Ain't it kinda gay to always playing as a dude...? Op is so progressive!
I play as what I am. Why would that be gay? That’s like saying wearing male clothes every day is gay.
Ain't it kinda gay to always playing as a dude...? Op is so progressive!
In a fps maybe, but a third person game you’re choosing to stare at a man’s ass for 20-plus hours instead of a woman’s. That makes you at least a little gayI play as what I am. Why would that be gay? That’s like saying wearing male clothes every day is gay.
You mean the starter area that is not present in the sequel at all? Most of the world has no matriarchal societies. The original game only sold more than every single Killzone game combined, twice over.We swapped Killzone for Horizon and a world about a matriarchal society where men need permission to speak.
You mean the starter area that is not present in the sequel at all? Most of the world has no matriarchal societies. The original game only sold more than every single Killzone game combined, twice over.
Maybe play a game past the intro cutscene before you make sweeping statements of the content.Wouldn’t know, stopped playing it after that part.
Maybe play a game past the intro cutscene before you make sweeping statements of the content.
You did actually miss out on one of the more creative and intriguing post apocalyptic settings in a video game because you go upset by world building and because it stars a woman. But you do you, because games with female protagonists are certainly not going anywhere, as despite what some are trying to push it is not games starring woman that don’t sell well, it’s bad video games starring woman that don’t sell well.If a game has such content I’ll just drop it. There are far more games out there than there is time to play so it’s not like I’m missing out on anything. Plus it’s a female character who isn’t even attractive.
You did actually miss out on one of the more creative and intriguing post apocalyptic settings in a video game because you go upset by world building and because it stars a woman. But you do you, because games with female protagonists are certainly not going anywhere, as despite what some are trying to push it is not games starring woman that don’t sell well, it’s bad video games starring woman that don’t sell well.
Well you’re in luck, because despite the silly fearmongering strong manly men for you to play with are not going anywhere. Woman protagonists are more prevalent these days but most games still star men, or offer a choice.That’s okay. And I just won’t buy those games. I’ll play something else. And if gaming becomes solely that, I’ll just find another hobby.
I couldn’t fathom games like Modern Warfare 2 where instead of Ghost, Price, or Soap we had females in their place. If there’s a market for this and it’s so big that I’ll get left behind, thankfully there’s countless other hobbies for me to pursue.
But I’m not going to pretend to like what I don’t or make excuses for it.
For every 1 average female character you got 10 male ones with zero development or charisma. I don’t think female protagonists are the issue here, but lazy writing and characterisation no matter the gender. However it seems like it doesn’t bother you as long as the character has a dick. Double standard much?As for where femininity has permeated gaming… The Last of Us 2 is an easy one. That ruined one of the best games of all time for me. I have to pretend like the second one never came out.
Uncharted was pulled down by Nadine.
We swapped Killzone for Horizon and a world about a matriarchal society where men need permission to speak.
Making Kait the lead in Gears ruined the series and hence the need to do with the prequel.
The list goes on and on…
I’m a guy, I mainly want to play as a male character who kicks ass and saves the day. Is there anything wrong with that?
I either like or dislike a character.
I do not like or dislike the sex of the protagonist.
Dude, I totally agree.I just don’t find them relatable. I don’t understand why this is considered a blasphemous opinion. The same people lambasting me for holding it, are the ones pushing for female protagonists on the basis of inclusivity.
Okay, so having a male protagonist excludes women and we should have female protagonists instead… well, why does this logic not work in reverse? Why can’t women just accept male protagonists the way I have to for female? How do female protagonists not exclude me using the same logic?
There are some exceptions where I’m okay with it, such as Lara Croft or Jill Valentine.. I still prefer playing as Nathan Drake or Leon, but I can accept those others.
What I can’t accept though is Ghost of Yotei, Chloe/Nadine, Assassin’s Creed Kassandra, Ellie, Kait in Gears of War, etc.
The fact is, the majority of men don’t want to play as women, and the only way they accept it is if it’s a highly attractive woman whose ass they can stare at. That’s reality. Even then, I’m not a slave to sex, and I’d prefer playing as a cool dude than a hot female if given the choice.
