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I hate Return of the Jedi

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Not only is it the worst film of the Star Wars saga, it is one of the worst major budget Sci-Fi films of all time, second only to Star Trek 5. I just wanted to get that off my chest.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
if you replaced the ewoks (or made them less cute), made the battle on endor a tad more serious, and removed the musical number from the special edition, RotJ may be the greatest star wars movie ever.

so really I can't see what the hell you're talking about. I mean you have:

a) the most aliens of any star wars
b) the only real capital ship combat in star wars
c) the greatest space combat ever put to film
d) at the time the greatest lightsaber fight and still one of the most important (and best scored)
e) the redemption of Anakin
f) luke becoming the last of the jedi when yoda dies

I mean I could go on even more.. the movie just ruled with some cheesy moments.. but still a great movie.
You like Episode I better than ROTJ? Yikes. Anyway, I don't care much for Jedi myself. Always felt it was a distant 3rd in the original trilogy. And it's not because of the Ewoks.


Someone needs a hug...



I like Return of The Jedi, its close second to Empire as my favourite Star Wars film. I honestly don't see why people hate it so much apart from people with Ewok disorders.


I posted this in the Revenge of the Sith spoilers thread, but it applies here as well:

50 Reasons Why Jedi Sucks

1. Ewoks, Ewoks, Ewoks
One of the miracles of the Star Wars Trilogy is that Lucas' bizarre and ever-present fascination with little people didn't hurt the first two films. The Jawas were cool. The Ugnaughts were cool. Kenny Baker as Artoo was cool. But George had to push his luck. The Ewoks are not cool. Period. In circles of die-hard Star Wars fans, to say you hate the Ewoks is like saying you enjoy breathing air. The Ewoks are the primary example of many of the points on this list: their unapologetic cuddliness is uncharacteristic and unwelcome; they look fake; they engage in constant physical comedy; their teddy bear design is wholly uninteresting; they live in boring surroundings; several of the film's dumbest scenes revolve around them; they were originally supposed to have been Wookies and they sing that damn song at the end.

But aside from what we see onscreen, the Ewoks are miserable little creatures for a completely different reason: they are the single clearest example of Lucas' willingness to compromise the integrity of his Trilogy in favor of merchandising dollars. How intensely were the Ewoks marketed? Consider this: "Ewok" is a household word, despite the fact that it's never once spoken in the film.

16. Unforgivable Dialogue
Threepio approaching Jabba's palace: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Han Solo, when confronted by Ewoks: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Leia, after releasing Solo from carbon freeze: "I gotta get you outta here."

Leia, after being freed from Jabba's chains: "We gotta get outta here."

Leia, after she and an Ewok are ambushed on Endor: "Let's get outta here."

With dialogue like this, it seems Lucas finally put that "million monkeys at a million typewriters" theory to the test.

25. Carrie Fisher's "Acting"
Han: Who are you?
Leia: Someone who LOVES you!
When Carrie Fisher isn't staring vacantly into space, she's emoting to degrees previously seen only in Mexican soap operas. At least today she's cool enough to admit that she was zoned out on coke the entire time.

28. The Opening Text Crawl
In which we are given our first taste of each of the three films. Let's compare their opening sentences, shall we?

WARS: "It is a period of civil war...."

EMPIRE: "It is a dark time for the Rebellion..."

JEDI: "Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Charro guest stars."

Okay, we threw in the part about Charro. But the point is, we're talking mythic tracts versus a blurb from TV Guide. The first sentence in Jedi centers around the word "friend." Well, that's just peachy, but we much prefer the first two films' implications that we're about to see something a bit larger than a buddy picture.

Update that one for the prequels:

PHANTOM: "Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic..."

CLONES: "There is unrest in the Galactic Senate..."

SITH: "War!" The Republic is crumbling..."

WARS: "It is a period of civil war...."

EMPIRE: "It is a dark time for the Rebellion..."

JEDI: "Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Charro guest stars."

45. GeneralLY Dumb Dialogue
A couple of examples:

uVader, upon seeing that Luke has constructed a lightsaber: "Your skills are complete. Indeed, you are powerful as the Emperor has foreseen."

(Wait a second-all because he read a Time/Life book on electronics and soldered together some transistors? Does this mean Tim Allen is a Jedi?)

uYoda, near death, to Luke: "Remember: A Jedi's strength flows from the Force." (That's more of a first-day lesson, isn't it, Yoda? Something tells us Luke had that particular bit of wisdom written on a Post-It-Note and stuck to his X-Wing cockpit long ago.)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
45 is retarded. we all know that lightsaber construction is one of the final steps to becoming a jedi.


heavy liquid said:
Yeah, Return of the Jedi is the weakest of the original trilogy... but worse than Episode I or II? No way.

