you don’t work, you don’t eat; if you don’t eat, you don’t shit; if you don’t shit, you die. They have used this sophism to create a false consciousness which ‘others’ gamers and legitimizes starving us. In fact, the cruelty is the point.

How many games have been ruined because of financial concerns? Answer: ALL the bad ones. Any game that is rushed or has content cut is a victim of monetary concern. Money is used as a pretext to inflict cruelty on gamers and to rob them of existence. Even worse, we can see by the many recurrent failures of game preservation that there are many who are indifferent at best, and sadistic at worst toward gamers. Failure to preserve games is an attempt to erase gamers. The first step in a genocide is allowing history to be erased. This is exactly what the Nazis did, and if you think I am making this up, just ask any random person, “Does it bother you that the only legal way to play Metroid Fusion is on the Wii U store, and Nintendo is trying to cancel even that?” I promise, You will see their true colours.

So you will forgive me, Papa, if I deign not to answer “Are ya winning son?” I know what you really want. Incidentally, the whole premise of this question is an absolutely infuriating display of bad faith.

The premise is that if I am winning in a game I will able to transfer that ability to ‘real life’, so the false consciousness presupposition is built INTO the question.

Plus winning is highly overrated. While pwning n00bs does give the old cpu a nice boost, it’s not it. Neither is it about high scores, though those aspire to be infinite. What it all comes down to is time.

The feeling of time passing makes my skin crawl, like I am being slowly encircled and squeezed by a serpent. I want the perfect game, the game that will kill time once and for all. Oh games, take me again into your womb and undo me to nothing but semen, or if not, smother me beneath your pendulous bosoms!

This is also why I am so intolerant of flaws in games, because anything that takes me out of the immersion reminds me of my decaying body and brain, and thus, time. If a game is anything less than 120 fps, it is like being itself that is slipping back into primal chaos and I can see cthulhu stretching eternity and sticking me with time. Graphical flaws in general remind me of my eyes and these my body and the serpent of time devouring me. In general, all flaws break immersion and make me fall again into this disgusting world of time and body. A corpse is viler than a dunghill. This world of body and time and people who mocked my asthma fill me with revulsion.

Good old games are a bit of a tricky area because a game must match what it was in my memory plus nostalgia. A bad remaster is a corrupted eternity and this is, by definition, hell.

And don’t even get me started on Nintendo, who go out of their way to remind me of time, “maybe you should take a break.” What really gets me heaving is their business practices. Just like every company, they are only in it for the money. No one has a pure motivation. The whole industry is like this, just filled with whiners whining about non-existent hours and their yolo lives and yolo loved ‘ones’. I have seen the vacancy of their world since I crossed my first uni directional highway in the first level of Frogger. The whole industry is based on the idea of winning in the so called ‘real world.’ This world is set forever against my existence. And so, those who are of this impure world are set against me. Against non-gamers, I declare eternal enmity.

Gamers, I call you from out the world, into the world of games and images. Baptize your senses in 24k 120 fps and burn away the encrusted impurities. There is no place in this world for you, and there never was. But if we strive, maybe one day there will be no place or time in this world for this world, and our purified souls will be free to dwell forever on gaming ambrosia.
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