A well written female character will have female issues. Why would I as a man enjoy experiencing that? I don’t. At all. And if you’re going to write in male issues for her, then the game falls apart entirely because women aren’t men and they’ll never be men.
I know there will be an argument that games already require a significant degree of suspension of belief. However, those people are missing the point. Good fantasy is an extrapolation of observable innate characteristics, not a turning of reality upside down.
Example: Special Forces commando comes home and wages a one man war against the mob to save his town. Unrealistic but enjoyable. Woman picks up a sword and slays every man in sight… men are cowards and relying on her to save everybody… stupid.
EDIT: Special thank you to @clarky for the gold! You’re a real one, brother.
Yes some traits are bad no matter the gender but usually Man and woman have different personalities and behaviors ... the problem is that the modern female characthers are basically created as a male one and just slapped a woman (barely) skin on it... because for a woman to be strong in their yes she has to basically be a man.If a personaliy is annoying when a girl got it, its just as annoying on a man. being a woman changes nothing here really.
If a game has such content I’ll just drop it. There are far more games out there than there is time to play so it’s not like I’m missing out on anything. Plus it’s a female character who isn’t even attractive.
Having a female protagonist has nothing to do with woke. You guys need to relaxDude, I totally agree.
Stand your ground, don’t let anyone guilt trip you.
This whole “be tolerant and be accepting of every bullshit” is destroying the west. Fuck that. Be unapologetic. Fuck woke.
Huh?In general, what you say OP is cool and there is no problem with that. If someone calls you misogynistic or something, they are on the wrong side.
Yup, guy got fed by feminist lies like those strong independend boss babes and now pretends its the same, sexes are vastly different not only in physical abilities but how they react to things mentally/emotionally too.Yes some traits are bad no matter the gender but usually Man and woman have different personalities and behaviors ... the problem is that the modern female characthers are basically created as a male one and just slapped a woman (barely) skin on it... because for a woman to be strong in their yes she has to basically be a man.
Yup, guy got fed by feminist lies like those strong independend boss babes and now pretends its the same, sexes are vastly different not only in physical abilities but how they react to things mentally/emotionally too.
Some games with female protag use it to their advantage, like for example first tombraider from new trilogy, w/o spoilers even early ingame stuff would play out differently and wouldnt hit the same if u didnt play it as a fragile teenage girl and instead would be some bulky 250lbs muscular ultra masculine guy
Other good example of using feminity is Gravity Rush, since Cat is perfect for that premise and again- male bulky protag wouldnt simply feel right with her abilities.
Dino Crisis/Resident Evil are horror stories so again being fragile woman(yes, even if u got rocket launcher;p) is still adding to the setting there so it all makes sense, builds atmosphere actually
Stuff like TLOU2- i will not even comment coz we all know how fucked that game is...
Saying all that and praising smart use of women as protagonist, being "antifeminist" and "mysogynist", i fully respect OP's preference to play as a man, same way i respect many female gamers prefernce to play as their own sex too.
Its perfeclty ok to respect other ppl preferences, unlike woke crowd tries to preach here, u would think they got taught tolerance in college gender studies or those weird cringe gender training sessions at corpos they working, but apparently not at all, just as we-sane ppl-suspect, it was waste of money and time![]()
I guess too much is too much to the point you just avoid altogether .... I guess OP is concentrating in western games... how many more badly written ugly/androgynous female girl bosses do you need (IF you dont like this type of character ) before you just called quits ?I agree with everything you said but its not really a 'preference' if OP flatout refuses to play a game that has a female protagonist no?
Then there's not a matter of preference, but just outright stating he will not play it.
Just because it has a women protagonist. Seems very small minded to me.
To me it does sound like he hates women.
And Im fine with that, you wanna hate women you go ahead, doesnt bother me. But just come out and say it lmao.
He wouldnt play a game with a female lead, im sure he wouldnt watch Alien or Aliens that has a female lead, he would think its all about girl problems (when its absolutely not). Pretty sure he wouldnt read a book about a woman or see a tv show that features a woman.
Just come out and say it, you hate women. Its so obvious.