As Bill Hunt at The Digital Bits once said, Rastafarian Salamander Commandos > Teddy Bears.
Tedesco! said:
Not only is it the worst film of the Star Wars saga, it is one of the worst major budget Sci-Fi films of all time, second only to Star Trek 5. I just wanted to get that off my chest.

hey man i like my jedi! :(


Return of the Jedi is probably my favorite of the original trilogy, though I can understand why some would rank it 3rd best (the middle section is pretty rough). But why somebody would consider the horrible prequels to be superior is beyond me. Gungans are about twenty times worse than Ewoks.

And if it is only the Return of the Jedi Special Edition that you hate, well then I can definitely understand that. Lucas really fucked up some stuff there...

Worst big budget sci-fi film ever? C'mon now. That's really dumb to say, unless you hate the whole Star Wars series anyhow...
ManaByte said:
As Bill Hunt at The Digital Bits once said, Rastafarian Salamander Commandos > Teddy Bears.

I like Bill Hunt, but I've gotta vote:

Teddy Bears > Jar Jar > Hayden Christensen's "acting"


ROTJ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EP1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gigli >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Freddy Gets Fingered >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EP2.


ROTJ was my favorite of the trilogy, back in the '80s. Now I think that Empire Strikes Back is the only one of the entire series that's worth a damn.

Any thread about ROTJ needs this bit of trivia in it: George Lucas's original pick to direct ROTJ was David Lynch, but he turned it down to direct Dune.


jett said:
ROTJ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EP1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gigli >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Freddy Gets Fingered >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EP2.
EP2 was not as bad as Freddy Got Fingered. But the rest looks correct.


I honestly don't get the hate for Jedi. It tied up the original series nicely, the acting was FAR SUPERIOR to the shlock we've been handed for Episodes 1 & 2, and like it was already mentioned, the Ewoks are far more loveable than the damn Jar-Jar race of "yessar!" characters. I half expected them to go into a minstrel song and dance.


Hang out with Steve.
ROTJ is all about Palpatine. Best villain ever :)

Oh, I'm afraid the shield generator will be quite operational when your friends arrive... :D
I do love the fight between Luke and Vader, Luke goes within inches of totally losing it as he repeatidly strieks at vaders arm area till he lobs it off. The look on his face rocks at that point
Return of the Jedi may be the third best film of the orginal trilogy, but it's still better then a ton of other films, sci fi or not, that are released. I agree that there are some problems with the pacing, but overall, it's a very satisfying conclusion to the series.

Now, if Lucas had gone with the orginal plan, and replaced the Ewoks with Wookies who were slaves working on the second Death Star, it would have been a completely different matter. As it stands, it looks like he's going to make it up to us in Revenge of the Sith with plenty of Wookie Action.


I disagree. The fact that the Ewoks were so completely gay is exactly why the omnipotent Emperor didn't foresee his own death. He just never ever envisioned them rising up over their Stormtrooper conquerers and aiding the Rebels.

I love the pace at the end of the film, with Han destroying the shield generator, the goose-bump inducing lightsabre fight between Luke and Vader and the Millenium Falcon escaping the Death Star explosion and once and for all proving just how fast the hunk of junk really was. Beautiful. :D


I actually watched most of Return of the Jedi last night on my PC.

My daughter wanted to see R2 and Darth so I threw in the DVD.

After she went to bed, I kept it playing while doing other things.

Seriously, if they used some of the billions from toy sales and marketing Star Wars everywhere... he should have made Wookies instead of Ewoks. He would have easily made up for the cost of costumes over the years.

I hate the Ewoks, I hate the Joe Cocker alien song in Jabba's palace, I hate the Boba Fett didn't put up any kind of fight and was portrayed as a pussy with a jet-pack.

Beyond my gripes, it is not a bad movie... plus gripes don't outweigh the GROPE!



refreshZ said:
I disagree. The fact that the Ewoks were so completely gay is exactly why the omnipotent Emperor didn't foresee his own death. He just never ever envisioned them rising up over their Stormtrooper conquerers and aiding the Rebels.

I love the pace at the end of the film, with Han destroying the shield generator, the goose-bump inducing lightsabre fight between Luke and Vader and the Millenium Falcon escaping the Death Star explosion and once and for all proving just how fast the hunk of junk really was. Beautiful. :D

I sort of wish they kept the original scripted ending where the Falcon didn't make it out.

That's why Han has a feeling that he isn't going to see her again.

evil ways

I hate the Boba Fett didn't put up any kind of fight and was portrayed as a pussy with a jet-pack.

He was hit from behind, his jet-pack malfunctioned and fell into the Pit, what kind of fight was he supposed to put on, fight against gravity?


BojTrek said:
he should have made Wookies instead of Ewoks. He would have easily made up for the cost of costumes over the years.

People keep saying this but wouldn't it make more sense to put a Shield Generator on a planet full of 2 foot tall pussies than one full of mean 8 foot tall Wookies packing laser crossbows? It is, after all, pretty important to the defence of the Death Star.

:lol :lol
Episode 2 is far worst than Return of the jedi.

Count Dooku is by far the worst of the sith, he bored me with his lightsaber skills. He's like an evil version of a U.N diplomate.

Anakin acted like a pre-teen filled with teen angst, shoving love lines from a corny Soap opera to Padme.

Oh and No disrespect to the Actor playing Jango, but his voice and look under the mask completly killed the Aura of the Fett family name.

By far, I must say that Anakin and Count Dooku killed Episode 2 for me.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
ManaByte said:
I posted this in the Revenge of the Sith spoilers thread, but it applies here as well:

50 Reasons Why Jedi Sucks

Update that one for the prequels:

PHANTOM: "Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic..."

CLONES: "There is unrest in the Galactic Senate..."

SITH: "War!" The Republic is crumbling..."

WARS: "It is a period of civil war...."

EMPIRE: "It is a dark time for the Rebellion..."

JEDI: "Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Charro guest stars."
*rolls eyes*

Sorry, but if you deconstructed A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back to this degree you'd think those sucked too. These are just the bitter ravings of insecure geeks who couldn't handle the concept of Ewoks and consequently revolted against the entire film and complained about every possible thing while blindly calling the previous two films compelte genius.


I just love all you Star Wars nerds arguing about this. You all were out on the first day buying the OT DVDs scanning ahead to the last chapter of ROTJ to see the newly added ending with young Anakin. Probably while wearing your Princess Leia underoos.

"George Lucas raped my childhood!"

Before someone mentions my avatar, I am in fact a star wars fan, actually a nerd for these movies. I just don't get bent out of shape that I've grown up and the movies have not.

"Greedo fires first! Let's start a petition!"

Just admit it, you are all nerds (I did). Don't try to act cool by saying ESB is best and ROTJ sucks, because you know what? You're still a nerd!


evil ways said:
He was hit from behind, his jet-pack malfunctioned and fell into the Pit, what kind of fight was he supposed to put on, fight against gravity?

OK, let's see... in Empire Strikes Back he is supposed to be this bad-ass bounty-hunter and does nothing but stare people down for most of the movie, make idle threats, shoot and miss Luke and load Han in his ship...

Now we get to Return of the Jedi, he stares a lot in Jabba's lair, he nods at Leia's bounty hunter after raising his gun... and now here is his chance to kick some Jedi ass and maybe go hand-to-hand with Han or Chewie... and nothing...

For this bad-ass guy... he should have been able to do more than have his gun chopped in half by Luke and hit with a stick from blind-Han... just very lame...

He should have had a nice little battle with Chewie and have blind grab him and snap his neck... of course Lucas would have editted the neck to break before Han grabbed him.


shantyman said:
I just love all you Star Wars nerds arguing about this. You all were out on the first day buying the OT DVDs scanning ahead to the last chapter of ROTJ to see the newly added ending with young Anakin. Probably while wearing your Princess Leia underoos.

"George Lucas raped my childhood!"

Before someone mentions my avatar, I am in fact a star wars fan, actually a nerd for these movies. I just don't get bent out of shape that I've grown up and the movies have not.

"Greedo fires first! Let's start a petition!"

Just admit it, you are all nerds (I did). Don't try to act cool by saying ESB is best and ROTJ sucks, because you know what? You're still a nerd!

What the FUCK does this post have to do with this thread?
borghe said:
45 is retarded. we all know that lightsaber construction is one of the final steps to becoming a jedi.

Exactly, I thought the exact same thing, that point is flawed, and so is this topic, ROTJ rocks, I also love Episode's I and II.

God I wish you people would stop bashing Star Wars.