I guess too much is too much to the point you just avoid altogether .... I guess OP is concentrating in western games... how many more badly written ugly/androgynous female girl bosses do you need (IF you dont like this type of character ) before you just called quits ?
Asian games are different though... so I still want to play them .. but western games with female leads is an automatically nop for me too.. had enough honestly until they decide to written and design better female characters.
Maybe GTA6 ? ... who knows.
Few pages back i used analogy for that:I agree with everything you said but its not really a 'preference' if OP flatout refuses to play a game that has a female protagonist no?
Then there's not a matter of preference, but just outright stating he will not play it.
Just because it has a women protagonist. Seems very small minded to me.
To me it does sound like he hates women.
And Im fine with that, you wanna hate women you go ahead, doesnt bother me. But just come out and say it lmao.
He wouldnt play a game with a female lead, im sure he wouldnt watch Alien or Aliens that has a female lead, he would think its all about girl problems (when its absolutely not). Pretty sure he wouldnt read a book about a woman or see a tv show that features a woman.
Just come out and say it, you hate women. Its so obvious. No need to hide it.
Yet when a man has preference to play in a game as a man(yes, even if its exclusively playing as a man) which hurts no1(no, those female game protagonists wont feel offended, they are pixels after all, AI isnt developed that far, at least as of yet ;p ) he is called names and somehow ppl arent ok with it? Its his valueable time and his hard earned money that he buys those games with, he should play what he damn wants, period![]()
You did actually miss out on one of the more creative and intriguing post apocalyptic settings in a video game because you go upset by world building and because it stars a woman. But you do you, because games with female protagonists are certainly not going anywhere, as despite what some are trying to push it is not games starring woman that don’t sell well, it’s bad video games starring woman that don’t sell well.
I’ve been married for 12 years and have two sons. Just because someone opposes woke means they’re a basement dwelling loser.Having a female protagonist has nothing to do with woke. You guys need to relax
Not every woman is out to get you.
Hell if you act like this irl you'll never get a woman.
"Ewww this movie has a female in it? Disgusting, woke!"
If given the option, or if I have the ability to create a character I might lean more towards a sexy woman. But it also depends on who has the cooler armor sets, or what class I’m playing.
I don’t get this fear of women that the younger generations have. Where did this come from? A lack of social skills?
Imagine not wanting to get past the opening of horizon cause you play as a girl. Or being so butt hurt that you can't even think of trying tlou2.Returnal for PS5/PC is a great game with a female protagonist, I haven't heard her say anything about anything related to 'female problems'.
HADES II - Another great game with a female protag
Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Is also a great game that features a female protagonist.
Control - Is also a great game that features a female protagonist. Not my favorite character of Remedy, but not too annoying really
Portal 2 - Although it really doesn't impact anything, it does feature a female protagonist.
Now these are just some of the western titles, on the asian side you also have games like Nier Automata or Gravity Rush, Stellar Blade. Older titles like Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill 3.. the list goes on and on.
If you don't want to play these awesome games because it has a women in it, fine by me, but it seems stupid and you're just depriving yourself of awesome games.
It’s not a coincidence that all Sony first party games are now all female protagonist. Ratchet, Horizon, The Last of Us, Ghost of, Intergalactic, Stellar Blade and Returnal.
More so, they’re purposefully made to look ugly and masculine
Its a beautiful country, safest in the world, very peaceful. I lived there for a while.Boy, do I have a country for you! It’s called Saudi Arabia, you will be happy there - no need to interact with any woman at all! Imagine that!
Its a beautiful country, safest in the world, very peaceful. I lived there for a while.
Good for you. The sooner this pitiful excuse of a state will disappear, the better.Its a beautiful country, safest in the world, very peaceful. I lived there for a while.
I enjoyed my time playing Gears 2 and 3, but Marcus Fenix never ever felt relatable. Actually I much preferred playing as Chloe on Lost Legacy.I also don’t understand this “relatable” arguments….even they are male I don’t think I can ever relate to characters like Nathen or Kratos since they do things or act the way I never do in real life.
I didn't read any of his other posts.Huh?
OP states he hates women in games > thats not misogynistic???
The guy seems real disturbed to me. Especially if you read some of his other posts itt.
I'd fuck all 4.