~Black Deatha
Randal Graves: Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"?
Dante Hicks: "Empire".
Randal Graves: Blasphemy!
Dante Hicks: "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.


jett said:
What the FUCK does this post have to do with this thread?

Think of many grown men having impassioned arguments regarding some science fiction movies. I'm mocking that, that's all. Was that not clear?


I LOVED the Ewoks as a kid...hell, I love the ewoks now. Are they unbearably cute? Hell yes. I could listen to that song for hours on end and not be annoyed.

It's still the weakest of the three "films" but I love me some Ewoks.

Oh, and Episode II>>>>>>>>Episode I.
refreshZ said:
People keep saying this but wouldn't it make more sense to put a Shield Generator on a planet full of 2 foot tall pussies than one full of mean 8 foot tall Wookies packing laser crossbows? It is, after all, pretty important to the defence of the Death Star.l

The Shield Generator wouldn't be on the Wookie homeworld (which I'm not even going to attempt to spell.) The Wookies would have been slave labor being used to build the new Death Star. Some would have been on the DS, others would have been on Endor, and would have revolted to help the Rebels.

As it stands right now, I have a hard time buying the Ewoks defeating the Emperor's Crack Unit of Stormtroopers, with rocks, sticks, spears, etc. Wookies ripping their arms out of the sockets, using blasters and brute force would have been more entertaining and believable. Lucas changed the script to tone down some of the content, and to market the much more adorable Ewoks.


The bottom line is that ALL of the Star Wars movies are pretty bad when you think about it. The trick to enjoying them is to utterly ignore the cheese factor, pay your $10, and try to get laid on your movie date. As soon as you start thinking about them, your chances of enjoying them drop tremendously.
-jinx- said:
The bottom line is that ALL of the Star Wars movies are pretty bad when you think about it. The trick to enjoying them is to utterly ignore the cheese factor, pay your $10, and try to get laid on your movie date. As soon as you start thinking about them, your chances of enjoying them drop tremendously.

Sorry, but Empire is a good movie, period.


BojTrek said:

Best animated Gif EVER (not really), whoever made it is a comic genius!!!

And yeah, Jedi is the worst of the original Trilogy but saying it's worse than Ep 1 is jut brutal.


Junior Member
The only thing that let Return of the Jedi down in my eyes was the Death Star being re-used for a storyline. But other than that, I liked it, Ewok's and all.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
The Shield Generator wouldn't be on the Wookie homeworld (which I'm not even going to attempt to spell.) The Wookies would have been slave labor being used to build the new Death Star. Some would have been on the DS, others would have been on Endor, and would have revolted to help the Rebels.

As it stands right now, I have a hard time buying the Ewoks defeating the Emperor's Crack Unit of Stormtroopers, with rocks, sticks, spears, etc. Wookies ripping their arms out of the sockets, using blasters and brute force would have been more entertaining and believable. Lucas changed the script to tone down some of the content, and to market the much more adorable Ewoks.

While that does sound pretty cool - you can bet your ass Lucas would have pissed it up the wall by making Chewbacca a Wookie Jesus or some shit.


Hang out with Steve.
The point has been made but it bears repeating since it seems that some of you have missed it.

Lucas used Ewoks instead of Wookiees on Endor because Ewoks looked too harmless to combat the Empire, and thus the Emperor saw them as no threat. If the planet had been Kashyyyk, the Emperor would most definitely have seen them as a threat and wouldn't have left them alone as he did the Ewoks.

The Emperor's overconfidence made him underestimate the Ewoks, and their attack surprised and distracted the Imperial troops long enough for the Rebel forces to escape and help fight the Imperials off.


The truth is that Lucas never had an original thought in his head, so he used the Tolkien-eque idea of the "small ones" overthrowing that forces of evil.

Almost all the Star Wars themes/ideas are just a pastiche of other movies/legends. Nothing new there.

In fact, he tried to do the same idea again with Willow ... except it collapsed under his ultra cheesy dialogue and fantasy stereotypes.
As far as the new dvds go, I'd rather watch ROTJ than ANH. The Greedo shoots first thing does nothing but underlne how cheap of a budget it had. So badly edited in too. Every single costume in ANH aside from Han's looks so incredibly cheesy compared to ESB too. It hasn't aged well at all.


FortNinety said:
It has slave Leia. Film is good enough for me.

Yes, if Natalie Portman appears in a Leia-like slave costume in the next movie, I will have to reconsider the merits of the new series objectives.
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